Wondering if you can reset skill points in Horizon Forbidden West? The simple answer is no, there is no skill reset or respec option.
However, you can get enough skill points to buy every skill, there are enough skill points to max out all skill trees.
You gain skill points in 3 ways:
- Leveling Up: you can farm some large combat machines by fast traveling between them, for example Tremortusks. Doing this at night will spawn Apex variants more often, which give more XP. You can play on Story difficulty while farming XP to defeat machines faster.
- Main Quests, Side Quests, Errands: you get a reward for almost every quest in the game. See All Quests List.
- Open World Activities: You gain +2 skill points from most open world activities, including Tallnecks, Rebel Camps, Cauldrons, Relic Ruins.
Because you get skills points from almost every task in the game, you will always have access to plenty of skill points for whatever skill you want.
For a list of all skills, refer to: Horizon Forbidden West Skills List
Unloop says
Hey are you sure there’s enough skill points to max out everything? I’ve done just about every quest that could find finished the main story did all the collectibles did everything and I am about 8 or so short.
PowerPyx says
The in-game tutorial says there are enough points to max out everything, so yes. But I also ended up a few skill points short, think we’re just missing something.
Tux says
After i did all Machine Strike (that mini boardgame) and all side quests im still 2 points to short. what im am missing -_-.
Tux says
problem solved. you can repeat the arena fights to get more skillpoints.