Saints Row has 6 Fast Travel Locations. They are called Fast Travel Photos on the map and count as a type of Discovery. Finding all Fast Travel Photos is a requirement for 100% district completion and to obtain the All Mine trophy.
Fast Travel Points are particularly useful because they let you get around the map much quicker. Instead of driving everywhere you can fast travel to save time. You should get them as early as possible to get the most out of it. Not every district has a Fast Travel Point. You can also fast travel to your Headquarters and to the Saints Tower once you’ve built it.
None of the Fast Travel Points are missable. You can still get them after the story in free roam. To activate the Fast Travel Points you must take a photo of a monument at the marked spot. Press D-Pad Up to take out the camera, zoom in or out until the object has a green outline, then take the picture. If done correctly the fast travel icon will change its color from yellow to purple. Click the icon on the map to fast travel there.
Guides for All Discoveries and Collectibles by District:
- Saints Row 100% Completion Guide
- 265 Discoveries Guide
- 75 Threats Guide
- 41 Side Hustles Guide
- 35 Stores Guide
- 15 Ventures Guide
- 115 Main Collectibles
Video Guide
Fast Travel Points
Fast Travel #1: Panther Rock (West Providencia)
Fast Travel #2: Twin Coyote (Rojas Desert North)
Fast Travel #3: Bear Lake (Marina West)
Fast Travel #4: Cactus Bill (Lakeshore South)
Fast Travel #5: El Dorado (El Dorado District)
Fast Travel #6: Lone Wolf (Badlands South)
That’s all 6 Fast Travel Points in Saints Row (2022 Reboot).
For all other Collectible Types check out the Saints Row Wiki & Strategy Guide.
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