The Onryo Samurai is the 5th main quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Onryo Samurai main mission.
Retrieve the box
From the front of the house, head west along the path.
The path quickly veers north and then west again. Follow the path along the stream.
This path leads you through a rock face and out to a lake. Cross the lake and then follow the path to the right.
This is a long run, so hold to call for your horse.
At the first fork in the road, follow the left path.
At the next fork, take the right path, following the rock face on your right.
There is one more split in the road that goes immediately right but ignore that split. Keep going straight on this path until you reach the tower.
Climb the tower
Go to the tower on your right, using the bridge to reach the tower.
Quickly jump across the gap in the bridge, or the guard will notice you. Once across, press /
to use your grappling hook and climb to the top of the tower.
Retrieve the box
Use this vantage point to see where enemies are. You can mark them by holding /
. They get marked automatically as long as you find them with your cursor. Be thorough if you’re not sure.
The box is in the center of Katano Castle in an unfinished building. Head north and jump down from the tower using Cross to do the franchise-staple Leap of Faith into a pile of hay.
Get out of the hay and immediately press /
to crouch. Then, assassinate the archer immediately in front of you.
Your next target stands at ground level, looking at a pile of stacked lumber. Before jumping down, look to the immediate left next to the rope in front of you to refill your tools.
This provides you with kunai, a deadly projectile for taking out enemies silently.
Hold /
to aim and press
to throw the kunai when ready. Aim at the head for a more efficient kill.
Be careful approaching the unfinished building. A shinobi stands guard. Try to take him out quickly. If he spots you, he will not call for backup. Either way, take him out.
Right next to him is a box, but it’s not the one you’re looking for. Loot it still for free materials.
Head north out of this building, then climb up the scaffolding and onto the next building.
At the top of the building, swing from the tree above you to cross the gap onto the next building.
On the north end of this building, make sure to use /
to find and mark enemies in this new area.
Step out onto the ledge and air assassinate the guard just below you. If needed, you can refill tools and rations here.
To the right of the refills, go prone and crawl through the hole in the wall, using the short grass for cover.
Crawl to the right side of the building, using the shadows for cover.
Continue north in the shadows along the building. You can use a kunai to break the lantern in front of you, but it will draw attention from the nearby guard. Be wary of this.
Head into the building you were just hiding by. Hold / Right Stick to use Eagle Eye, allowing you to sense people and objects of interest through walls.
Facing west, pass through two doors to find the next box.
This still isn’t the one you’re looking for.
To avoid confrontation, head back to where you last killed a guard and climb up the ladder.
While still crouched, move west along the top of the wall.
Straight ahead of you is an elite guard facing south. Sneak up to him and take him out.
Reach a high place and observe the Onryo Samurai
Move to the south end of the building in front of you and use /
to identify the samurai.
Assassinate the Onryo Samurai
Use your grappling hook to swing from the tree in front of you and assassinate the samurai when the prompt appears at the other end of your swing. Now you have the box you’re looking for.
Escape Katano Castle
Several samurai have identified you. You can fight the samurai if you wish. The easier strategy is to just run.
Climb up any of the exterior walls of the castle and then jump into the moat and keep running away until a cutscene triggers.
When you regain control, crawl to Nagato. This prompts another cutscene.
This scene finishes the prologue, then transitions briefly into the intermission “An Unpayable Debt“.
This finishes The Onryo Samurai in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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