The Evil Within 2 has a total of 15 weapons to collect. This guide shows how to get all of them.
Warning: If you go for the trophy or achievement “Powerhouse” (find all weapons), please be aware that the Brass Knuckles can only be obtained on Nightmare / Classic difficulty! Thus, the Powerhouse trophy is not obtainable on Casual or Survival difficulty.
Overview (Chronological Order):
- Semi Automatic Handgun = Chapter 2
- Survival Knife = Chapter 2
- Warden Crossbow = Chapter 3
- Sniper Rifle = Chapter 3
- Laser-Sighted Handgun = Chapter 3
- Sawed-Off Shotgun = Chapter 3
- Revolver = Chapter 3 – 11
- Silenced Handgung = Chapter 7
- Full-Barreled Shotgun = Chapter 7
- Double-Barreled Shotgun = Chapter 7 – 13
- Flamethrower = Chapter 11 – 14
- Assault Rifle = Chapter 13
- Magnum = For beating the game (any difficulty)
- Brass Knuckles = For beating the game (Nightmare / Classic difficulty)
- Burst Handgun (Pre-Order DLC, not needed for “Powerhouse” trophy)
Semi Automatic Handgun:
You get this automatically during Chapter 2 when you exit the cabin after being chased by the sawblade-wielding monster. Cannot be missed (it’s your first firearm).
Survival Knife:
Just like the handgun this is unmissable from the story during Chapter 2.
Warden Crossbow:
You can get this in chapter 3-4. After exiting the safe house where the chapters start, walk down the road on the left. Walk to the end of the road and you’ll see an armored vehicle. Behind the armored vehicle is the crossbow. There’s also some crossbow ammo here. You need it to access the safehouse in the north of the map.
Sniper Rifle:
The earlist you can obtain this is in chapter 3. After exiting the safehouse at the start of the chapter, look for the tallest building on the left (just across the street). On the rooftop you find a broken sniper rifle. Use the stairs and ladder on the side of the building to get up there. Then go to the far north-west corner of the map to find a tool shed. Inside the shed are sniper rifle parts on a workbench. Interact with the workbench and combine the sniper rifle parts with the broken sniper rifle to repair it. You can also get it later in chapter 11-13 on the John’s Coffee roof or in chapter 15 in the ruined city area.
Laser-Sighted Handgun:
In Chapter 3, check the parking lot north of the auto repair shop to find this handgun. It comes with improved aiming.
Sawed-Off Shotgun:
Located in chapter 3 in the armory. While doing the side quest “Rogue Signal” (given to you by O’Neal in the safehouse), you will come to a car repair shop. It’s very dark there and you must use your radio to listen to a memory for the side quest objective. During the memory you learn that there’s an armory underneath the car repair shop. Use the power switch to turn on the electricity (same place where you saw the memory in the car repair shop). You can now climb down into the armory by using the latch underneath the hydraulic lift. Because you turned on the power, the hydraulic lift will have moved. An enemy was trapped under it and will attack you so be careful.
Complete all 4 Anima Flashback Events to get this. They are from finding certain collectibles. You must find Photographic Slide #2 (Chapter 3), File #12 “Woman’s Journal” (Chapter 3), Residual Memory #12 (Chapter 7), File #32 “Computer File: Pit Observatory” (Chapter 11). See The Evil Within 2 All Collectible Locations Guide.
Silenced Handgun:
For doing the side mission “Getting Back Online” in Chapter 7.
Full Barreled Shotgun:
Can be obtained in chapter 7 & 11-13. In the business district there’s a “Post Plus” safehouse. To the south of the safehouse is a tool shed, in it you find the Full Barreled Shotgun location. However, to open the door to the shed you need a key which is found on a corpse in the very south of the map. See the video below for the location of the key and the shed.
Double Barreled Shotgun:
In mission 13 complete the side mission “The Last Step”. This is only available if you did all side missions in chapter 7. At the end of “The Last Step” you see a guy sit in an escape pod and then there’s a lot of smoke filling up the room. This ends the quest. Search that room with the escape pod where the smoke was, the Double Barreled Shotgun is in a box in the corner (the area is called “The Marrow: Experimental Wing).
Found in chapter 11. First you must defeat the Harbinger (boss fight). Then pick up his broken flamethrower (next to his corpse, right after the chapter 11 boss fight). To repair it you must find parts which you get from killing Harbinger enemies. They are roaming around the business district.
Assault Rifle:
In chapter 13, in the safe house called “The Marrow: Facilities”. This is at the very start of the chapter. You will see the Assault Rifle right in front of you when the chapter starts, hard to miss.
Reward for beating the story for the first time (any difficulty).
Brass Knuckles:
Reward for beating the game on Nightmare difficulty or Classic Mode.
Burst Handgun:
This is from the pre-order bonus “The Last Chance Pack”. If you pre-ordered the game you’ll receive a code for this gun.
(Not required for “Powerhouse” trophy / achievement)
Nathan says
I think this trophy could be glitched! I’ve unlocked all standard weapons and still no trophy :/
PowerPyx says
Did you get all of them on one save game?
They carry over into New Game+ but you lose them when starting a completely new game.
Random101 says
Did you get the Brass Knuckles? The “all standard weapons” description threw me off at first but it turns out you also need the Brass Knuckles… which isn’t really a “standard” weapon.
Nick says
I think its glitched for me too…unless i have to start a new game plus to earn the trophy
Daniel says
I take it you have to start nightmare on new game+ and play to chapter 2 to have all weapons in your inventory the same time?
Adventures of TinTin says
I know this gets said a lot, but good job on these guides!
I love how organized and detailed they are; the way you break up the guides into categories makes it so much easier to read, too.
Thanks again.
Kami says
The trophy for all weapons can be beaten on casual. BEAT THE GAME ON CLASSIC AND START NG+ ON CASUAL. BRASS and Magnum in the inventary.
zerofx says
Damn, confirmed I have all weapons and no achievment, im glitched…
Squall says
You must have all types of ammos too from warden crossbow 5 types harpoon, smoke, explosive, shock, snow and then you get trophy.
Johnny H. says
At this point the trophies are too easy now, what with the new update for cheats to be activated, and trophies not being disabled.
Kaden says
Anima sequences don’t give a d@mn about cheats.
Mr. Man says
Mine says I never earned the Warden Crossbow (even though that was the first one I got in Chapter 3) so I don’t know what to do about this. I still have to get the Flamethrower which I stupidly forgot to get, and now I have to work on it in New Game Plus, so that shouldn’t be too hard anyway. Brass Knuckles will be a pain though
NBornNTribal2Be says
hi PowerPyx long time no talk its me StylesV13 aka MilitaryTribal how you been Bro
PataMuris says
Hello I’ve got all the 14 weapon’s with all the 5 bolts but still I didn’t get the trophy
let me guess you got the game from epic games
Not a surprise