This guide shows where to find the Elden Ring Swift Glintstone Shard Location. Swift Glintstone Shard is one of the best spells in the game and only costs 3 FP (Mana) to use. It fires much faster than the Glintstone Pebble, uses less mana, but does about the same damage. It deals much more damage per mana point consumed, making it perfect to not run out of mana against bosses with large health bars. It requires 12 Intelligence attribute points to use.
Where to find Swift Glintstone Shard in Elden Ring
First you must find the Academy Scroll. Starting at Liurnia of the Lakes: Lake-Facing Cliffs, go west of the site of grace towards the first cemetery, to find this sitting in front of a mausoleum.
Now bring the scroll to the merchant “Miriel, Pastor of the Vows” at Liurnia of the Lakes: Church of Vows, he’s inside the church on the left and looks like a big turtle. Give him the scroll and then you can buy the spell from him for 600 Runes.
You can then equip it at any site of grace in the “Memorize Spells” menu.
For all other item types check out the full Elden Ring Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Jvlovesk says
I have the Swift Glinstone Shard Spell but I can’t use it. When I add it the slot it remains gray and I can’t use it. Please tell me what I am doing wrong. Thank you!
PowerPyx says
Do you meet the required stats to use it? It needs 12 Intelligence attribute. You must also have a sorcery staff equipped to cast the spell.
Joe says
i went to the location but the magic scroll wasn’t there, i thought i might have picked it up before, since i just re-spec my character into a mage. I visited both NPCs but it doesn’t seem like i have the scroll. Is it a bug, is there any way to fix this problem?