There are 5 Pouches in Horizon Forbidden West. You unlock them by simply acquiring 1 of each Pouch Type’s resource or ammo. Once you have an item belonging to a pouch category, that pouch automatically gets unlocked and can be upgraded at the Workbench.
You can view your available Pouches at any workbench, found at any big settlement. You must upgrade each Pouch at least once for the trophy “Upgraded Every Pouch Type”. If you are missing some upgrade materials, simply press “Create Job” while in the upgrade menu at the workbench. This will create a quest marker on the map for the material you need.
All Pouches
- Food Pouch: Buy Food (e.g. Local Stew) from any Cook (Food) Merchant at any large settlement. Every large town has a Cook Vendor. For example, at “Chainscrape” (but must do Errand for him first), or at “Plainsong” or “Scalding Spear” or “The Bulwark”. Once you bought your first food item the pouch will become available.
- Potion Pouch: Buy a Potion from any Herbalist (Remedies) vendor, found at any large settlement. You can also find these in Resource chests and can unlock the Pouch by collecting a Potion that way.
- Resource Pouch: Automatically available from the beginning, by the time you reach the first workbench you will already have this. The first main story quest forces you to gather some resources.
- Trap Pouch: Automatically available from the beginning, by the time you reach the first workbench you will already have this. The first main story quest wants you to craft some traps (at any point after that you can hold
to craft more traps).
- Ammo Pouch: Automatically available from the beginning, there’s one pouch for each weapon type. For example, the “Hunter Bow Quiver” is unlocked from the start, but by unlocking more weapons you also get the pouches for their respective ammo types. See All Weapons.
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