Mission 2: Dead Drop in Sniper Elite Resistance contains 20 Collectible Locations. This walkthrough will guide you to all the Collectibles. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected via Mission Select. You can still grab missing Collectibles after completing all Main Objectives, before exfiltrating.
To check which Collectibles you still need, press Options-Button > Service Record > Collectibles > Select Mission. This guide uses the same order as the in-game collectible menu order. The best approach is to clear all enemies from the map first, grab what you find along the way, then collect your missing items after. Sometimes Collectibles bug out and don’t spawn, but restarting the mission fixes this. Collectibles are saved instantly upon picking them up. You can return to the title screen without having to reach the next checkpoint. If you die you don’t have to pick it up again. For other missions see Sniper Elite Resistance Collectible Guide.
- Personal Letters: 5
- Classified Documents: 5
- Hidden Items: 4
- Stone Eagles: 3
- Workbenches: 3
#1 – Personal Letter 1/5: A Lost Soul Trembles
The letter is in a safe inside the church on the first floor. The key to the safe is on the ground floor on a table right next to a gramophone or you can use a satchel charge to open the safe.
#2 – Personal Letter 2/5: Missing You Dearly
Inside the castle, in the smaller courtyard on a stone bench.
#3 – Personal Letter 3/5: Surrounded by Idiots
In the library on the reception desk, north side of the map.
#4 – Personal Letter 4/5: A Withering Tree
In the middle of the map, on a table outside the cafe.
#5 – Personal Letter 5/5: A Nephew’s Concern
On a bench, north side of the map.
#6 – Classified Document 1/5: Findings Report
On a table with military equipment, west side of the map.
#7 – Classified Document 2/5: Orders to Follow
In the castle, enter the room right next to the tree in the courtyard.
#8 – Classified Document 3/5: Use the Library
In a safe, inside a house, east side of the map. You can use a satchel charge or the key, which can be found in the same house upstairs on a chair next to the bed.
#9 – Classified Document 4/5: Tightening Security
On the first floor of the cafe on a table. The same building with the kill list objective (red marker).
#10 – Classified Document 5/5: Increased Security
Inside a tent on a wooden table.
#11 – Hidden Item 1/4: La Résistance
In a back alley on a wall. This unlocks the first propaganda mission “La Résistance”.
#12 – Hidden Item 2/4: Police Report: #222
This is part of the secondary objective in the library. Picking up all three Police reports will unlock File O’ Facts.
#13 – Hidden Item 3/4: Police Report: #223
This is part of the secondary objective in the library. Picking up all three Police reports will unlock File O’ Facts.
#14 – Hidden Item 3/4: Police Report: #224
This is part of the secondary objective in the library. Picking up all three Police reports will unlock File O’ Facts.
#15 – Stone Eagle 1/3
On a house, west side of the map, right next to the church.
#16 – Stone Eagle 2/3
On the building to the right of the library.
#17 – Stone Eagle 3/3
On one of the towers of the castle.
#18 – Workbench 1/3: Rifle
On the first floor of the building, use the stairs on the backside of the house. You have to lockpick a door or use bolt cutters to reach it.
#19 – Workbench 2/3: Pistol
This workbench is in the underground between the library and the bigger building with the bar to the right of the library. The entrance to the underground is in the library or behind the bar.
#20 – Workbench 3/3: SMG
The bench is between both courtyards. You have to lockpick a door or use bolt cutters to reach it.
That’s all of the Collectibles in Mission 2: Dead Drop. For all other missions refer to Sniper Elite Resistance Collectible Guide.
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