In No Man’s Sky the Exosuit keeps you safe from enemies and extreme weather conditions. It also lets you carry more items when you upgrade it.
Upgrade Exosuit Inventory Space:
- After getting the Atlas Pass you can open the left door in space stations. Behind this door is an upgrade terminal for your exosuit (one per space station). They get more expensive with each purchase.
- When exploring planets you can find larger drop pods (marked as points of interest) that contain exosuit upgrades. Here’s a picture of such a pod:
Craft Exosuit Blueprints:
To make your suit stronger you can craft new technology. This will take up one inventory slot permanently. Examples of craftable improvements are: Jetpack Boost Stamina Enhancement, Deflectors for extreme weather conditions (radiation deflector, heat, toxic…). After getting the blueprints you must craft them. Lining up multiple upgrades of the same type in your inventory gives bonuses (they will light up yellow when done correctly).
- Atlas Interfaces (formerly Atlas Stations) have a very high chance of giving you a craftable upgrade for your Exosuit. When you walk towards the big orb the floor will light up and you receive an upgrade. This has the best chance of giving you a new upgrade.
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