Steelrising contains 8 main bosses and several “Unstable Automats” which are upgraded versions of normal street-level enemies. This Steelrising Boss Guide will walk you through the best tactics to defeat all bosses in the game. They are listed in chronological order below. You must defeat all Unstable Automats for the Stabiliser trophy and achievement.
As a general rule, look from what side the enemy is starting an attack, dodge forward in that direction to “dodge under” the attack, then land 1-3 hits from behind or the side and repeat. Try to learn the attack pattern of each boss and find one move you can easily dodge and land a few quick hits after. Exploit that one move. With most enemies it’s better to dodge forward, which puts you at close range to land some hits. If you want to make the bosses very easy buy some Improved Explosive Grenades from a Vestal and throw them at the boss, they deal a lot of damage.
For starting class the Dancer is recommended. If you’d like to learn more about all starting classes see Steelrising Starting Class Guide.
If you feel too underleveled for a boss, spend some time farming Anima Essence to level up. You can farm the same group of enemies repeatedly and make them respawn by using a Vestal (Upgrade Station). A great loadout is the Falchion and Sabre (found in a chest in Saint-Cloud in the area just before the dock) and the Requiem Mallet (found in the room where you need to decide what to do with the dynamite). The first is a Medium Weapon, allowing for swift combos and Blade Tornado as its Special Move, which is basically a quick flurry of dancing attacks that doesn’t consume much Stamina. The second one is a Heavy Weapon that even at its lowest ranks deals considerable damage when using its Special Move, Ranged Attack. You can easily beat the game with only these two weapons and just focus on upgrading them. Throwing Explosive Grenades, bought from any Vestal Boutique, is a quick way to deal a lot of ranged damage against bosses.
Boss #1 – Unstable Lancer
Location: The Bosquets
Strategy: He will attack 2 times, dodge those attacks then approach him and hit him a few times. Rinse and repeat. This boss is very slow in attacking and he only has one phase.
Reward: 700 Anima Essence, Module Key, Stabiliser, the Unstable Lancer is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #2 – Unstable Lightning Ram
Location: The Pier
Strategy: Dodge his swinging attacks, he will swing his spear three times. Then attack him and get back. Also sometimes he will ram his spear into the ground to do a lightning attack, it will create a circle, don’t step in. Heavy attacks ( hold /
) do a lot of damage here.
Reward: 850 Anima Essence, Grade II Stable Charging Module, Module Key, Stabiliser, the Unstable Lightning Ram is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #3 – Unstable Forger
Location: The Forge
Strategy: He’ll try to stab you with his rod. Dodge it and attack him with some quick attacks. Most of the time he’ll swing his rod around two times. Dodge it again and attack him. If he rams his rod into the ground you can also attack him with heavy attacks which will do a lot of damage.
Reward: 1250 Anima Essence, Grade I Fight or Flight Module, Module Key, Stabiliser, the Unstable Forger is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #4 – Unstable Butcher
Location: Place Dauphine
Strategy: When he swings his butcher knife dodge it and attack him immediately after. The same goes for his circular saw. Sometimes he will run at you which you can also dodge. Attack him after.
Reward: 1750 Anima Essence, Grade I Reinforced Armour Module, Module Key, Stabiliser, the Unstable Butcher is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #5 – The Bishop of the Cité
Location: Palais de Justice
During Phase 1, he will try hitting you with his staff from all sides and occasionally cast his book at you if there’s too much distance between you and him. So, to avoid this, stay fairly close to him. Keep dodging until he kneels to the ground to reveal the bottom of the globe he rolls on. When he does, land an Special Attack (provided it’s not a defensive move) or quick
attacks. Rinse and repeat until Phase 2.
During Phase 2 (marked by when he releases steam from his head), he will try hitting you with his spinning blades. 2-3 dodges right before he’s about to hit you are enough to avoid damage. Wait until he tires down and then for a Special Move or
During Phase 3 (marked by a small explosion at the bottom of the globe), he will try hitting you with his spinning blades again, but this time they will leave a trail of fire behind them. Dodge his attacks and jump to avoid getting damage from the fire trails. Again, wait until he tires down and then for a Special Move or
Reward: 4000 Anima Essence, The Bishop’s Hook, Grade I Efficient Countering Module, Module Key, Bishop: Cité
Boss #6 – Unstable Statuary Ram
Location: The Grande Galerie
Strategy: His attacks are easy to dodge because he attacks pretty slowly. When he attacks, dodge and counter-attack him from behind. Repeat this process.
Reward: 1750 Anima Essence, Grade II Will to Live Module, Module Key, Stabiliser, the Unstable Statuary Ram is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #7 – The Selenite of the Louvre
Location: Palais du Louvre
During Phase 1, she will try hitting you with her halberd and shield and occasionally cast unavoidable fulmination attacks. Keep dodging and whenever she doesn’t do anything, attack her legs. Eventually, you will be able to Petrify her and start Phase 2.
During Phase 2, she will still try hitting you with her halberd, but this time she will set her big shield on fire. Keep dodging and attacking her legs.
Reward: 4000 Anima Essence, Grade I Respite Module, Module Key, Bishop: Louvre
Boss #8 – Unstable Falcon
Location: The Luxembourg Gardens
Strategy: He has two attacks, spinning his body and slamming his body into the ground. After each attack, you can attack him with some quick attacks. Rinse and repeat.
Reward: 3000 Anima Essence, Grade II Fight or Flight Module, Module Key, Bismuth block, Stabiliser, the Unstable Falcon is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #9 – The Alchemist of Luxembourg
Location: Palais du Luxembourg
Strategy: For the entire fight, he will try to swing his mace at you and cast fulmination and fire attacks. The best strategy is to stay fairly close to his legs and continuously go around him. If you can, try to corner him into a wall. This somehow confuses him, leaving you open for more attack combos. This is not a particularly challenging fight due to him standing fairly still and moving rather slowly. If you want to make this boss fight a joke, you can always buy some Improved Explosive Grenades if you can afford them.
Reward: 7500 Anima Essence, The Alchemist’s Ram, Grade II Survival Instinct Module, Module Key, Orichalcum ingot, Rook: Luxembourg
Boss #10 – Unstable Frost Acolyte
Location: Église Sainte-Marie
Strategy: Dodge his spinning attacks and attack him after that with some heavy attacks ( hold /
). It will help if you set him on fire.
Reward: 4250 Anima Essence, Grade II Stun Module, Module Key, Bismuth block, Stabiliser, the Unstable Frost Acolyte is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #11 – The Treasurer of Les Invalides
Location: Hôtel des Invalides
Strategy: His AOE attacks heavily rely on the fulmination element, so dodge and stay away when he swings at you. Take your time and don’t forget to Special Move to attack him when he rests on the ground after stomping. If you want to make this boss fight a joke, you can always buy some Improved Explosive Grenades if you can afford them.
Reward: 9750 Anima Essence, Grade II Reinforced Armour Module, Module Key, Orichalcum ingot, Rook: Les Invalides
Boss #12 – Unstable Scout
Location: Reserves
Strategy: Another boss where you can easily dodge his attacks. He will swing his arms, which you can easily dodge. Attack him after that and repeat it. He is also vulnerable to fire.
Reward: 5750 Anima Essence, Grade II Respite Module, Module Key, Bismuth block x2, Stabiliser, the Unstable Scout is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #13 – The Centaur
Location: Cavern
Strategy: The Centaur uses a combination of spear and AOE attacks, with the occasional use of fire. Focus on landing just a couple of hits and then stand back and dodge. Additionally, avoid getting caught in his ring of fire when he’s about to cast it. If you want to make this boss fight a joke, you can always buy some Improved Explosive Grenades if you can afford them.
Reward: 13100 Anima Essence, Grade III Efficient Countering Module, Module Key, Orichalcum ingot, Knight: Montmartre
Boss #14 – Unstable Ballista Ram
Location: Place Royale
Strategy: If you stay close to him, he will just swing his crossbow at you, dodge it and attack him with heavy attacks from behind. If you have Improved Explosive Grenades you can throw it at him.
Reward: 7500 Anima Essence, Grade III Fight or Flight Module, Module Key, Bismuth block x2, Stabiliser, the Unstable Ballista Ram is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #15 – The Executioner
Location: Grande Cour
Strategy: The Executioner uses a combination of mace and AOE attacks, with prevailing fulmination as his element. Focus on landing just a couple of hits and then stand back and dodge. Additionally, avoid getting caught in his mace swinging and being stomped on when he jumps into the air. Keeping your distance here is key. If you want to make this boss fight a joke, you can always buy some Improved Explosive Grenades if you can afford them.
Reward: 16500 Anima Essence, Cell Key, Grade III Endurance Module, Module Key, Orichalcum ingot, Knight: Bastille
Boss #16 – Unstable Lumberer
Location: Île Monsieur
Strategy: He will attack you with his lance, it’s just one swing of his arm. Dodge it and attack him with flame and/or explosive grenades. Rinse and repeat.
Reward: 9500 Anima Essence, Module Key, Bismuth block, the Unstable Lumberer is an unstable Automat but he does not count for Stabiliser.
Boss #17 – The Royal Orpheus
Location: Cour d´Honneur
Strategy: He is vulnerable to Improved Explosive Grenades. You need about ten of these grenades to kill him in a few seconds.
Reward: 18500 Anima Essence, The Mad Titan.
Boss #18 – Unstable Gargoyle
Location: Bosquet de la Colonnade
Strategy: This boss spins his arms and sometimes swings his foot at you. If he attacks you, you can again easily dodge his attacks. Attack him after that with some quick hits. Rinse and repeat.
Reward: 15000 Anima Essence, Module Key, Orichalcum ingot, Bismuth block, Stabiliser, the Unstable Gargoyle is an unstable Automat. You must kill all unstable Automats in one playthrough to get this trophy.
Boss #19 – The Iron Queen
Location: Cour de Marbre
Strategy: She is highly vulnerable to Explosive Grenades. At this point in the game, you should have enough Anima Essence to stock up on Improved Explosive Grenades. Just keep throwing them at her and she will go down in a heartbeat.
Reward: 26000 Anima Essence, Orichalcum ingot, Queen: Versailles
That’s all of the bosses and side bosses in Steelrising.
More Steelrising Guides:
- Steelrising – Best Starting Class
- Steelrising – All Citizen Stories Locations
- Steelrising – All Oil Burette Upgrade Locations
- Steelrising – All Outfit Locations
Kaushin says
After I defeated Boss #11 – The Treasurer of Les Invalides it went straight to a cut scene and after the long cutscenes I was not at the encounter location to get the drops. 8s this going to screw me by not getting the Orichalcum from this boss for leveling up the 7 weapons to level 5?
HardyBoy says
The cutscene is normal, but you should spawn in front of the boss’s corpse after the cutscene. Sounds like a bug, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a bug. IIRC you should be able to get back to the place by going the same way you did the first time.
Kaushin says
Nope, it spawned me in the room with all the NPCs. I tried making my way back last night but navigating the world is not a fun time, and then my game froze and errored out. I will try and make my way back to the location tonight before moving forward.
Dom says
Ah yes, this happens when you choose the option to go straight to the convent. I chose the second option Leave it there and you stay where you are.
Kaushin says
Update: went all the way back and the drops were still there. Crisis averted.
HardyBoy says
Nice, i’m glad it worked.