Heads Will Roll is the 18th main quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Heads Will Roll main mission.
- Region: Izumi Settsu
- Questboard Category: The Onryo > The Wounded
- Quest Giver: Automatically appears after completing The Killing Field, The Fatherless Monk, and Stolen Faith
- Requirement: Complete the quests The Killing Field, The Fatherless Monk, and Stolen Faith.
- Recommended Level: 10
- Reward: 2000 EXP, 2 Mastery Points
- Quest Description: Kyonyo needs allies to defeat Wada Koretake’s army, so he sends Naoe in search of a trusted friend with a plea for help.
Talk to Kyonyo
This quest gets automatically tracked after completing the last of the three quests associated with Wada Koretake (The Killing Field, The Fatherless Monk, and Stolen Faith). It can manually be found on the Objective Board under the Onryo Group. Scroll over to Wada Koretake and track the quest there.
Kyonyo is located east of Amagasaki.
You’ll know you’re in the right place when you see a massive glitch in the Animus.
Go up to the glitch and leap into it.
After the short scene, interact with Kyonyo.
There is one dialogue option:
- [I’m ready to fight.]
- [I’m not ready yet.]
If you say you aren’t ready, then you back out of the conversation. If you are ready to continue, choose “I’m ready to fight.”
Kill the snipers at the gate
There are seven total snipers to take out. The first three are on the wall in front of you. Walk around the wall to take out these three.
Then, head east across the encampment to take out the other four. You shouldn’t have much resistance crossing the area, since you have allies fighting enemies all over the place.
Assassinate Wada Koretake
Make your way to the northwest corner of Amagasaki Castle, taking out enemies as you go.
Since you need to kill the target in the middle of an active battle, you likely won’t have a good opportunity to assassinate Wada Koretake.
With that said, if you can get out of sight long enough for him to lose you, then you can bait him into an opportunity to assassinate him.
With that said, there is a building in the middle of the courtyard that has a window. You can use this window to get out of sight of Wada Koretake. When he starts searching for you, sneak up on him to assassinate him.
Otherwise, fight him the old fashioned way to defeat him.
You then get a dialogue choice:
- [Justice must be served.]
- [Killing them isn’t justice.]
No matter which option you choose, the prisoner dies.
This finishes Heads Will Roll in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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