For Victory! is the 9th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the For Victory! main story quest.
Talk to Capon this evening
Talk to Capon in the evening, you can skip time to 20:00 (press Touchpad).
Go and see Capon
Talk to Sir Hans who stands in the corner of the feasting area. He goes to bed and reminds you to grab his sword and armor from the smithy.
Feast and enjoy the good life! (Optional)
Chat with all the people at the feast. This is good to gain some Speech XP.
Knight Herrmann Littlehead gives you another optional objective. Bailiff Hanke Goathead wants to play for 110 Groschen (feel free to skip this). Widow Johanka of Zhernov wants to hear your story. Father Nicodemus discusses religion. Knights Jezhek & Olbram talk about the upcoming battle and politics. Black Bartosch introduces himself (you can talk to him again to get a weapon as reward for helping von Bergow).
Black Bartosch Romance: When talking to Black Bartosch say “What about the local girls?” > “I reckon I know what you’re getting at.” (Win Skill Check) > “Alright, but maybe later?” > “Shall we spend the rest of the evening alone?”.
You’re all done here, the objective will auto-complete when you go to bed.
Bring Florian’s Ring (Optional)
If you talk to Bailiff Hanke Goathead at the feast, he gives you this task. This is actually worth doing because you get a load of good items from it.
Go to the objective marker “G” in the west-wing of the castle. It’s on the highest floor (above the alchemy bench). Be careful as this is a restricted area and there are guards around, so you’ll have to distract them by throwing stones (crouch and hold /
). Open the “easy” difficulty chest in the last room upstairs. Loot everything from it. It also contains clothing, a skill book, lore book, 40 Groschen, and various items.
Return to Florian afterward. Give him the ring. The easier choice is “Sorry, I won’t do that” – then Florian plays the trick himself, this also gives the best reward. If you agree to play the trick then see the next objective.
Reward: 100 Groschen & weak Saviour Schnapps.
Play the trick with the Ring (Optional)
If you tell Florian “Right, here I go” then you have to talk to Adleta of Straz and give her the ring (the woman in red dress sitting at table in same room). Afterward talk to Florian for your reward. If you tell the woman it’s from “Hermann Littlehead”, or “from me”, her husband wants to duel you. You can agree to a duel of honor with her husband, or don’t and win the skill check to avoid it. If you tell the woman it’s from “a shy friend” the husband won’t challenge you.
Reward: if you participate in the duel you only get 100 Groschen and nothing else, regardless of whether you win or lose. If you say it’s from a shy friend you get Saviour Schnapps & The Strength of the Knight III skill book (no Groschen).
Go and get the armour
Talk to Blacksmith Osina in the courtyard. If you win the skill check he gives you everything you need. Best to make a save and put on different clothes until you win the skill check. If not, you can haggle for it, around 260 Groschen should do it (depending on reputation).
Another way is to fail the skill check “You’re trying to fleece me!”, then he’ll start a fistfight against you, beat him and he gives you a cheaper weapon/sword. This is the easiest of the 3 skill checks if they all fail. If you fail the first skill check “I’ll tell the Chamberlain” he wants you to craft the armor yourself. If you have high charisma you get a bonus option “I’ll tell the Chamberlain” which should succeed at 14+ Charisma (your wedding outfit should be good enough).
Get a good night’s sleep
Go to bed, it will automatically skip to morning. Afterward the cook is back in the kitchen so you can do the objective to get wine.
Go into the kitchen for wine
Now that it’s morning, Cook Manyeta is back in the kitchen (she wasn’t there at night so you couldn’t do the objective earlier).
She should be wandering around the kitchen area but she can also be on the floor above. Talk to her and ask “Where’s Katherine?”. Say “I’ll look at it” to help her with a stuck lock, triggering the next objective.
Open the herbs chest
It’s a medium-difficulty chest in the corner of the kitchen, it will be marked on the compass. Pick the lock.
Talk to Cook Manyeta again, she gives you the wine. That’s all preparations done.
Hand over the wine and armour to Capon
Note: you should be well-equipped for the upcoming fight. Put on heavy armor and a good weapon. If you don’t have any, check if you stored anything in the chest next to your bed, or buy something from the blacksmith. Also quickslot some Marigold decoction (bought from apothecary in Troskowitz), this can be used to restore health mid-combat. What comes next is the hardest part yet.
Talk to Capon when you’re ready, give him any decent weapon and armor piece. You can keep the remaining armor pieces for yourself, so give him the worst one he’ll accept.
Set out for battle!
You can auto-follow Hans with /
. After arriving at the gallows, a series of cutscenes will play.
Go down to the mill with Capon / Go to Capon
After the cutscenes, fight your way through the bandits with Sir Hans. Focus on attacking enemies from behind, and blocking when the green shield-icon appears. Hans and the other soldiers will assist in killing the enemies. Always stay close to Hans, otherwise he will die.
After going down a slope, Hans will try to save Ulrich who is trapped under a fallen tree. You need to defend them.
Defend the Chamberlain
There will be 2 bandits attacking you while Hans helps Ulrich. Kill them. However, Ulrich will always die here and there’s no way to save him. The bandits will shoot him from above.
Go round the barricade
Keep following Hans down the road. When he defends, go up the path and wait for him to follow. Two bandits will come but Hans will assist you. There will be a checkpoint after defeating them.
When you reach the shooters behind the wagon, stay back and wait for your allies. Let them distract the enemies and attack from behind again.
Afterward follow Hans into the village. A cutscene will play where Hans gets wounded and the bandit leader arrives. Henry and the leader will now duel.
Survive the duel
Defeat the bandit leader. He is relatively unarmored, especially around the head. Afterward you get more cutscenes and the next mission begins where you will play as Father Godwin.
This finishes For Victory! main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: Divine Messenger
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Dion says
I have the armor and wine for hans capon but everytime I try to give it to him he says “Where is it then?” Am I completely bugged?
PowerPyx says
Check that you don’t have all the armor pieces equipped yourself, you need at least 1 of the armor pieces unequipped to give to him.
Alex Jones says
You can romance Widow Johanka of Zhernov at the party, also Cook Manyeta was in the kitchen during the night for me so I was able to get the wine during the party.
Yamamato says
“Black Bartosch Romance” – is this the wrong person? I could romance Widow Johanka of Zhernov at the party. But nothing with Black Bartosch Romance.
Justy says
You have to pass a charisma (?) check to let him know you “get it”.