A Prayer for Omi is the 38th main quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the A Prayer for Oni main mission.
- Region: Omi
- Questboard Category: Shinbakufu > The Onryo > The Mourner
- Quest Giver: Available automatically after completing the quest A Talk with a Lady
- Requirement: Available immediately after completing the quest A Talk with a Lady
- Recommended Level: 21
- Reward: 1000 EXP
- Quest Description: Lady Oichi has invited Yasuke to the shrine on Shirahige to honor her brother’s memory.
Meet Lady Oichi
You can track this quest using the Objectives Board. Scroll to the Shinbakufu and select the quest underneath The Mourner.
Lady Oichi is now at Isakiji Temple, which resides on the coastline east of the Lake Biwa viewpoint.
If you just finished Nagahama Black Powder, let it be known that you must get out of the water before fast traveling. You cannot fast travel while in water for some reason.
While on the viewpoint, look down to south to see a dock. Use one of those boats to get across the lake quicker.
Lady Oichi meets you at the dock. Just like the last quest, you must be Yasuke before talking to Lady Oichi.
She asks you to depart. You cannot continue the quest unless you choose “I am ready.”
Escort Lady Oichi
Get in the boat with Lady Oichi. Boat her across the entire lake to the other coastline.
Accompany Lady Oichi
Follow Lady Oichi. You can auto-follow her if you wish. That way, you can listen to her Dragon King story without distraction.
Participate in the rituals
There are four rituals to complete.
Right in front of you is the first ritual. Hold /
to pray.
Go up the path and turn right to cleanse yourself at the basin.
Turn around and go past the building to make a donation.
Turn around again and go north to a man at a small house, who gives you a gift.
Return to Lady Oichi
Lady Oichi waits for you in front of the Shirahige Shrine.
Follow Lady Oichi
Feel free to auto-follow Lady Oichi back to the road.
Lady Oichi presents you with a dialogue choice:
- [I would celebrate what time remained.]
- [I would prepare for the battle.]
- [I would spend my last night with you.] – Romance option
These options do not affect the story, but it does leave the door open for a romance with Lady Oichi at the very least.
This finishes A Prayer for Omi in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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