Neva contains 60 Collectible Locations. This guide contains all Collectibles and all miscellaneous trophies. By following this you will earn all trophies/achievements in one playthrough. Nothing is missable, everything can be cleaned up via Chapter Replay. When grabbing a collectible it immediately saves, allowing you to quit out without finishing the Chapter.
Summer – Part I
- Feeding Location 1 (Checkpoint 1): at the start, head left and up the hill and continue until Neva feeds herself.
- Feeding Location 2 (Checkpoint 1): when you first the first few ledges, the blue flowers.
- Feeding Location 3 (Checkpoint 1): the next blue tree on the main path.
- Feeding Location 4 (Checkpoint 1): immediately after, the tree with the orange fruits.
- Flower 1 (Checkpoint 1): when you reach the pond with the storks, this is on the left of the screen right after dropping down from the branch.
- Flower 2 (Checkpoint 2): after unsheathing the sword, continue on until Neva stops at a tree you have to slash through from the other side. Once you have, the tree will levitate. Use it to reach the top of the platforming section left of the tree to find this.
- Feeding Location 5 (Checkpoint 2): in the section where you have to slash through the enemy hands, this is halfway through two hand pillars, where you can see the orange fruits on the ground.
Provide now unlocks.
Germination: automatic, story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Summer – Part II
- Flower 3 (Checkpoint 3): when you reach the bramble section, continue on until you can destroy a face sprouting from the ground, then retrace your steps to find this flower.
- Flower 4 (Checkpoint 4): after being chased by the monster and dropping down a hole, continue on and you’ll find this on your path.
Wily (Checkpoint 4): when you reach the broken branch bridge, drop down the hole and a monster will spew its tendrils from the left side of the screen. Lure one of the smaller adds to the ground and ensure that the monster kills one of the smaller enemies with its tendrils to unlock this trophy.
- Flower 5 (Checkpoint 4): after interacting with the white orb in the underground section, this is on the main path in the next area.
Sprouting: automatic, story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Fall – Part I
Loving: repeatedly pet Neva to unlock this trophy.
- Soothing Location 1 (Checkpoint 1): soothe Neva when she mauls the first enemy body on the ground.
- Soothing Location 2 (Checkpoint 1): soothe Neva when she mauls the second enemy body at the top of a tree platform with big roots.
- Flower 1 (Checkpoint 1): immediately after learning how to climb walls, climb down the second wall to find this flower.
- Flower 2 (Checkpoint 1): continue on and you’ll find one single enemy to defeat. Shortly after, you’ll find one vertical platform with a climbable flower wall only its left side. At the top is this flower.
- Soothing Location 3 (Checkpoint 1): soothe Neva when she mauls the third enemy body on the ground beneath a big tree.
- Soothing Location 4 (Checkpoint 2 – Left Side): soothe Neva when she mauls the fourth a bit after finding the left side orb.
Mentoring now unlocks.
- Flower 3 (Checkpoint 2 – Left Side): immediately after. To reach it, you must drop down the flower wall, dash and then jump to the nearby flower walls.
- Flower 4 (Checkpoint 2 – Right Side): after walking past the cube, you’ll reach a new climbing section with splitting platforms. You’ll eventually reach a very small platform floating and moving up and down in the air. There’s a small climbable flower wall on its left. Jump to it to split more platforms that give you access to this flower.
Establishment: automatic, story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Fall – Part II
- Flower 5 (Checkpoint 3): at the very start, go all the way to the left and use the flower wall to reach a platform leading you to this.
- Corrupted Animal 1 (Checkpoint 3): on the main path, you’ll find two enemies possessing a wild boar. After they kill the wild boar, get close to its carcass and press
while standing close to Neva. Honoring it will cover the carcass with leaves.
- Corrupted Animal 2 (Checkpoint 3): another wild boar. Do the same as above.
- Corrupted Animal 3 (Checkpoint 3): on the main path. Do the same as above: let the enemies possess them and kill them when they pop out of the animals, then approach either one to honor both.
- Corrupted Animal 4 (Checkpoint 3): you can only honor this animal once you’ve learned Neva’s dash attack with
. Once you have, retrace your steps to uncorrupt the wild boar.
- Corrupted Animal 5 (Checkpoint 4): on the main path, another two storks.
- Flower 6 (Checkpoint 4): on the main path, on an island near some platforms you must activate using Neva’s dash ability after climbing a short flower wall.
- Corrupted Animal 6 (Checkpoint 4): found on the main path, you must use Neva’s dash attack on the enemies above the giant wild boar’s tusks.
Empathy now unlocks.
Growth: automatic, story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Fall – Part III
- Enemy Statue 1 (Checkpoint 5): on the main path, after finding the cube near the first flower wall.
- Enemy Statue 2 (Checkpoint 5): after the first big mouth, slash through the ground and you’ll find this on the main path.
- Enemy Statue 3 (Checkpoint 5): immediately after the above.
- Enemy Statue 4 (Checkpoint 5): immediately after the above on the upper ledge on the left.
- Enemy Statue 5 (Checkpoint 5): when you reach the section with 4 mouths (two on the ground, two in mid-air), you’ll notice some rubble ground in the middle of the structure around them. Atop the left pillar is this enemy statue (highly missable).
- Flower 7 (Checkpoint 5): can be found in a small alcove accessible via one of the mouths when reaching the red-painted structure you have to go down.
- Flower 8 (Checkpoint 5 – Left Side): when you first see the orb cube, go left and you’ll eventually see this flower. Once you see it, have Neva destroy the rubble cube above the flower on the right. Then, continue through the level as normal until you reach the other side where the flower is and do the same with the other rubble cube. Now you can access the flower.
- Enemy Statue 6 (Checkpoint 6): immediately after reaching the underground section, on your right.
- Enemy Statue 7 (Checkpoint 6): further on, between two enemy pillars.
- Flower 9 (Checkpoint 6): you will soon descend a flower wall with three enemies trying to snatch you from the opposite side in quick succession. Stop at the very bottom of the wall you climb down and double jump-dash to the other side where you can see an enemy holding a structure.
- Enemy Statue 8 (Checkpoint 6): after grabbing the above, continue as normal and you’ll find this right after the two enemies holding a bowl.
- Enemy Statue 9-10 (Checkpoint 6): in the same area where you fight the big blog enemy with two red sources of light on both sides and a big mouth pointing downwards, climb the flower wall on its left and you’ll reach these enemy statues in the next section.
- Flower 10 (Checkpoint 6): shortly after you’ll reach an area with 5 different mouths, one pointing downwards and the other 4 facing each other, use the one facing downwards and then dash to the flower wall in your right. Climb it up to find this flower.
- Enemy Statue 11 (Checkpoint 6): in the same area above, use the mouths facing each other to reach the ledge on the right.
- Enemy Statue 12 (Checkpoint 6): immediately after the above, down the stairs.
Comfort now unlocks.
Dormancy: automatic, story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Winter – Part I
- Flower 1: on the main path, at the very top of some ruins. You must jump while riding Neva to reach the leftmost platform.
- Hidden Bird 1: after you’re dropped down by the saber enemy, go all the way to the left and you’ll find this in your path atop a reddish plant. Double jump while riding Neva to collect it.
- Flower 2: continue left to find this on the main path atop some ruins. To reach it, you must dash-jump-dash to be able to climb the second flower wall.
- Flower 3: continue left to find this halfway through some climbable ruins.
- Hidden Bird 2: when you dash through the rubble, head all the way to the left. When you see some more rubble to destroy, continue left to find this.
- Flower 4: in a room with a big block in the middle. Use it to grab the flower wall and then again to reach the flower.
- Hidden Bird 3: retrace your steps to the very first Hidden Bird’s location. Continue right and past the orb block and eventually you’ll find this perching atop a branch. Launch Neva into it to collect it.
- Flower 5: after being aided by the spirit, this is shortly after on the main path and atop some ruins.
- Flower 6: next set of ruins. Climb atop them, defeat the enemies and then proceed to the flower.
- Flower 7: after activating the second orb, use the mirror to get onto the platform with the big water lily. Continue climbing up to eventually reach the mirrored platform with this flower.
- Hidden Bird 4: shortly after, you’ll have to jump across mirrored cubes. Underneath one of them is a well-camouflaged Hidden Bird. Use Neva’s dash ability to collect it.
Curiosity now unlocks.
- Flower 8: you’ll eventually reach enemy balloons that you can use as jumping boards to reach higher platforms/flower walls. When you reach the second one, grab the flower wall on your left and climb up.
Flowering: automatic, story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Winter – Part II
Longing: at the start of the chapter, repeatedly press
until the trophy pops.
- Flower 1: when you reach the first gong, activate it to change the direction of the platforms. Then, dash to the ledge directly above the gong to be able to reach the area with the flower.
- Flower 2: when you get to the three movable pillars with the gongs, you must rearrange the pillars so that you get access to the bottom left-hand corner with the flower.
- Flower 3: shortly after, you’ll reach an area with a platform that rotates upon using the gongs. After using the second gong, go back to the area with the first gong and grab the flower wall left of it. Now drop down, hit the gong while in the air and quickly grab the flower wall again. Now you can safely proceed to the flower at the very top of the tower with the first gong.
- Flower 4: when you reach the platform with the gong below a statue, sound the gong and immediately dismount the platform, then reach the flower.
- Flower 5: when you reach the area with a single enemy moving a giant piece of ruin with staircases, grab his attention so that he pushes the ruins all the way to the right. Then, grab his attention again so that the leftmost staircase points upwards. Then, use it to reach a flower wall that leads you to this flower.
Pollination: automatic, story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
- Flower 1 (Checkpoint 1): from the starting point, go left until you run into it.
Blossoming now unlocks.
Memories (Checkpoint 1): continue right and follow the main path until you walk along a white broken bridge. Drop down when possible and stand in front of the big red tree for a couple of seconds until the trophy pops.
Seed: automatic, story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
These are all the Collectibles in Neva.
Jacco says
Winter flower #8, a bit of an error.
You have to climb the flower wall on the right, not the left.