Onimusha Warlords has 5 Magic Jewel Locations. Finding and using all Magic Jewels increases your Magic Power to maximum and unlocks the Magic Overload trophy or achievement.
Magic Jewel Locations
Magic Jewel 1: Upon exiting the Underground Temple after obtaining Shiden, head to the north in the forest on the path to find a treasure chest. This Magic Jewel will be in the box.
Magic Jewel 2: After the cutscene with Yumamaru and Kaede in the abandoned keep head through the door at the end of the corridor and head through to the room with the stairs ahead. Ascend the stairs into the top landing where there are two doors, one with a Level 2 Red plasma lock and one that leads to the area you entered the Keep from but from the top balcony. Proceed to the balcony where you will see a few samurai below getting attacked by Oda Warriors. YOU WILL NEED THE BOW FOR THIS PART so see Number Box 2 to be sure to have it for this part. Use the bow to shoot all the Oda Warriors below and the samurai will fall to their knees in relief of being saved. Next time you visit the bottom floor where the samurai were attacked, this jewel will be laying on the floor.
Magic Jewel 3: Inside the Byakko Decoder Box in West Area and obtained by Kaede. See All Decoder Boxes for details how to open this box.
Magic Jewel 4: After using the Decorated Sword to enter the East Area head along the path and over the bridge to the door that is locked behind a 2 lock green plasma. Open the door and head down the first hallway on the left. At the end of this hallway is a scroll on the wall. Collect the scroll and head through the door. Continue straight along that path until you get to the door on your left. Head through that door and start heading up the tower taking out the swordsman at the top and all the archers on the way up to him. At the very top near the base of the ladder is a chest. Open the chest to obtain this jewel.
Magic Jewel 5: Inside the Genbu Decoder Box in East Area and obtained by Kaede or Samsnosuke. See All Decoder Boxes for details how to open this box.
That’s all the Magic Jewels in Onimusha Warlords. Be sure to use them to increase your Magic Power and unlock the Magic Overload trophy or achievement.
All Onimusha Warlords Collectibles:
- Onimusha Warlords All Number Puzzle Locations & Solutions
- Onimusha Warlords All Decoder Box Locations & Solutions
- Onimusha Warlords All Power Jewels Locations (Maximum Vitality)
- Onimusha Warlords All Magic Jewels Locations (Maximum Magic)
- Onimusha Warlords All Fluorite Locations
- Onimusha Warlords All Map Locations (Never Lost Trophy)
- Onimusha Warlords All File Locations (Walking Encyclopedia)
Dragak says
Ohhh magic jewel 2 is not there for me, that One when you should the 2 Enemy from above on the balcony with bow and then the allies drop something. Well they dropped 2 herb plants for me. Ahhhh I play this game over and over . Trophies glitch all the time………..
Matt Blancett says
I saved them and they didn’t drop anything for me… had to start the run over again smh