The Complex Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 1.5/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 3-4 hours
- Offline Trophies: 21 (1
, 6
, 14
, 0
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: All but one
- Glitched trophies: None
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulty settings
- Minimum Playthroughs: 9 (previously watched scenes can be skipped)
- Release Date: March 31st, 2020
Welcome to The Complex Trophy Guide!
A decision-based Live-Action Videogame by Wales Interactive, a studio that released similar titles like The Bunker, Late Shift & The Shapeshifting Detective before. All decisions you make will have an effect on relationships with other characters and the ending you will see in the end.
Once the Game has been finished once, you get the ability to skip previously watched scenes, which reduces the time to replay it for all nine endings significantly. The first run will take roughly 70 minutes, the second about half an hour and the remaining ones merely 5-10 minutes.
Before playing, I would suggest to turn the setting “Pause Choices” on. This way, you can think for as long as you wish, even if a timer is running down. The game will stop and continue, once you have made a decision. Once you are on your second (or more) playthrough and are skipping scenes, make sure to properly select and confirm
your choices, as skipping in the selection-screen will randomly confirm any choice – likely not the one you want to make.
Step 1: Play the Game to your liking
This interactive Movie should be played on your own without looking at this guide at least once or twice.
Continuing to read the guide from here will confront you with major story / decision spoilers.
Step 2: Replay for additional Endings
Check the solutions below to get the remaining Endings you haven’t obtained yourself.
Have a look at this Flowchart to get a quick summary on how to achieve all endings. Red arrows indicate a bad relationship with that person (<50%), green arrows stand for a good relationship (>50%) – contains major spoilers, hence the preview image has been made tiny (click for full size version).
The Complex Trophy Guide
Jason Minerovic says
YO! This game looks tight. Imma have to play this later.
…back to printing labels now! Stupid Avantor
-Jason Minerovic
Label Dude
VWR, a part of Avantor
Lawin says
For the Stalemate ending, choosing “The greater good” is what will have Amy kill Rees, and “fuck you Emily” is obviously killing Emily. Other than that I can confirm the guide was easy to follow for platinum apart from the “Falling for you” trophy which you added more details too.
Thank you for a great guide, enjoyable game too.
Thomas says
Appreciate the guide! For “Not A People Person”, Amy has to die as well (#10). In order to get that ending, you have to be as crappy to Clare as possible throughout – ignore her, let her suffer, etc.
Otherwise, after you shoot her, it just ends with her holding the MI-6 card and fading to black, leaving her alive.
LordHillzy says
For the trophy “Not A People Person” you also need to have Amy die at the end not just having the 9 people you interact with die, so you need to have clare at <50% so she poisoned you in the elevator, i tried to do this trophy only reading your guide and it wasnt popping so i killed Amy and it popped.
dalailama1989 says
Added the Info about the “Not a People Person”-trophy. Thank you 🙂
youssef says
I completed the game and got all 9 endings but I got 183 out of 196 scenes discovered and I replayed the game more than once what is missing ?
BozZsh1fty says
Same here… i got Platinum but im still missing scenes… im wondering if there are REALLY new unseen Scenes or if it is kinda glitchy if you skip scenes or so idk…