Marvel’s Spider-Man has a total of 51 Trophies (1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 10 Silver, 38 Bronze for a total of 1230 points). Below you can find the full Marvel’s Spider-Man trophy list.
The list has now been made public by Sony and is live on PSN Servers, trophies can be synchronized as of today.
Spoiler Warning: The list contains some spoilers, proceed with caution.
Marvel’s Spider-Man Trophies
Does Whatever a Spider Can
Collect all Trophies
Superior Spider-Man
Unlock all Skills
I Heart Manhattan
100% complete all districts
Master of Masters
Defeat Taskmaster
Collect all Backpacks
Cat Prints
Track down Black Cat
Inner Sanctuary
Take down each Demon Warehouse
All the King’s Men
Take down each Fisk Hideout
Mercenary Tactics
Take down each Sable Outpost
Back in the Slammer
Take down each Prisoner Camp
Neighborhood Watch
Complete all Faction Crimes in a district
A Suit For All Seasons
Purchase all Suits
Complete all of the Corrupted Student missions
Amazing Coverage
All Surveillance Towers activated
Short Fuse
Get Spectacular or better in a Taskmaster Bomb Challenge
Fists of Fury
Get Spectacular or better in a Taskmaster Combat Challenge
Get Spectacular or better in a Taskmaster Stealth Challenge
Spy Hunter
Get Spectacular or better in a Taskmaster Drone Challenge
Challenge Finder
Complete every Taskmaster Challenge in the city once
Complete all Research Stations
Demons Emerge
Complete Act 1
The Six Assemble
Complete Act 2
End Game
Complete Act 3
Science FTW!
Craft 15 Upgrades
Knocking Down Kingpin
Defeat Fisk
Staying Positive
Defeat Li
Defeat Electro and Vulture
Sting and Smash
Defeat Scorpion and Rhino
Tombstone Takedown
Defeat Tombstone
Shock and Awe
Defeat Shocker
Bird Bane
Disturb 500 flocks of pigeons
King of Swing
Complete a level 1 Traversal Benchmark
And Stay Down!
Complete a level 1 Combat Benchmark
Pigeon Hunter
Catch all of Howard’s Pigeons
Hug It Out
Knock together 10 pairs of enemies with Trip Mines
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Complete All Side Missions
The Scientific Method
Craft your first Upgrade
Perfect Dodge 10 attacks
Complete 10 Vehicle Takedowns
With Great Power…
Pay respects at Ben Parker’s grave
Hero for Higher
Perch atop Avengers Tower
Photograph all Landmarks on the Map
Born to Ride
Ride the Subway 5 times
Sticky and Tricky
Chain 4 unique tricks before landing
Snappy Dresser
Wear 5 new Spider-Suits
Perform 75 Stealth Takedowns
Lost and Found
Collect 5 Backpacks
Spider-Man About Town
Greet 10 citizens
Cat’s Out of the Bag
Collect a Black Cat collectible
A Bit of a Fixer-Upper
Complete all optional projects in the lab
Ace the Base
Complete all objectives in a base
This is going to be an easy completion-based platinum. Over half the list is for finding the various collectibles in the game. The rest is for bosses, story trophies, side missions, and a few miscellaneous tasks. Overall, an easy-looking list. There are no difficulty-related trophies so you can enjoy the game how you want.
What are your thoughts on Marvel’s Spider-Man trophy list? Do you like it? Going for platinum? Check back out the full Marvel’s Spider-Man Trophy Guide & Roadmap for solutions on all trophies.
Ali says
When will you post the trophy guide?
PowerPyx says
September 6, 2018 at 5:00am PST / 8:00am EST / 13:00 BST / 14:00 CEST (that’s when the game is released in New Zealand and becomes available digitally).
Sony’s rules.
Spider-Bandicoot says
@ PowerPyx
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to helping us fans out.
> “Sony’s rules.”
Ash Redding says
Cool list. The main reason, because you can play the game how you want, no missables, no difficulty etc. It basically says have fun, enjoy what Spider-man has to offer and grab yourself some trophies as you go. Pretty much how every open world game should be. Thanks for posting mate. Really looking forward to playing it. ;)
David K. says
Do you already know How much time is needed for the platinum? Gamepro states 20 hours playing time. But that is probably without collectables and 100% completion grade?
PowerPyx says
Took me 25 hours to platinum. The trophy guide will be up in 1.5 hours with more info on how long each step takes 🙂
n0phearz says
Can’t wait. I use all your guides for any game. I’m racing a couple buds to platinum and the only trophy I’m concerned about is Pidgeon Hunter.
Thanks PowerPyx for your hard work!
Legend. Can always rely on PowerPyx
RobotRock287 says
Great trophy list, I’m excited for this and being able to play without having to worry much about missing trophies by the looks of it. Thanks again, PowerPyx!
Spideyfan says
I revealed the trophies on the PS4 and Bird Bane isn’t there? I got the platinum trophy already but it doesn’t show that trophy. Idk if this is a bug or if the trophy doesn’t exist?
PowerPyx says
They changed the trophy now. The requirement is still the same but they renamed it.