Red Dead Redemption 2 Multiplayer will go live in November as a public beta, Rockstar confirmed. The specific dates are as follows:
- Tuesday, November 27: All Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition owners.
- Wednesday, November 28: All players who played Red Dead Redemption 2 on October 26th according to Rockstar Social Club.
- Thursday, November 29: All players who played Red Dead Redemption 2 between October 26th to October 29th according to Rockstar Social Club.
- Friday, November 30: All players who own Red Dead Redemption 2 (free for everyone).
Original Story (October 2018):
Rockstar announced in a blogpost:
Red Dead Online is planned for launch in November 2018, initially as a public beta, with more news to come soon. As with most online experiences of this size and scale, there will inevitably be some turbulence at launch. We look forward to working with our amazing and dedicated community to share ideas, help us fix teething problems and work with us to develop Red Dead Online into something really fun and innovative. (Source)
According to that announcement by Rockstar, the Multiplayer will make full use of the Singleplayer Map which is gigantic. There are also some online trophies and achievements up for grabs.
It’s unclear for how long the multiplayer will be in beta. When more info becomes available this post will be updated accordingly.
iaai1001 says
Rockstar doesn’t really fix bugs. If they can avoid fixing bugs by giving free trinkets or talismans to PC players, this is what they do. Many bugs are not visible when trying to take a video of them e.g. the tap bug related to being on a horse as there is nothing to show in a video: these kinds of bugs are completely ignored by Rockstar as there is no video.
Consider the fact that these games come from a studio as do movies and the games have a lot of elements that movies have. They require a movie director and a programming director (software engineer) of which most have these games don’t have a real or competent software engineer and that is why the gameplay is so poor and and their is little consistancy in the programming related to gameplay.