Opus Magnum is a side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Opus Magnum side mission.
- Starting Location: Trosky Region > Lower Semine Mill
- Quest Giver: Miller Kreyzl
- Requirement: Finished Side Quest Forbidden Fruit (Miller’s Questline)
- Reward: Access to the wedding (halfway through quest) & Recipe for Lead shot gunpowder (at end of quest)
- Quest Type: Side Quest
- Questline: Materia Prima > Forbidden Fruit > Opus Magnum
- Quest Description: To get to the wedding with Miller Kreyzl, you need to recruit a pretty girl to act as distraction, dress her up and get her some perfume.
- Find a companion at the Zhelejov bathhouse
- Find Enneleyn in the nomads’ camp
- Get some Mintha perfume for the companion
- Find a dress for the companion
- Bring Enneleyn wine
- Go over Kreyzl’s plan with Enneleyn
- (Get Wedding Clothes)
- Check with the scribe for clues about the book
- Ask the cook what she knows about Nikvard (Optional)
- Find out what the maid knows about Nikvard (Optional)
- Find out what the stableboy knows about Nikvard (Optional)
- Find Nikvard
- Find the book for the miller
- Bring the book to the miller
- Talk to the miller about what to do next
- Go to the lair
Starting Location: Opus Magnum
Opus Magnum starts when you hand in the side quest Forbidden Fruit to Miller Kreyzl. Then accept his help to get you into the wedding.
Find a companion at the Zhelejov bathhouse
Go to the Zhelejov bathhouse, northwest of Troskowitz. If earlier you did the objective to get the thieves’ outfit you will have been there already and can fast travel.
Talk to Bathhouse owner Dorothy. At day she will sit on the bench in front of the bathhouse, wearing a green dress and white headdress. What dialogues you pick here doesn’t matter at all, the outcome will always be the same. None of the girls want to go, there’s no way to convince them. Dorothy recommends checking with Enneleyn in the Nomads’ Camp.
Find Enneleyn in the nomads’ camp
The nomads’ camp will be marked on the map.
It gives you a search area to look for Enneleyn, but she’ll usually be just outside the search area. Look for a young woman with yellow dress and brown hair. Her exact location varies by time of day, you can ask the nomads for a hint. At day she’s either down by the pond getting water, or calming the horses. For me she was standing at the horses, on the west road of the camp (at midday). If she’s not there you’ll need to walk around the camp until you find her.
What dialogues you pick doesn’t matter, the outcome will always be the same. She’ll request wine in addition to the dress and perfume. To gain reputation pick this:
“Are you Lady Enneleyn?” > “Your reputation precedes you” > “Enough to buy two cows” > “You’ll eat well” > “You can inspect the horses” > “Von Bergow will be there” > You should get acquainted with him” (both choices give negative reputation, doesn’t matter) > “I’m sorry” > “It’s about a book at Trosky” > “I asked the chamberlain at the bathhouse” > “We’re agreed, then?” > “I can find some wine for you” (regardless of choice must bring her wine but this one gives reputation) > End dialog.
Get some Mintha perfume for the companion
Fast travel back to Troskowitz. There are at least 3 methods to get the Mintha perfume. The first option is recommended, it’s the easiest and quickest:
Method 1: Steal it from Innkeeper Betty. Rest until 6AM, she’ll be asleep upstairs in the inn. Pickpocket her while she sleeps to steal the perfume off her body. She keeps another perfume bottle in the chest next to her bed, you can pickpocket her keys and open the chest for “Heavy Mintha“.
Method 2: Talk to Innkeeper Betty and buy the perfume from her. She wants 499 Groschen. This is too expensive. If you’re going to steal it, avoid talking to her about it to not raise suspicion.
Method 3: Buy the Mintha Perfume Recipe from the Apothecary. It costs around 233 Groschen (depending on your reputation) but you can haggle for a cheaper price. You can then brew it at an alchemy bench. Requires 2 Dandelion + 1 Marigold + 1 Mint.
Find a dress for the companion
You must get the dress called “Tyrol brocade cotehardie“. The tailor in Troskowitz has it.
There are multiple methods again, the first is the cheapest. Best to make a save before this (Save & Quit to Menu).
Method 1: Enter the tailor’s shop at day (at night it’s locked). The correct dress is the red one on the counter, in the restricted area of the shop. The tailor usually stands in the front section of the shop. Stick to the wall on the side where a spinning wheel is, crouch and sneak behind the counter, outside his line of sight. Then he won’t notice you entered the restricted area. Steal the dress, then walk back outside. He won’t see that you stole it. If you have noisy armor on he might hear you sneaking behind the counter, but if you strip naked you’ll be quieter and he won’t hear it. If you are caught simply reload the save and retry. Alternatively, you can crouch and toss a stone ( /
) to distract him.
Method 2: Buy “Tyrol brocade cotehardie” from the tailor. It costs around 285 Groschen (depending on reputation). You can haggle for a cheaper price.
Method 3: Break into the shop at night and steal the dress. It has a hard difficulty lock, which might be impossible if you haven’t raised your Thievery skill. This is unnecessary as the door is open at day and you can sneak past the tailor in broad daylight anyway.
Bring Enneleyn wine
If you’re lucky you already have wine in your inventory. Doesn’t matter if it’s Cheap Wine or Fine Wine. You only need 1 piece.
You can buy Cheap Wine from Innkeeper Betty in Troskowitz for 1 Groschen.
When you have all items, deliver them to Enneleyn in the nomads’ camp.
Go over Kreyzl’s plan with Enneleyn
When talking to Enneleyn say “We can go to the wedding now”. If you don’t have fine clothes equipped, she will tell you to get some at the tailor.
How to get Wedding Clothes
You need any outfit that reaches 16 Charisma. Doesn’t matter which items exactly as long as it gives enough Charisma. You can check this in the Inventory under the “Charisma” stat. Make sure you’re not hungry or tired as this causes a Charisma reduction (red Charisma stat).
The outfit can’t contain armor. You don’t have to fill every single clothing slot, but it must contain a coat, hose, shoes. Other clothing items are optional but helpful to get a better charisma rating (hat, hood, gloves etc). When you inspect clothing in the inventory (swipe on it), it shows a Charisma stat.
Speak to the tailor in Troskowitz, say you need a wedding outfit. Then you can ask him “Can I go to the wedding like this?” and he’ll let you know when it’s good. When he replies “magnificent” you’re good to go. Make a save before spending your money. Put together the cheapest combination of clothes that the tailor approves of. Reload the save and try other items until it works.
There are many combinations that work. The cheapest combination is this for ~78 Groschen (depending on reputation):
- Hat: Chaperon (~24 Groschen)
- Body: Burgher Coat (~36.5 Groschen)
- Legs: Gartered Hose (~18 Groschen) *can be skipped if your hose has same or better charisma
- Arms: Knacker’s gloves – was a reward from previous side quest “Forbidden Fruit“, not purchased.
- Shoes: if you don’t have any shoes, you can buy some in Nomdas’ Camp from Fence Whitebeard. Alternatively, loot them at night from people’s bedside chests (pickpocket their key while they sleep to open chest next to their bed).
- (Optional: One of the “Hemmed hoods” from the tailor gives +1 Charisma, but can be skipped if you put on Knacker’s gloves or other items)
If you can’t afford the clothes you can also steal them. Simply go outside and throw a stone through the window (crouch and /
). Then the tailor will investigate the noise, quickly steal what you need before he comes back. If you’re noticed, the authorities will stop you next time you enter the town and must pay a fine or accept punishment. If you have the money to spare it’s safer to buy the clothes. At the wedding nobody will notice if you’re wearing stolen clothes.
After getting an acceptable outfit talk to Enneleyn, this will skip to the wedding.
After you arrive at the wedding, make sure you’re tracking the “Wedding Crashers” main quest from the journal. Continue at the main objective “Talk to Svatya“.
After completing the Wedding Crashers main quest you get new objectives for Opus Magnum. However, you’ll first have to finish the next main quest For Whom the Bells Tolls before the rest is doable.
Find the book for the miller / Check with the scribe for clues about the book
After completing Main Quest 6: For Whom the Bells Tolls, you have full access to Trosky Castle and can talk to Scribe Ezarim about the book. His exact location will vary so check the map marker (if you untracked the quest make sure to track it again to see markers). At day he’s usually in the castle’s west-wing upstairs, but he can also be in the east-wing in the Knight’s Hall.
He tells you that a fella named Nikvard has borrowed the book, so you must track him down. Be sure to ask him where to find all the people who last saw Nikvard, it then adds their markers to the map. If you don’t ask about them they won’t be marked. Optionally, you can talk to them for clues, which is the intended way of getting the map marker for Nikvard and the book. If you want to save time, you can skip the optional objectives and head straight to the book’s location (continue at “Find Nikvard / Find the book for the miller“).
Alternate Quest Ending: If you report to Bailiff Thrush what Miller Kreyzl is up to before getting the book, he will ask you to spy on the miller. Then he hangs Miller Kreyzl and his friends at the end of the quest. Bailiff Thrush can be found at the Troskowitz Rathaus where the scribe is, depending on time of day. Skip time in 1-hour increments until he shows up there at day (between 8AM – 8PM). Then say “I want to report whats going on with Miller Kreyzl” > “Tell him everything” > “I’ll do it”. Then continue the rest of the questline as usual by finding the book and returning it to the miller. This is entirely optional, if you want the Miller and his friends to survive then don’t report him to the Bailiff.
Ask the cook what she knows about Nikvard (Optional)
Bertha the cook is usually in the kitchen of the west-wing of the castle at day.
Before talking, put on your outfit from the wedding which improves your Charisma. You can either bribe her with 200 Groschen or win the skill check. With the wedding outfit equipped you should have enough charisma to win the dialogue “I’m a nobleman’s confidant too“.
Either way she only reveals that she made Nikvard a potion against belly aches, and he had soiled himself at the Combat Arena of the castle.
Find out what the maid knows about Nikvard (Optional)
Regina the maid is usually found moving around the east-wing of the castle (at day). Check the rooms there until you find her, she’s wearing a yellow dress.
Talk to her, she has a message from Nikvard but doesn’t know how to read. So she lets you read the message for her. It’s a poem that doesn’t help us much.
Find out what the stableboy knows about Nikvard (Optional)
Hersh the hand is found outside the castle, usually around a barn on the way to the gallows (at day). He’s a man wearing a white outfit.
He requests a Longsword. You’ll have to steal one, or if you already have one in inventory give him that. You can grab the wooden Training Longsword from the training grounds / combat arena. That’s the area up the path behind the coal shed. It’s there on the weapons rack. You don’t need a real longsword, he’ll accept the wooden one.
In exchange he tells you that Nikvard lost something outside the castle and he ran around looking for it. The scribe told us that Nikvard lost the book somewhere. So we now have a clue that the book was lost outside the castle and that’s what Nikvard was searching for.
Find Nikvard / Find the book for the miller
Return to Scribe Erazim. At day he’ll be either in the west-wing upstairs, or in the east-wing Knight’s Hall. Just check all rooms until you find him. Tell him about the clues. The correct conclusion is “the book fell into the privy“.
Basically, Nikvard took the book with him to the “toilet” and it fell in. The objective will now be marked on the map. We must look outside the castle under the guardhouse.
Leave the castle entirely, through the front gate by the gallows. Then follow the small path around the castle until you reach the cliffs below the guard tower. There you find Nikvard’s corpse.
Nikvard location:
Miller’s book location:
The book is right next to Nikvard’s body, it’s called “Lightbringer’s secret”.
Bring the book to the miller / Talk to the miller about what to do next
Fast travel to Lower Semine Mill and tell miller Kreyzl that you got his book. Ask “what now?” to advance the objective.
Go to the lair
The Lair is where you met Bonnie earlier in the questline. Not far from the mill, southeast of it. Now the miller’s true intentions will be revealed.
What dialogues doesn’t matter as the outcome is the same, but the following grant some reputation: “You’ll give me another job” (you gain reputation again if you rescued Monarch the dog) > “(Say nothing)” > “Weapons” > “You had a good mother” > “You left?” > “Alchemy?” > “You became a miller?” > “Let’s get to it”.
Afterward you get a cutscene and the quest is done.
If you didn’t report the miller to the Bailiff then he and his friends survive. If you did report him and agreed to spy on him, then he and his friends will be hanged to death.
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
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