Asgard contains 9 Mysteries in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV). This Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Asgard Mysteries Walkthrough will guide through all Mystery Locations in the Asgard Territory. None of the Mysteries are missable, you can still find everything in free-roam after the story. It’s recommended to collect everything as you go through the regions to level up.
Mysteries get marked by blue icons on the world map automatically when synchronizing the viewpoints. Mysteries are side quests and other open world encounters. Finishing all Mysteries is needed to complete all Territories for the Completionist All the Way! trophy or achievement.
Note: If a Mystery doesn’t spawn for you, be sure to advance the Asgard story further and it will show up.
Also in this region:
Mystery #1: World Event (Milk of Humankind)
For this Mystery, you need to free a god cow. Start by smashing the wooden wall. Then, move the platform and destroy the next two wooden walls. Then, follow the cow until the Mystery ends.
Mystery #2: World Event (Noble Harts)
When you get to the Mystery’s marker, you should see a deer. Follow it for the entire Mystery. Don’t worry about any of the enemies on your path. This Mystery spawns a Wealth chest.
Mystery #3: Cairn
Here’s the solution
Mystery #4: World Event (Hel’s Well)
Fight the man.
Mystery #5: Flyting
- O’ beware what you ask for, I’ll finish the fight;
- I’m as wise as an owl, you’re a fool of a god.
- Well, your victory’s not what my visions portend.
Mystery #6: World Event (Valhalla Bound)
Simply talk to the guard.
Mystery #7: World Event (Food of the Gods)
Talk to the hunter to start following him. When you see an Alpha Wild Boar, kill it.
Mystery #8: Offering Altar
Here you need to return all 30 Ymir’s Tear Stones found all across Asgard. Check out Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Asgard All Wealth Locations Guide.
Mystery #9: World Event (Njord’s Lament)
Make sure you get to the northern island by boat as you’ll need it for this Mystery. Bring the drunkard back to shore. Anywhere works. See below for a boat location (eastern shore of Heimdall’s Tower island).
That’s 100% of the Mysteries you can find in Asgard Region of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV).
For all other Mysteries check out the complete Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Mysteries Guide. For the other Collectibles in this region check out the Wealth Guide and Artifacts Guide.
Tray says
Mystery #9 the guy doesn’t even spawn for me. Has anyone else got this problem?
FranciRoosters says
Try any of the following to see if it glitches out:
1. Fast travel to any Viewpoint, then return to the Mystery’s location.
2. Exit Asgard and return.
3. Exit game.
4. Reload previous save.
Tray says
I’ve tried all of that he still refuses to spawn
JenJen says
Ive got the same problem. Whatever I do he’s not showing up. Its the first big big I run into :-/
Remory Dylan says
You have to finish the big finish quest first, then he will spawn
Tidis says
Mystery #4, cant talk to this guy..
Mystery #2, there is no deer..
This game sucks.. ?
PowerPyx says
Try advancing the Asgard story further. They should unlock after defeating the wolf in “Addition to the Family”.
Aesill says
Then go play Pokémon Go
Irwynn says
jesus, cow from mystery 1 stands still. If I scare it it just runs towards the sea so the mystery doesnt count
Bobby says
The last wall takes 2 hits to break. If you don’t break every piece of the wood, she won’t leave
Brett says
Mystery with cow moved block backwards now cow won’t move and block is stuck can’t move it any direction
JenJen says
So, it seems that most mysteries get unlocked after defeating the wolf for the first time during the quest “Addition to the family” (or whatever it’s called in English). A few can be done prior to this, but most of them are locked up until then – at least I couldn’t do them beforehand, but now I finished every mystery in Asgard.
Maybe that should be made clear in the introduction of the page
PowerPyx says
Thank you, I updated this =)
Antknee says
Hello just to let anybody looking at these comments know that you can complete every mystery except for the offering altar right after you complete
the View Above All Quest which is the first one.
Clairaptor says
I can’t find the boar, the men walked off and I didn’t follow then as someone was talking to me at the time! Where can I find the men or the boar?
Thank you
Wealth 30 Bug says
So I saved at the last step “Travel to Jotunheim”. When I came back to the game, I went to Jotunheim (quest completed then) and immediately came back to Asgard to finish this final wealth and mystery. I got stuck with the orange forcefield for Wealth #30 and reloaded back to the last quest I did (killing Builder), redid that, and the last wealth unlocked on the map. Went back there and it’s clear. Don’t need to complete the “Jotunheim” quest, but I advise you immediately head to that wealth so the game doesn’t bug out on their conditions of whether you’ve finished a quest or not.
J says
Game glitched out after I gave the builder the paint and the force field turned red. Said “kill the invaders” yet I already killed all the nearby invaders. Nothing I could do and when I walked outside of the force field I kept getting injured until I died. Eventually had to wake up and now whenever I go back to the Asgard story arc I am miles away from the force field with no chance to even get anywhere near it while I get the green attack icons on my health. Pretty much blocked any Asgard story from my game. Awesome!
Miriella23 says
As others have mentioned I’m finding Mystery #4: World Event (Hel’s Well) is glitched. I’m just about to go the Jotenhiem, then I’ll try again. I’ve already fast travelled in and out of places and back to Ravensthorpe. It’s a pain to be sure.
Miriella23 says
So after finishing Jotunheim I went back to re-visit mystery #4 with no luck. However, when I went to do Binding Fate Fenrir glitched. I loaded the previous save that took me back to mystery #4 and the guy was in fight mode, killed him off and all is well,
cfx53 says
If njord refuses to get off the boat like he did with me crash the boat into sore so hard it shatters. He’ll end up on shore
Tenreth says
All mysteries (except the offering altar, because Indre Holm wealth) can be done right after closing the gate at heimdalls tower before going for the spring.
Urfavbih says
Hey can someone help me, I’ve completed every mission and every mystery on Asgard except for the last one where I need all the wealth gems. I’ve got the gems from every where else but the last one is behind this gold force-field thing that I can’t open. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the game and it still won’t open, any suggestions?
Ariost says
The cow has just disappeared on me. One time it just ran into the wilderness and now when I go back it’s not there at all. I’ve tried fast traveling and waking up but still its gone. Anyone have any ideas?