There are a total of 8 Vigors in Bioshock Infinite. These Vigors give you special magic abilities and can be used in combat. They are required for two trophies / achievements: “Well Rounded” and “Combination Shock”.
Some Vigors are easy to miss while others will be obtained automatically.
1) Possession – Welcome Center
The first Vigor will be given to you by a lady on the funfair. You need it to continue, so it cannot be missed.
2) Devil’s Kiss – Raffle Square
This will be dropped by the first Fireman you defeat.
3) Murder of Crows – Comstock Center Rooftops
This will be dropped by the first Crowman you defeat.
4) Bucking Bronco – Hall of Heroes
When the first wave of enemies attacks you in the room with the big statue in the center, a door to a side room will open. In this side room (where the enemies came from) is the Bucking Bronco Vigor on a table.
5) Shock Jockey – Hall of Heroes Gift Shop
This Vigor will be obtained automatically as it is required to continue the story.
6) Charge – Finktion Proper
After exiting the elevator go straight into the office room. The Charge Vigor is in this room.
7)Undertow – The Factory
After exiting an elevator you will be in a room with three enemies that look at some corpses and at the end of the room is a big neon sign, saying “Fink MFG.”. The Undertow Vigor is under the neon sign.
8) Return to Sender – Downtown Emporia
After using an elevator you will go outside and lots of enemies will attack you. After fighting them off, follow the marker to the next objective. Elizabeth will have to lockpick a gate. She will tell you that “if he would take her back, it would mean death”. After she opens the gate you will see the Return to Sender Vigor in the corridor in front of you.
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Anthony says
I must thank you soo much! I cannot I believe I missed soo many! Thank you once again!