In Days Gone there are 2 points of no Return.
The first Point of No Return is at the end of the third region called Lost Lake. It’s the start of mission Riding Nomad Again.
The second Point of No Return is at the end of the fifth region called Crater Lake. It’s at the mission Shadow of Death.
In both cases the game will warn you with an onscreen prompt telling you that you’ve reached the Point of No Return and will get locked out of certain regions, their camps and merchants.
But can you return to the northern regions later on?
Luckily, the answer is YES, you can get back to all regions after the story. What the game doesn’t tell you is that these “Points of No Return” are only TEMPORARY. You do get locked out of these regions until the end of the story but after this you can go back to all camps to finish any encampment jobs (side quests) you have left. You can also still gather the collectibles and finish Nero Checkpoints, Hordes, Ambush Camps etc.
So nothing is missable. The game just doesn’t explain this very well and makes it sound like these points of no return lock you out permanently, but that is not the case at all.
For more Days Gone Tips & Tricks check out the full Days Gone Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Edwin says
Thank you for the information. It helped me out.
Wolf says
Thank you man i was scared
Chris Quinn says
Lol me too bro… was like nah cuz lol
Player unknown says
Same I was like come on Bc I’m trying or finsh the Nero one where you get a unknow Nero wepon
Alec Utz says
The real question is should I do a majority of the hordes in the northern regions in an attempt at getting the weapons upgrades you get for destroying a varying percentage of hordes.
CyberFlash says
The game does tell you “you cannot return for a while” in one of those tiny help tip messages
RobustKidTriD says
Wow that is a really good tip because I already move on to the southern regions of days gone. I thought I was gonna be permanently but it’s just the game that it isn’t so specific. So thank you so much!!!????
Airdreams1 says
I talked to Mike and got the warning. Is there any way to back out of the mission? When finished a gave me another warningAbout finishing up things here before I talk to boozer. Have not talked to boozer yet
Shaked says
No, I tried to cancel it too, does not work, you have to continue to talking with boozer…
Charles says
I reloaded my saved file that was before i had talked to Mike
Natalie says
@Willy Wonker Sarah is Deacons wife, and clearly not 15 years old so maybe get your facts straight before calling someone a paedo! Have a nice day!
Babu Frik says
Pretty sure he was thinking of Lisa, who is obviously very young. Would help to get the name right before making a tasteless joke.