Destruction AllStars for PS5 has a total of 29 Trophies (1 Platinum, 5 Gold, 17 Silver, 6 Bronze. Below you can find the full Destruction AllStars trophy list.
Destruction AllStars Trophies
Hall of Fame
Unlock all Destruction AllStars Trophies
Earn all of the star objectives for a single event
Ultimate Respect
Earn all star objectives in Ultimo Barricados’ Series, Mutual Respect
Earn an S Rank Wreckognition rating or higher in any event
No Free Ride
Complete the vehicle emote tutorial in Open Training with any character
Stars and Cars Collide
Complete and Win the Mayhem Tutorial.
Detonate to Dominate
Complete and Win the Carnado Tutorial.
The Last AllStar
Complete and Win the Gridfall Tutorial.
Bankety Bank
Complete and Win the Stockpile Tutorial.
Wrecking Ball
Perform 100 Wrecks in any mode
The Hero we don’t deserve
Wreck an opponent’s hero vehicle in an online match
Deal 100 damage whilst stealth in Cypher, without taking any damage in an online match
Block 100 damage with the Undisputed’s shield in a single use of the breaker in an online match
Keep a full shield in Gravitron for 5 seconds in an online match
Slice 2 vehicles in a single slice with Sabre in an online match
Set an entire team on fire with Cerberus in an online match
Flame on
Set 3 AllStars on fire at once with Wildfire in an online match
Pitch Perfect
Wreck 3 enemies using CRASHendo in an online match
Home Run
Wreck 3 opponents with a single use of Mr. Sparkles’ breaker in an online match
Hit List
Take out 3 targets in a single use of Xero’s X-Ray in an Online Match
Ultimate Precision
Take out 3 targets in a single use of Number One’s Lock on in an online match
No Escape
Wreck all opponents with Barong’s Countdown in an Online match
Chewed Up
Shred 3 cars in a single use of the Shredder in an online match
Spike 3 enemies at once with the Morningstar in an online match
Instant Service
Attach drones to 3 enemies with The Boxmobile in one use in an online match
Party Animal
Smoke 3 enemies with the Smoke Commander in one use in an online match
Terminal Velocity
Reach 135 MPH with Callisto in an online match
Win 50 online matches
Checking out the competition
Win at least 1 online match with each AllStar
Earning all star objectives in Ultimo Barricados’ Series, winning an online match with each AllStar and winning 50 online matches in total seem to be the hardest tasks for platinum. There’s also an online trophy for each different AllStar class, requiring you to use their unique ability. Some require you to kill 3 online opponents at once, which could be tricky with some abilities. Sounds somewhat skill-based and somewhat luck based depending on how good your opponents are. A lot of this should come naturally while winning 50 online matches.
What are your thoughts on the Destruction AllStars trophy list? Are you going for the Platinum? For all solutions check out the complete Destruction AllStars Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
FED says
I hope it wont be dead by the time i buy ps5
ZMiguelR says
This game seems interesting! I am saving my PS5 PS Plus 14 day trial for when it releases. Yes, I am going for the platinum ?
Kstorm says
Wow that’s a horrible list but at least it went free to play after no one pre ordering it
Captain_wafer113 says
It’s not as bad as fall guys
DrejzLV says
Hey! looking for 3 people to do all hero specific challenges! With coordination shouldnt be hard to do. Add me on PSN – DrejzLV
CrazyDave48 says
How can you do the hero-specific trophies with friends? I’d be interested in joining, but I didn’t realize that was possible. When you create a party, you can’t join any of the “solo” game modes, only the 8v8 gamemodes and your party members are on your own team.
PowerPyx says
You can boost them all in 8v8 match (Stockpile is best because not many people play it). Just make sure you and your friends search at the same time. Then you need to get a bit lucky that your boosting partners are on the enemy team which is just pure luck.
Tested it earlier with a friend and we found each other 100% of the time. Your friends must be in the same server region as you (the server region is shown at the top of the multiplayer menu).
abdullah says
is this platinum difficult to get (solo) ?
and how it difficult from 10 ?
PowerPyx says
Without a boosting partner, for some of the character-specific trophies it would be quite tedious. Like maybe a 6/10? Comes down to some luck (getting enough noob opponents close together for some triple-kill trophies).
With a large enough boosting group (everyone searching match at same time), it will be much easier because you can have the others stand still while you do the trophies.
DrejzLV says
Yeah mate, it’s definitely luck based, its very hard to coordinate people to get this done, we are still trying and have a group of 8-10 people, but more the merrier. please add me on PSN – DrejzLV if you want to try to do trophies, we have a boosting group!
And thanks a lot to PowerPyx for responding here! 🙂
PowerPyx maybe you know more about trophy – “Instant Service” it’s the rarest one where you have to do it with the box guy, no one seems to understand how his special works. Thanks!
Dave says
Me and a Friend would be down PSN DaveBetterKnow_ and ACOLDGHOST_
ThatoneguyJB says
I’d be down for some boosting, trying to get some of these without coordination is a nightmare as it’s all pretty scuffed.
My PSN is ThatoneguyJB what time zone are you in? I’m in UK.
EvilC says
Im down for some boosting if we can get a team together. EvilC is my handle if we can get a group. Thanks.
Allex says
Such a horrible luck based trophy list with confusing requirements. It had potential to be a good and fun platinum but the mechanics are not good at all. Such a disappointment.
David Schmidt says
Im down for some trophy boosting PS5: DaveBetterKnow_
Ryan says
Struggling with the flamethrower and no escape trophies. What exactly do they mean by a team kill? You have to kill all 8 of their team with one ability? Sounds impossible if so. Thanks
Jacquaire says
Struggling with flamethrower and no escape trophies too. It seems like it works in Gridfall mod if you burn or kill the last one (and if someone who died earlier stay in the lobby) but i did not get it for now…
Ray says
I’m always for some boosting PSN WrekGar
Redman_DK says
Im also up for boosting these. Im in EU