Find Takiy’s Dice is a Side Mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. This walkthrough shows how to complete this Quest.
Region: The Hidden City
Quest Giver: Takiy
Requirement: None
Reward: Unlock Lockpick & Rope Ascender for purchase
Quest Location – Find Takiy’s Dice
The side mission starts in Paititi “The Hidden City”. There’s a boy sitting at the foot of the hill, close to the market square. Talk to him, he’s Takiy and he tells you a dead man stole his dice. Lara agrees to look out for the dead man and get back the dice from him.
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Objective: Find Pisco the Dead
Next, a quest marker will show up in the south-west corner of the city. There’s a man praying in a building, talk to him. He’s the supposed “dead” man and called Pisco. Turns out he’s banished from Paititi and “dead” was just a figure of speech because he’s “dead” to everyone in the city as they don’t want anything to do with him. You learn that he didn’t steal the dice but won them fair and square. He sends you to talk to other outcasts.
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Objective: Seek out the Outcasts
There are 5 outcasts you must talk to. Initially, only 4 are marked. The 5th gets marked on the map after talking to the other 4. You can use Survival Instinct to scan for them in the environment (press right stick).
*Note: This Objective counts as a quest of itself. So after completing this and bringing back Takiy’s dice your map counter will show 2 side quests completed.
Outcast #1: She’s standing not far from Pisco, up some stairs.
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Outcast #2: He’s up the stairs, standing in front of a house
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Outcast #3: She’s inside a cave by a base camp.
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Outcast #4: He’s in a hut, close to the river.
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Outcast #5
This one is special — she’s a vendor and sells two extremely useful items “Rope Ascender” & “Lockpick“. These are needed for open world exploration and the Lockpick allows you to open treasure chest collectibles.
Warning: Do not talk to her until you have enough money for both the Lockpick and Rope Ascender (6100 Gold total). After the quest she will disappear and change positions throughout the story so it can be tricky finding her again. Be sure to buy both items from her right away. You can sell some resources at other merchants for quick gold.
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Objectives: Return to Pisco / Return the Dice to Takiy
Talk to Pisco again, the “dead” man. He gives you the dice. There are no dialogue choices, it’s just a scripted talk and nothing you could do wrong. Then return to the quest giver Takiy to complete the quest.
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Finding Moreakah Merchant After Side Quest
After you meet the merchant Moreakah in the side quest she will spawn at different points in the game (she still spawns after the story). Below are her known spawn points after the quest. Listen for her drummer, he’s always with that vendor. Her spawn point is different for every player!
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #1 – in the top right corner of Paititi, the area with water puddles.
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #2 – in upper Paititi, the area where you can only enter with the green Serpent Guard Costume. By the market square where the crying girl (Hakan execution) is, you can find a dark room with a treasure chest inside. In that treasure chest room Moreakah can spawn, listen for her drummer.
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #3 – in Kuwaq Yaku near the “Hunting Grounds” base camp.
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #4 – in Mission of San Juan, by the entrance to the Tree of Life Challenge Tomb, at the Deserter Cloister Base Camp.
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #5 – in Trial of the Eagle area, standing next to the Quipu Overlook Base Camp (thanks to BadBoy_ekb for this one).
If you still can’t find her in any of those spots you must search every nook and cranny of the game carefully. If you find her in a new place not yet listed here please reach out or leave a comment below with an image of her location and where she’s standing and you’ll be credited for your find. Because the spawn points are different for everybody it will be a community effort to track down all of them.
This concludes the “Find Takiy’s Dice” Side Mission in SOTTR. Enjoy your new vendor and gadgets! For all other side missions check out the full Shadow of the Tomb Raider Side Missions Walkthrough.
Lara Croft says
When trophy guide up?
PowerPyx says
TheIcemanCometh says
I cannot find Outcast #3 to save my life. According to the marker, she’s supposed to be in the area of the High Dive challenge there, but there’s no one in there. Where is she in relation to the High Dive platform?
Brandi says
Having this issue also.
jeffsore says
I was having the same issue, but just found her, she is in a much lower cave, with a base camp at the entrance. Just south of where a monolith treasure is at, and just a little to the west of the south end of the river.
PowerPyx says
Is that a new location we haven’t covered yet? If you happen to have screenshots of map + her standing there, that would be tremendously helpful and I’ll credit you.
(Can send them to my Twitter or PSN, I’m called “PowerPyx” everywhere, also linked in Contact page).
Sharon Garmston says
So after lookin for 5 hours revisiting everyone of these three times we finally turned off the game reloaded went back to tayki and she turned up in hut right next to him. Marked by a green circle on map hope that helps guys x
Jana says
#5 is weird because she didn’t tell a story about being outcast. At first I thought “Ah, finally, here’s the final outcast”, but when she started talking about merchandise I thought she was only a merchant and I kept trying to find the last outcast.
Kyle says
Having trouble with shadow of the tomb raider with one of the side missions called Takiys dice, I talk to all the outcast people all 5 of them, and it’s telling me to return to Pisco and talk to him to get takiys dice back, but Pisco isn’t Appearing or letting me talk to him with the Prompt button, I think this might be a glitch or a bug, if anyone know how to fix this please let me know thanks.
Frank R. Jensen says
I’m having the same issue, does anyone have a solution !!!
Any help appreciated
Kris says
I’m having same issue. I think the glitch happens if you complete the outcasts portion before talking to Takiy about the dice. Or it only happens with New Game+ . I didn’t have this issue the first go through.