Wondering how to find your NAT type on PS5? This is how you do it:
PS5 Settings > Network > Connection Status > View Connection Status > Scroll Down > NAT Type
It will say NAT Type 1 (open / the best for connectivity), NAT Type 2 (moderate), NAT Type 3 (strict, the worst for connectivity).
MidnightDragonDX says
Isn’t type 2 when you have a firewall? My NAT is type 2.
PowerPyx says
Basically yes.
NAT Type 3 is the worst for connectivity but the best for security (fewer ports open on your router).
NAT Type 1 is the best for connectivity but the worst for security (more ports open on your router).
Having too many ports open could make you vulnerable to certain exploits. NAT Type 2 should work fine for most games and that’s probably the default for most users.