1. Collectibles
1.1. All Collectible Locations
1.2. Scrap Collector
2. Miscellaneous
2.1. Safety ain’t the point of a joyride – Take no damage in Endor Chase
2.2. Best star pilot in the galaxy – Destroy 10 TIE in 2 minutes in Beggar’s Canyon
All 60 Collectible Locations
Star Wars Battlefront has 5 Collectibles on every Map / Mission. This guide shows all their locations for Hoth, Tatooine, Endor, Sullust in all Game Modes (Battle, Hero Battle, Survival).
So there are 4 maps and 3 game mode variants of each map. The collectible locations vary in each game mode. This makes a total of 60 Collectible Locations (12 Map/Mission Variations and 5 Collectibles in each of them).
This video always starts where the mission starts. It’s recommended you equip a jetpack card for your character. In Hero Battle you will want to play as Boba Fett as he is the only one with a jetpack. The video goes through all 3 game modes of a map before moving on to the next map (starting with Battle, then Hero Battle, then Survival).
Please note that you must finish the match after finding everything, or else the collectible progress will not count! You get a star in every mission for finding all the collectibles.
Scrap Collector
Earn any collectible Star
There are 5 Collectibles in Hero Battle on Hoth in Star Wars Battlefront. Finding all Collectible Locations on one map unlocks the Scrap Collector Trophy / Achievement.
They look like little white diamond shaped pickups. They will also unlock a “star” for that map. The trophy / achievement unlocks at the end of the match. It won’t unlock right away when you pick up the fifth collectible.
Safety ain’t the point of a joyride
Take no damage in the Endor Chase mission
This can be done in the training mission “Endor Chase”. In this mission you are driving a Speeder Bike to chase after some rebels. You don’t need to kill them, just chase after them. Don’t hit any objects on your way and you’ll get the trophy / achievement at the end. You can see the health bar at the bottom of the screen. It must stay at 100 all the time. If it drops you must restart the mission, luckily it only takes 2 minutes to complete.
Best star pilot in the galaxy
Destroy 10 TIE fighters within 2 minutes on the Beggar’s Canyon mission
This can be done in the training mission “Beggar’s Canyon”. Here you will fly an X-Wing and have to shoot down enemy TIE fighters. The 2 minute time limit for this trophy / achievement starts when shooting the first TIE fighter. Make good use of your rockets whenever possible. Lock on enemies with L2 (PS4) / LT (Xbox One). Your rockets kill enemies in one hit, but they take a while to recharge. When shooting the laser gun you must aim the little white dot EXACTLY on the enemy aircraft (so the lock-on turns yellow). With rockets you don’t need to aim so precisely, it’s okay if the lock-on is only red.
It might take a few tries, but luckily the mission is really short.
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