Dead Island 2: SoLA DLC Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to 100%: 3-4 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 6 (1
, 2
, 3
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, all the DLC trophies will autopop when transferring a save from PS4 to PS5 (not from PS5 to PS4). Make sure the PS4 save is on your PS5 console, then in the PS5 version’s title screen click Options > Transfer PS4 Data and it will autopop all trophies including Platinum instantly.
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, you can freely roam the DLC after completing the story
- Supports Manual Saves?: No, only 1 Autosave
- Release Date: April 17, 2024
Welcome to the Dead Island 2: SoLa DLC Trophy Guide! This is the second DLC for Dead Island 2. Just like the main game, the DLC is also very easy and straightforward to 100% with half of the trophies being story-related. The DLC can be started by looking for the orange icon in Bel-Air, on any of the Fast Travel maps. While this area is accessible early in the game, it’s recommended to do the DLC after finishing the main story since it can spoil upcoming plot points.
Step 1: Complete all 9 Main Missions
This step will take up the majority of your time since completing all 9 main missions is the bulk of the list. You can also focus on some of the miscellaneous trophies while clearing your way through the story, but you can very easily come back to get them later and just solely focus on clearing the story for now.
Step 2: Clean Up
During this step you’ll want to focus on getting any of the 3 miscellaneous trophies you might have missed while clearing the main missions.
Dead Island 2: SoLA DLC Trophy Guide
Main Game & DLC Trophy Guide:
Dead Island 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap
DLC #1: Haus
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Drop The Beat Defeat The Dirge and silence the Beat |
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Automatic story-related trophy. This unlocks after completing the final main mission of the DLC, “The Sound Of Violence”.
From the mainstage after completing “Saving Grace”, you now need to head to the Eclipse club on the opposite of the map to the Sola Mainstage. Once you arrive, follow the marker to the stage, watch the cutscene and be prepared to tackle the final boss The Dirge which is spawned from the giant speaker. This mission has four stages to it and the spike in difficulty in this boss fight can be quite noticeable, so keep your distance from The Dirge as he doesn’t take damage from many weapons other than when he is resonating from the giant speaker. He kneels down in the middle of the stage to get power from the speaker when he is resonating. Defeat the waves of enemies that are taking energy from the two ORGONE BALL mood speakers either side of the stage, this allows you to interact with the Orgone Ball, pick it up and throw it at The Dirge to overload him and damage him. Once you have successfully depleted The Dirge’s health, he disappears and you will hear Cadenza tell you that two more Orgone Ball mood speakers have appeared in the room. These are located in the middle of the club on the 1st floor. From the stage, turn around and hug the wall either on the left or right hand side, go up the stairs and repeat the process of killing the zombies to get access to the Orgone Balls. From here, take an Orgone Ball and lure The Dirge back to the stage and throw the balls at The Dirge to drain his health. Like before Cadenza now says two more mood speakers that need overloading have appeared in the club. These are back at the entrance to where you enter the area, so head back there, kill the zombies and grab the Orgone Balls once again and use them on The Dirge, once back at the stage. Finally after taking The Dirge down for a third time, Cadenza tells you there is yet one more mood speaker in the room, head to the back of the room, clear out all the enemies resonating off the speaker, collect the Orgone Ball, head back to the mainstage and throw the ball at The Dirge which will finally kill him and end the Beats reign. Watch the cutscene and head all the way back to Grace. From the stage you can just run all the way back avoiding all the zombies that are still present outside. Follow the marker and head into the safe zone, speak to Grace and upon completion, the quest and the DLC ends. The trophy pops once the dialogue finishes. |
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No Encores Help calm Grace by suppressing the Beat |
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Automatic story-related trophy. This unlocks after completing the eighth main mission of the DLC, “Saving Grace”.
This is the second to last mission in the DLC and you need to save Grace before she turns and succumbs to the Beat. From the start of this mission head back to the Sola Mainstage (north of the map) and into the open air area and head towards the stage. The sky and environment will be much darker and grim now due to the Beat growing stronger. Once at the stage, Grace will be above on a podium and away from the zombies below. The mission has two waves to it and you need to defeat all the zombies here before you can get to Grace. You can use environment kills to your advantage by interacting with the Pyrotechnic briefcases that are placed on the stage, which by pressing Once the second wave is complete, the door below opens and you need to head up to Grace and save her. Once you interact with her the trophy will pop. |
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Three’s a Crowd Survive your first Clotter encounter |
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Automatic story-related trophy. This unlocks after completing the third main mission of the DLC, “Shit Hits The Fan”. Upon completing the quest, you’ll be tasked with fighting two enemies called Clotters that are regenerated zombies from the pile of corpses from the large fan you kicked zombies into prior. You’ll need to defeat both of them to progress. These two enemies disappear into the ground once they take a certain amount of damage and then respawn in the area randomly ready to be attacked again. They both spew out zombie guts and deal heavy hits if you get too close. The best form of attack here is to use fire damage, grenades and any strong machine guns in your arsenal.
Once both Clotters are down, the mission completes and the trophy pops. |
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The Direct Approach Ram into 5 zombies in a single charge |
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RAM is a special attack skill card ability that can be found next to a zombie corpse on your way to the Main Stage during the main story mission ‘Dance For Me’.
Once you collect it, press the Touchpad > go into the Skills menu > Abilities > equip RAM as one of your cards. There are plenty of zombies in various areas where you can achieve this trophy. A good area is during the main mission ‘Dance For Me’ as you are required to enter a large open air area near the main stage and take out quite a few zombies. Once in the area, lure the zombies to you so they are in a group or line and then press |
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Rip ‘n’ Tear Slay 5 zombies with a supercharged Ripper, and bisect 5 more with a Sawblade Launcher |
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For this trophy you will need two different weapons: the Ripper and Sawblade Launcher. You can only complete this trophy after the DLC story as The Sawblade Launcher is given to you as a reward at the end of the last DLC main mission ‘The Sound Of Violence’.
To craft more sawblade disks you need to collect the blueprint for them from the vending machine downstairs in the safe zone after speaking with Grace. You can purchase the Ripper from the vending machine in the safe area downstairs where Grace resides for $34,125. Once you have both weapons, head back outside, climb over the fence and look for zombies around the festival to kill. For the Ripper kills there is a new animation that happens once you initiate the kill. First you need to kill 2-3 zombies to get the Ripper powered up and once the blade is spinning you can then proceed to get the five required kills. Hold Now switch to the Sawblade Launcher and like the Ripper, hold |
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Festival Clean Up Simulator Clean up the large Caustic-X spillage in Utopia |
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This trophy requires you to clean up a Caustic-X spillage in the Utopia area. As you approach an enclosed area where the acid spill is, there will be a note attached to a sliding gated entrance. Take the note and you can begin the clean up.
In order to stop the Caustic-X spill you will need to pick up water cans and pour water onto the acid. Enter the small area and turn the nozzle on the acid barrel off, located in the far left corner. You will be attacked here by two Hazmat Suit Walkers, so be ready to take them out before continuing to stop the Caustic-X spill. Turn around and with the water can, pour water onto the last acid spill which is amongst a small pile of waste in the opposite corner. Once you have done this, you will earn the trophy. |
Main Game & DLC Trophy Guide:
Dead Island 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap
DLC #1: Haus
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