1. S-Ranks
1.1. The Burning Roar of a Hot-Blooded Beast (Chapter: The Crimson Beast)
1.2. Madara, Pulverized (Chapter: Wind Rages, Thunder Races)
1.3. Farewell, Obito (Chapter: Kaguya, the Violent Goddess Part 1)
1.4. Surpassing a Goddess (Chapter: Kaguya, the Violent Goddess Part 2)
1.5. The Last Man Standing (Chapter: Naruto and Sasuke)
2. Miscellaneous
2.1. Attacking is the Greatest Defense – Completed a 50-hit combo
2.2. Full Power Teamwork! – Finished off an opponent during a Linked Awakening
2.3. Masterful Timing – Connected a Counterattack
3. Completion [not needed for trophies, just a little bonus]
3.1. All Ultimate Jutsus
3.2. All Team Ultimate Jutsus
3.3. All Awakenings
The Burning Roar of a Hot-Blooded Beast
Completed “The Crimson Beast” with an S Rank
This chapter is the first part of the Madara boss battle. There are two fights in it (Might Guy vs. Madara). To get S Rank you must complete them with over 90% of your first health bar remaining and get at least 90% of the stars during QTEs. Just smash all buttons very quickly during the interactive cutscenes.
First Fight: Use chakra dash, start a combo and follow up with another chakra dash BEFORE finishing the combo. This lets you string together a super long combo until you run out of chakra. If you have to reload chakra, do it when Madara is down and be ready to block his attacks if he comes dashing towards you. Not only will you do tons of damage by stringing combos together, you will also keep Madara from attacking you. You should keep pressing L2 (PS4) / LT (XB1) all the time in case he tries to attack. But be careful that your substituion bar doesn’t run out completely.
Second Fight: When Madara uses his shield you must smash it to cause damage. Use Ninjutsu to destroy it quicker. Other than that repeat the strategy from the first fight (string together combos with chakra dash).
Timestamps for fights (rest is cutscenes):
Fight #1: Might Guy vs. Madara = 0:46 – 2:44
Fight #2: Might Guy Awakened vs. Madara = 6:29 – 9:04
Madara, Pulverized
Completed “Wind Rages, Thunder Races” with an S Rank.
This chapter is the second part of the Madara boss battle. It consists of 3 fights. To get S Rank you must complete them with over 90% of your first health bar remaining and get at least 90% of the stars during QTEs. Just smash all buttons very quickly during the interactive cutscenes.
First Fight: Spam Naruto’s Ninjutsu (Tailed Beast Bomb Rasen Shuriken). After a successful hit Madara will go down and you can recharge chakra. Jump over the Limbo when he uses it.
Second Fight: Use Ninjutsu to get close to enemies and then perform a combo (does way more damage than shooting). You can ignore the small enemies for the most part (except where you have to fight them to progress). Concentrate on the main boss. Never stay still, you can even reload chakra while moving. You can evade pretty much all attacks by flying from one corner of the screen to the next (like a square).
Third Fight: Same as first fight. Spam Ninjutsu and reload chakra when Madara is down.
Timestamps for fights (rest is cutscenes):
Fight #1: Naruto & Sasuke vs. Madara = 13:48 – 15:18
Fight #2: Kakashi vs. Madara = 19:33 – 23:24
Fight #3: Naruto & Sasuke vs. Madara = 23:54 – 26:36
Farewell, Obito
Completed “Kaguya, the Violent Goddess (Part 1)” with an S Rank.
+ Surpassing a Goddess
Completed “Kaguya, the Violent Goddess (Part 2)” with an S Rank.
This Boss Battle consists of two chapters (parts). Getting S Rank in both of them unlocks the two trophies / achievements “Farewell Obito” and “Surpassing a Goddess”. To achieve S-Rank you must have more than 90% health left and get 90% of stars during QTEs. After the battle you can see the score details by pressing Square (PS4) / X (XB1).
She is one of the hardest bosses. It’s best to keep your distance and spam long-range Ninjutsus. Immediately regenerate your Chakra after landing a hit and repeat.
If you have to get into close combat with her, spam L2 (PS4) / LT (XB1) to evade. Then jump away to build some distance. If she is coming at you and you don’t have enough Chakra to perform a Ninjutsu you can use Chakra Dash and follow up with a combo (costs less chakra and will knock her back). But never ever get close to her when your substituion bar is empty because you won’t be able to evade.
Timestamps for the fights (rest is cutscenes):
Part 1: Naruto, Sasuke vs. Kaguya = 4:50-7:28
Part 1: Obito, Kakashi, Sakura vs. Kaguya = 10:03 – 11:52
Part 2: Kakashi vs. Kaguya = 18:45-22:18
Part 2: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura vs. Kaguya = 25:40-28:22
The Last Man Standing
Completed “Naruto and Sasuke” with an S Rank.
You must have over 90% of the first health bar left and get 90% of QTE stars for the S Rank. There are two fighting sections that count for this (3:58-5:17 & 15:05-22:00). The rest is just cutscenes and the game ending.
Best way to get S Rank is to use chakra dash and then perform a combo. Press L2 (PS4) / LT (XB1) to evade enemy attacks instantly. During QTEs just smash all buttons very quickly and you’ll easily get 100% of the stars. You don’t have to finish both fights in a row with S rank. They can be selected individually from the story board.
Attacking is the Greatest Defense
Completed a 50-hit combo.
You can easily do this trophy / achievement with Hinata Hyuga’s Ninjutsu “Protective 8 Trigrams 64 Palms”. It will do a 64 hit combo. Load up Free Battle, start a VS Battle and put the difficulty on very easy. Now stand close to your opponent and press Triangle, Circle (PS4) / Y, B (XB1) to activate the Ninjutsu.
Please note that combat related trophies do not unlock in practice mode!
Full Power Teamwork!
Finished off an opponent during a Linked Awakening.
A Linked Awakening is the team version of the normal Awakening.
Go to Free Battle and load up a team match. To do the Linked Awakening your health must be very low and the storm gauge filled up (the bar below your chakra & health). You build up the storm gauge by using your team members and also by doing/taking damage. It will start “burning” when it’s full.
When these requirements are met simply hold down Triangle (PS4) / Y (XB1). Now all team members will be awakened and you just need to finish the fight quickly before you turn back to normal.
Masterful Timing
Connected a Counterattack.
To perform a counterattack you must press R2+Square (PS4) / RT+X (Xbox One) when an opponent is about to hit you. You can easily do this in free battle (except in Practice mode, the trophy / achievement won’t unlock there). The timing is very important. If you press the buttons too early you will get hit.
Each use of counterattack costs 20% of chakra.
Alex Krasny says
What about the trophies for survival and league match? They are not listed?