Time Heals All is a Favour (Side Quest) for the Spirit in Fafnir’s Storeroom in God of War 2018. This walkthrough will guide you through the objectives and starting location of the Time Heals All Favor. It’s also required for the trophy “Unfinished Business” for having finished all 5 favours for the Wayward Spirits in Midgard.
- Quest Giver: The quest triggers when picking up a lore scroll in Northri Stronghold, during/after Sindri’s second Favour “Family Business”. Detailed location is explained below.
- Requirement: Finished Sindri’s Second Favour “Family Business” (can also be triggered during this favour)
- Reward: Epic Enchantment, 3290 XP
This is a very short quest. Unlike others, it’s not given by an NPC but triggered by finding a hidden lore scroll in Northri Stronghold. Then all you have to do is bring that scroll back to the Spirit in Fafnir’s Storeroom.
Time Heals All – Starting Location
The quest starts by picking up a hidden lore scroll in the region “Northri Stronghold”. The screenshot below shows the map location and nearest mystic gateway (fast travel point). You unlock Northri Stronghold during Sindri’s second quest “Family Business”. You can either collect the lore scroll during or after this quest. For the purpose of this walkthrough, it’s assumed that you have already beaten Sindri’s favour and thereby played through the Northri Stronghold. The pictures below will help you find the exact spot.
From the Mystic Gateway inside Northri Stronghold (where one of Sindri’s Shops is also located), take your boat through the sea tunnel on the left side. This one is locked when you first arrive but will unlock after playing through the area and Sindri’s 2nd favour “Family Businss”.
When taking the left sea tunnel, you’ll come to an old Viking boat (Screenshot 1). Next to the old boat is a dock (circled red in Screenshot 1 & 2). Dock your boat and jump across to the other side where you can see a well-lit cave entrance (Screenshot 3). Inside this little cave lies the lore scroll that triggers the “Time Heals All” favour (Screenshot 4).
After picking up the scroll, don’t forget to mark the quest in your “goals” log book.
Return to Fafnir’s Storeroom
The hard part was finding the scroll. Now the rest is easy — simply return to the Spirit in the region “Fafnir’s Storeroom”. You actually went there and talked to the same spirit during Sindri’s previous (1st) favour named “Fafnir’s Hoard”. So essentially it ties in perfectly with Sindri’s quest line. You talked to the Spirit in his first quest and then find the lore scroll in the area of his 2nd quest.
Upon delivering the scroll to the Spirit the quest will be complete! The Spirit is of course marked as a quest objective on the map.
This finishes the Time Heals All quest in God of War. If you haven’t already, complete the other 4 favours for wayward spirits to unlock the trophy “Unfinished Business”.
For more Walkthroughs, check out the full God of War Favours Walkthrough (All Side Quests).
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