Ghost of Tsushima has a total of 52 Trophies (1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 9 Silver, 40 Bronze for a total of 1230 points). Below you can find the full Ghost of Tsushima trophy list.
Ghost of Tsushima Trophies
Living Legend
Obtain all trophies.
Gathering Storm
Recover the katana of clan Sakai.
Point of No Return
Break your code to help a new friend.
Company of Wolves
Recruit the Straw Hat ronin.
Stoking the Flame
Rescue Taka from Mongol captivity.
Family Reunion
Free Lord Shimura from the Khan’s clutches.
Leader of the People
Rally the peasants of Yarikawa.
Recover your father’s armor.
Dying Embers
Eradicate the traitors in the name of a fallen friend.
The Ghost
Embrace your new identity.
The Exiled Alliance
Reunite with your allies in the frozen north.
Sovereign End
Confront the Khan.
Mono No Aware
Leave the past behind and accept the burden of your new mantle.
The Warrior Monk
Complete all of Norio’s Tales.
The Vengeful Warrior
Complete all of Masako’s Tales.
The Unbending Archer
Complete all of Ishikawa’s Tales.
The Headstrong Thief
Complete all of Yuna’s Tales.
Teller of Tales
Complete all of the Mythic Tales.
Helping Sword Hand
Complete all Tales of Tsushima.
Flash of Steel
Defeat 20 enemies with a counterattack after a Perfect Parry.
Witness Protection
Shoot a Terrified enemy with an arrow while they are fleeing.
All in the Wrist
Defeat the maximum amount of enemies within a single Standoff.
Open for Business
Successfully Stagger enemies 50 times.
There Can Be Only One
Successfully complete every duel.
Have a Nice Fall
Kill an enemy with fall damage by knocking them off a ledge.
Haunting Precision
Kill 20 enemies with Ghost Stance strikes.
The Ghost of Legend
Build your Legend to earn the title Ghost of Tsushima.
Quick Study
Learn the Stone, Water, Wind, and Moon combat stances.
Every Trick in the Book
Acquire all the throwable Ghost Weapon techniques.
The Perfect Storm
Fully upgrade your sword.
A Charming Man
Equip a charm in all 6 slots.
Collect 10 gifts.
Acquire 30 pieces of Vanity Gear.
Light the Way
Rekindle all the lighthouses of Tsushima.
Den of Thieves
Discover Umugi Cove.
Favor of the Kami
Find and honor all of the Shinto Shrines on Tsushima.
Honor the Unseen
Bow to 10 hidden altars across Tsushima.
Lost and Found
Discover a Pillar of Honor and collect its Sword Kit.
Monochrome Masters
Purchase an item from the Black and White Dye Merchants.
Cooper Clan Cosplayer
Dress up as a legendary thief.
Dirge of the Fallen Forge
Play the “Lament of the Storm” at a friend’s grave.
A Moment in Time
Personalize a scene in Photo Mode.
Avid Reader
Collect 20 Records.
Know Your Enemy
Collect 20 Mongol artifacts.
Body, Mind, and Spirit
Complete all Hot Springs, Haiku, Inari Shrines, and Bamboo Strikes.
Hero of the People
Liberate 12 occupied areas in Izuhara.
A Fight For The Isle…
Liberate all occupied areas in Izuhara.
Good Riddance
Liberate 8 occupied areas in Toyotama.
Securing Sanctuary…
Liberate all occupied areas in Toyotama.
Mass Eviction
Liberate 7 occupied areas in Kamiagata.
A New Safe Haven
Liberate all occupied areas in Kamiagata.
Master Liberator
Liberate the entirety of Tsushima Island.
As is custom with Sony’s first party trophy lists, there are no difficulty-related trophies to be found in Ghost of Tsushima. The list is completion-based: finishing the story, doing all Tales (Quests), liberating all Occupied Areas, and finding several types of Collectibles including Lighthouses, Shinto Shrines, Hidden Altars, a Pillar of Honor, Records, Mongol Artifacts, Hot Springs, Haiku, Inari Shrines, and Bamboo Strikes. There’s also a handful of miscellaneous trophies such as dressing up in a thief costume. This platinum should be obtainable for players of all skill levels.
What are your thoughts on the Ghost of Tsushima trophy list? Do you like this list or would you have preferred difficulty-related trophies? Are you going for the Platinum? For all solutions check out the full Ghost of Tsushima Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
James Sorensen says
There it is!
Gokhan says
hey, you did awesome job and i really appreciate it. wanted to ask you that you said there are 52 trophies in total (1 platinium, 2 gold, 9 silver, 40 bronze). i’m at 83% of the game and i have 52 trophies already (0 platinium, 2 gold, 10 silver, 40 bronze). why do i have more silver trophy and no platinium yet?
thanks in advance!
PowerPyx says
More trophies were added later in form of Legends Mode (Multiplayer) & New Game+ through patches. Those don’t count for the platinum and are just “bonus trophies”, not part of the main list that is shown here.
Gokhan says
hm, didn’t start Legends mode yet but one thing left for me; hidden altars. i’ll check them all first. thanks for the response!
Alastor says
Still going to play it on hard mode, I want enemies to be lethal just like the player.
naham says
Edi says
Same, having dangerous combat encounters will be awesome
Brett says
Everyone is complaining that there is no difficulty related which I am happy about. I just got the Plat for RDR2, imagine if that had a difficulty, omg I still be sitting here. I’m glad I don’t have to sit here over n over to try and beat/ get every Plat based on difficulty. I mean Witcher 3 was bad enough on Death March. It starts to take the fun away. I don’t have hours to spend on end because of difficulty
ItsmeJT says
I’m starting to get a little annoyed with the trophy lists for Sony’s first party games. No difficulty related or new game plus trophies yet again. Can only hope they get added in later on down the line.
Sean says
Why? Getting 100% completion in a game once is effort enough to warrant a platinum especially with the time it takes, why have a trophy solely aimed at masochists?
Before you come back with ‘too easy’ just imagine for a moment that some players just aren’t as skilled or dextrous
I’m getting slower in games been gaming since the 80s, doesn’t mean I didn’t put in similar amount of effort as a hard player
Besides, they’d be appealing to more players having an easier plat than they’d be putting off
Dave says
Why would you want difficulty trophies? Some people just want to play the game and earn the plat.
If you want a greater difficulty, just play on hard.
Iname says
Well too bad. Everyone should be able to obtain trophies it’s supposed to be fun and be obtainable no matter what your play style. You shouldn’t need a college degree to play a game. Suck it up and play on hard if you want, but let everyone enjoy the game.
TrophyHunterTyler says
I disagree. The Last of Us vs TLOU2 is a good sign that trophy’s are going with gameplay.
You know, a lot of us play with our spouses in the room. My wife HATED watching me play TLOU & only cared about cuteness cus the trophy list and collectibles is bullshit. She doesn’t wanna see me running around he same areas over & over & honestly, neither do I.
Erica requires a minimum of 3 playthru but takes 6. I can see why cus each time I play it, the story was different so it made me wanna play it more & finish. TLOU1? Nah. I’m done. I’ll finish the supplements
This Game is exactly what we need. TLOU trophy list was bs. Especially the MP trophies which were 42hrs alone.
I just wanna play the game & enjoy it. Platinum is one run. Then dlc’s. Then new game. Done.
Salt says
I agree. Take away the difficulty or effort and you take away the esteem in earning it. If you’re not good enough or can’t put in the effort required then you’re not good enough, move on to the next game.
I am not good enough or don’t want to put in the effort to platinum Wolfenstein 2 with Mein Leben and that is completely fine. I respect those that put in the effort and managed to beat it.
Ian says
I would love a seperate award for each game based on difficulty. They dont have to include it in the platium. I dont mind if they leave that to be accessible to everyone. But there should definitely be some kind of difficulty badge per game in addition to the trophies. Also, multiplayer should ALWAYS be a seperate list and not part of the platinum.
Leeroy says
Yeah, at this point i think heads of PlayStation have mandated requirements for super easy trophy list to all of their studios. TLoU II list was find 300+ collectibles to get a platinum…
Ray says
I prefer no difficulty related trophy, it means I actually go that little extra mile to complete a trophy vs knowing I’m never going to play a game all over on a harder mode to complete trophy. Those games make me never bother with even the easy trophies.
Last of us 2, was one of the few platinums I actually earned. It was possible to get the majority of the trophies first play through, without needing to read a guide, just playing my natural explorative self. On second play, I could just go to a specific chapter to clean up using a guide.
ItsmeJT says
I prefer my platinums to be a challenge. I much rather play a game on a harder difficulty than collect 100’s of meaningless collectibles. Exact reason why I didn’t get the plat in the last of us 2, aside from me not liking the game a great deal.
Ahmed Tallal says
Sure i am going to the Platinum !!!! i Hate missable trophies
Neo says
Another dead easy platinum. Starting to get tired with the lack of difficulty trophies.
Dave says
I’m happy with it. That’s the way to go!
John Apple says
Then play on hard lol no one is stopping you
Sirk says
I have so many backlogged games. I love trophy hunting as well but I cannot invest soooo much time on one game alone. You can always play on hard settings if you want more challenge!!!
MH2 says
I think this will be a grind game, first reviews say missions are repetetive and not the best… 60h plus for platinum I’m sure… far too much.
speiers4267 says
60h? You’re upset that 60h is too long? bruh
BenDover says
That’s very short as far as almost all platinums go
Frankie Drums says
Love these lists that don’t have difficulty or NG+ trophies. Getting Platinums in Sony’s first-party games is always fun, attainable, and requires almost no grinding.
4ipuxa says
Trophy guide JUST DO IT?!
What is the estimated difficulty for platinum?
doesnt look like harder than Last of Us 2
TheKingOfPain says
From what I’ve heard, it’s a 2/10 estimated difficulty, 3/10 max. There are many collectables, so I would imagine a guide focusing on their locations. All in all, much more time consuming than hard to get.
Mike says
First party used to have difficulty trophies. When did that change?
PowerPyx says
Since God of War (2018) they no longer have any difficulty related trophies in Sony games. One of Sony’s internal policies they’ve had for years, none of their games included any difficulty trophies since then in the main list (only as DLC trophies that were patched in later, for example in Days Gone). Sony no longer allows their first-party devs to put in difficulty-related trophies. From what I heard they made this change in order to “boost sales” as their analysts think hard trophies turn off some trophy hunters from purchasing a game. All Sony games are now easy peasy.
Dave says
They’re right. I can’t tell how many times I haven’t bought a game that has difficulty trophie and/or extremely hard trophies. I dislike those and I don’t like the challenge. I mostly play for fun, not to be frustrated.
SomeoneNotBadAtGames says
I want everything handed to me. I should get the platinum for turning on the game. We should make future platinums obtainable for animals too. We are headed that direction.
KO/KO Chanel says
What did you expect from the Participation Trophy generation?
Forlong71 says
Platinum should be like a badge of honor. Not all soldiers are war heroes. Nor should everyone get a platinum. It’s doesn’t need to be super hard, but it still must be challenging. I was really proud to earn TLOU platinum. The second one was ridiculously easy that any one could get it. I’m really not proud of having got that one.
KennethPNielsen says
i Am so ready for this! i always wanted to be a samurai! Looks easy to get Platinum as well. Gonna take my time with this one.
John A says
I like it, alot of trophies to achieve
offdutysuperhero says
I can understand not wanting difficulty trophies like in wolfenstein for having to complete the game on the hardest difficulty “mein leben” without dying once.
But for games that require a hard playthrough that have multiple checkpoints is fair. As long as you understand all the games mechanics and put some thought into the encounter you will be fine.
But people love to blindly rush through and button mash their way to victory.
I much perfer 7-8/10 plats. Its much more satisfying imo.
Ryan says
Yeah and the worst part of “mein leben” is having to rewatch the unskippable “Evil White man is racist caricuture (Who is married to an immigrant lol)” every time you die.You know the one at the start where your dad has you kill your dog lol.I rented that trash from redbox and beat it in one sitting on highest available difficulty it was easy (I also had rented ac origins and beat it in the same gaming marathon which shows you how easy it is).If your gonna make it this hard make skippable scenes you hacks lol.The one at the end with your 9 month pregnant wife tearing off her shirt is stupid too.Finally what was the message of those games “If nazis won the war we would be so advanced as the human race we would have bases on venus”, and yet their the bad guys lol.I know it involved stealing tech from jews but the story is stupid as heck.
AFK gamer says
Braaaa, i hate grinding for Platinum. Collectibles are like WORK. Looks like a 80 hours Grindfest Platinum.
Anton says
Why in all Japan games need to pray on pagan altars? I can not do it. I am christian.
Omar says
Cant tell if youre joking or not tbh
Sean says
The don’t. The character isn’t Christian, you’re playing his story not yours
RichieBoi says
People need to stop complaining about the lack of difficulty-related trophies. The direction games are heading these days is perfect. Most people want to be able to play the game, enjoy the story, find the collectibles, do the side missions and not worry about getting stuck on a really difficult part in order to acquire a platinum trophy. Casual gamers are the majority nowadays and that’s perfectly fine. If you want to kill yourself in games over and over then go play Dark Souls or COD. Besides, no one is telling or forcing you to play the game on easy or normal. By all means, play it on expert or titan mode if that’s what makes you sleep better at night. But let people who enjoy a good story and manageable gameplay ENJOY THEIR GAME!!!!!
So thank you Sony for ditching the difficulty-related trophies in favour of more experienced-based such as collectibles, side quests, etc. Huge step up from TLOU to TLOU2 imo.
JMC says
Dude, you seem to be conflating getting the Platinum with playing the game. People can “ENJOY THEIR GAME!!!!!” by – you know – playing the actual game, regardless of trophies? You’re literally unironically telling people how “no one is telling or forcing” them to play a game a certain way, whilst simultaneously acting like you HAVE to get all the trophies to enjoy the game itself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The trophies are distinct from the game, and are there to act as rewards for achieving things in the game, and there’s nothing wrong with some of those things being feats of skill. Hell, my proudest Platinums are for games where I actually had to get really good at the game, rather than just throw hours and hours of time at it.
This “Every Platinum has to be easy for me to enjoy the game” mindset is as baffling to me as people who skip buying a game just because they don’t like the trophies. It’s like, holy shit, when did you guys lose sight of the actual experience of simply playing games? 🙁
Chris Radford says
Are you doing a trophy guide buddy?
Salt says
Should have had difficulty related trophies and NG+. Easy mode trophy lists are for garbage 3 or 4 hour indie games.
Why even have platinum, gold, silver, bronze trophies? Why not just make them all bronze if you’re going to make them pathetically easy to obtain. You don’t win a gold medal in the Olympics for just showing up. They should be relevant.
Keelan D'Souza says
I always feel open world games don’t necessarily need to have difficulty trophies as the challenge of achieving a Platinum comes with time. Many are one-and-done games as well and I think the developers and publishers get this. Even the very good games. However I did appreciate The Witcher 3 having multiple difficulties as it gave me an excuse to play it on a lower setting first, leave alot of the extra stuff, and play again once the expansions were out choosing different outcomes to certain stories and doing everything in the game. Think The Last of Us pt 2 probably shouldve had difficulty trophies. I like that that game doesnt have combat related trophies but maybe a trophy for Hard and Survivor and then NG+ for the game as well as each of those difficulties would’ve been fair enough. Maybe five more trophies related to the sort-of-bosses you defeat and you’re looking at a 35 trophy list instead of 26.
David slade says
Are there any missable trophies? Super hyped for this just want to be aware if there are missable things like RDR2.
PhantomFear94 says
I’m 99% sure Tsushima won’t. Looking at the trophy list it wouldn’t appear there is a morality or decision-making mechanic, at least one that impacts the game or results in different endings.
I’m not an insider or anything, but generally speaking, very few open world games have missable trophies these days. There are exceptions – e.g. Red Dead Redemption 2 – but most have no missable trophies. This is even more the case for PS exclusives. Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Spiderman & Death Stranding for example all don’t, and even some linear games don’t (i.e. The Last of Us Part II) so its possibly Sony has a list of policies rather including ‘no difficulty trophies’ and ‘no permanently missable trophies’ for PlayStation Studios titles.
Slightly digressing, I find it quite interesting Sony is this involved with trophies, and how different their model is to Xbox. Whereas PS focus more on accessability through its list, Xbox use them to expand their lifespan through constant free updates (irrespective of paid DLC plans) for 1st party titles. They also have a minimum GS or achievement quota, and tend to allow difficulty, missables and very long-winded completions without much hesitation. Forza Horizon 4 is 200+ hours to get 100%, and other games such as Gears 5, Sea of Thieves are literally hundreds of hours with DLC updates and its base list alone.
Ashley says
Is there anyway to uncover the collectibles on the map? Or do you just have to stumble across them? Heard there’s a skill that lets you reveal some hidden collectibles. Most of them look easy enough I’m just worried about the collectibles that’s it!
Worndzents says
The list is ok and way more better that Ratalaika stacks.
BodyChipper says
On the difficulty topic:
Articles I have read point to adaptive difficulty changes but also that difficulty levels will exist and that harder difficulties simply take more skill vs simply adding more enemy health. Maybe like Fallen Order.
Does anyone know if the open world environment is like an Assassin’s Creed or Zero Dawn/Far Cry type of style? Those games always had these large impressive environments but it was possible to buy maps or skills to find everything within a specific sector.
Omar says
As long as there arent any missable trophies im good.
Orenn says
“As is customary with first party Sony titles there are no difficulty trophies.”
Wat. Uncharted 4? Last of Us?
PowerPyx says
They no longer allow difficulty-related trophies in the main list since April 2018 in their first party games.
HoodyCardigan says
I want a platinum for purchasing the game, why do i have to play it really?