The Valkyrie Queen is the 9th and last Valkyrie and the hardest boss in God of War (2018). She does lots of unblockable attacks and has a lot of health. Even on easy difficulty she can be quite a challenge.
How to Unlock Valkyrie Queen
First you must defeat the 8 “normal” Valkyries. Those are weaker than the Queen, but still require endgame armor or else they will one-hit you. It’s best to keep this for after the story. They are the biggest challenge in the game.
- 4 in Midgard
- 1 in Alfheim
- 1 in Helheim
- 1 in Muspelheim
- 1 in Niflheim
Don’t know how to access Muspelheim and Niflheim? Then these two guides have you covered: How to Unlock Muspelheim Realm & How to Unlock Niflheim Realm.
After killing them all (they are marked on the map after the story), head to the Council of Valkyries (marked by blue quest marker, in the north of Midgard). Place the helments of the 8 Valkyries on the throne, in the room with the region’s Mystic Gateway. This will summon the Valkyrie Queen secret boss.
In preparation you should buy a Berserker’s Resurrection Stone from any shop. It can be used to revive yourself with full rage when you die.
Also get one of the top two armor sets in the game. Sindri’s Armor Set which you get from doing all 5 favors for Brok & Sindri in Midgard is recommended. It’s called “Sindri’s Royal Dwarven Armor”. The chest piece has an Arcane Protective Barrier which renders you invincible for a few seconds after triggering a Runic Attack. This will play well with our runic optimized build. Alternatively, the armor you get by doing Sindri’s favor in Niflheim (Ivaldi’s Set) is also good, it adds constant health regeneration but doesn’t have a protective barrier.
Character Build (Cooldown Build)
We’re going to use mostly Runic Attacks for this boss fight. They deal a lot of damage and can stun the Valkyrie Queen (or at least keep her locked down while landing attacks). With Sindri’s Royal Dwarven Armor you get a protective barrier that makes you invulnerable when using Runic attacks. It’s crucial that you max out the cooldown stat as much as you possibly can.
- Fully upgraded Armor Set “Sindri’s Royal Dwarven” Set (Purple Color “Legendary”, Level 6 by default, Level 7 when fully upgraded). The chest piece makes you invulnerable when using Runic attacks.
- Put Epic Runes in all enchantments slots that increase Cooldown Stat.
- Axe Rune – Light Attack: Hel’s Touch (Automatic Story Unlock)
- Axe Rune – Heavy Attack: Frost Giant’s Frenzy (Bought from Shop after Story)
- Blade Runes: Whatever you have that does the most damage. If available, the Light Attack “Rampage of the Furies” and Heavy Attack “Fire of Ares”.
- Atreus Runic attack: whatever does the most damage. If available, the “Murder of Crows”.
- Be sure to fully upgrade all Runic Attacks to Level 3 (go to Weapons, select the rune and hold
to upgrade it with XP)
Valkyrie Queen Boss Fight Strategy (works for any other Valkyrie too):
- Put difficulty to easy in-game options.
- At all times, keep shooting the Valkyrie with electric arrows by pressing
while you attack. Use electric arrows to stun her.
- Watch out when she has a red “signal” sign around her, this indicates she’s about to launch an unblockable attack – so dodge, dodge, dodge.
- Use Hel’s Touch to stun the Valkyrie. Then unleash all of your other Runic Attacks. Remember after upgrading them they get extra attacks which can be initiated with more buttons presses. For example, the Heavy Axe Runic “Frost Giant’s Frenzy” will do a lot more hits if you keep pressing
- The key here is that you are invulnerable while using Runic Attacks with Sindri’s Royal Dwarven Armor Set. By maxing out your cooldown stat, you just need to dodge and wait for a few seconds before you can spam them again. Unleashing all runic attacks can take away half of her health in a few seconds + you’re invulnerable while doing it. Ideally, use the runic attacks outlined in the Character Build section or use any other that deal a lot of damage.
- When health gets low, trigger your spartan rage and attack with quick
strikes. Be sure to dodge though. While spartan rage is active your health regenerates quickly.
- If you die, quickly press
for Atreus to revive you (if you bought the Berserker’s Resurrection Stone from Shop). It revies you with full rage. Trigger it immediately, it will regen your health while you attack. Afterwards, you can immediately trigger another set of Runic Attacks. By this point the valkyrie should be done.
Valkyrie Queen Rewards
Defeating the queen completes the Valkyrie Favors “The High Council” and “God vs. Queen”. You also earn the gold trophy “Chooser of the Slain”.
Dropped Materials:
- Sigrun’s Helmet (Legendary)
- Njörd’s Temporal Stone (Epic): Very low Perk activation chance to temporarily slow nearby enemies when damage is taken.
- Perfect Asgardian Steel (Material): A flawless and hardened piece of Asgardian Valkyrie armour. Used to upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of the Valkyries.
- Retribution (Epic Axe Pommel):
axe throw and recall becom incredibly powerful. Low Perk activation chance to strike with a massively damaging explosion on any successful hit.
- Asgardian Steel (Material): Asgardian metal found on scraps of Valkyrie armour. Used to upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of the Valkyries.
Brandon0159 says
No I can confirm for myself that you are not invulnerable during a runic attack
PowerPyx says
There are some that don’t render you invulnerable. The recommended ones do, though (and so do certain others). I have clarified this in the guide now.
orugas says
The recommended runic attacks don’t make you invulnerable 100% of the times. In some instances the boss can still hit you (specially during Fire of Ares). Still, very good strategy and works most of the time.
Nopey says
The key here is that you are invulnerable while using Runic Attacks.
This is absolutely not true.
PowerPyx says
Clearly says this does not apply to every runic attack, but certain ones. Use the ones described here and you’re good.
Viper says
Quick question. Based on the runes and enchantments you were using that were aiding in cooldown. What was the cooldown time for you on those rune attacks?
PowerPyx says
The cooldown was around 23 seconds.
Viper says
Alright 24 seconds is what I had, so close enough. Got my Platinum today. So thanks for this guide Pyx.
However you might want to add The Shattered Gauntlet of Ages (aka The Infinity Gauntlet) Talisman. Once upgraded it allows 3 Enchantments, and when you add the ones that fit in it, it allows for an extremely powerful attack with homing capabilities. This move saved me like you wouldn’t believe.
jigsaw250 says
Thanks a ton for the build. Beat it first try with this build. Didn’t have all the enchantments you had, but I had enough of them to make it work. Thanks again.
SHep says
Thabk you for this guide, killed her 2nd attempt with this build. Used a berserk runic and finished her with rage. The heavy attacks were devastating. I used the mist armour for arms and waist, but the sondri chest piece. Worked a treat.
XrayDelta says
> Put difficulty to easy in-game options.
Well…. duh…
Funifi says
i rip off her wings after 3 – 4 hours… i realized that the key of this is fight is just like fighting dark souls boss game : Patient, wait for right moment, and counter attack.. i try to make the fight easier so i try to keep my distance to her so she will leap her wings to front in order to jump, then i immediately just press L2 then R1 throw axe, she stagger for around 4-5sec.. so i give a 1 blast R2 attack, then 2-3 light R1 attack, then fall back.. dodge everything, untill she ready to leap again.. rinse, repeat.. i almost not used any runic attack, except in emergency situation.
Violent_Blackout says
You Sir, are a true hero.
Yesterday I really struggled with this fight, but today I thought, I’m going to give your armor set a try. What should I say, beat her first try, the cooldown boost on the Runic Attacks was the key. I highly appreciate all your guides, not just this one. They helped me so much reaching many platinums. Never thanked you before, but I guess, sometime’s always the first time. So thanks for you work you put out there
Graham says
I am following your build but really struggling still. What Talisman did you use?
god of boy says
thanks a lot this build helped me a lot it took a while for me to beat the Valkyrie queen a better runic abilitie is bitter squirrel which if you have light arrows equipped gives you healing stones and electric gives you rage stones