Fafnir’s Storeroom contains 10 Collectible Locations in God of War (2018, PS4). This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Fafnir’s Storeroom Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story.
- Favours: 1
- Mystic Gateways: 1
- Shops: 1
- Odin’s Ravens: 5
- Legendary Chests: 1
- Nornir Chests: 1
To access the Fafnir’s Storeroom Region you need Sindir’s side quest “Fafnir’s Hoard” which you get by talking to him at one of his shops.
Video Guide
#1 – Favor 1/1 (Fafnir’s Hoard) – 0:05
You get this side quest by talking to Sindri at one of his shops and choosing the prompt. Unlocks as you progress through the game, can still be done after the story.
#2 – Raven 1/5 – 1:18
When you land on the Fafnir’s Hoard beach with your boat, take the elevator up and find the raven sitting above the elevator, overlooking the area.
#3 – Mystic Gateway 1/1 – 1:59
On your way into Fafnir’s Storeroom, next to Sindri’s shop in plain sight.
#4 – Shop 1/1 – 2:28
On your way into Fafnir’s Storeroom, next to the Mystic Gateway in plain sight.
#5 – Raven 2/5 – 2:41
Flying in circles above Sindri’s shop.
#6 – Raven 3/5 – 3:10
Crawl through the little cave into the Fafnir’s Storeroom area. The raven will be sitting on a tree branch on the left side of the woods area.
#7 – Raven 4/5 – 3:39
In the back of the woods area is a huge entrance, looks like a giant stone door. At the top of the huge entrance sits the raven overlooking the woods.
#8 – Nornir’s Chest 1/1 (Rage Upgrade) – 3:58
The Nornir chest is next to the last raven, prominently placed in the middle of the woods. You must quickly hit the 3 runes that make a “dong” sound. One is up the hill to the left of the chest (near last raven), the other two are in plain sight behind the chest.
#9 – Raven 5/5 – 4:50
Go inside the Fafnir Storeroom. There’s a platform with a dead body in the middle with many paths leading to different doors. The raven is flying in circles over this area.
#10 – Legendary Chest 1/1 – 5:28
In the room where you meet Fafnir’s spirit during Sindri’s “Fafnir’s Hoard” favour.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Fafnir’s Storeroom area in God of War.
Next Up: Northri Stronghold
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete God of War 2018 Collectibles Guide.
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