Street Magic is a Side Case in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Street Magic side quest.
Starting Borough: Scaladio
Starting Location: Harbour Ave
Quest Giver: Eavesdropping on two men
Requirement: Finished Main Case “A Gilded Cage”
Reward: 20 Money, Hocus-Pocus trophy / achievement
Case Info: Something happened near the crossing of Harbour Ave and Thunder Rd in Scaladio. A fortune-teller kid was assaulted and chased by a furious customer. The man attacked him because the boy called him a liar.
Starting Location: Street Magic
Street Magic Case starts in Borough: Scaladio, Place: Harbour Ave.
This only available after Main Case “A Gilded Cage“. You must eavesdrop on two men standing in Harbour Ave, between Fairy St & Thunder Rd (Scaladio District). The correct words to filter from their conversation are: Fortune-teller kid, Called a liar, Assaulted and chased.
1) After eavesdropping on the two men, search the destroyed fortune-teller’s stall to the immediate right of them, same as the quest start location shown above. There are 4 items to interact with: crystal, board with tarot cards, sign that’s fallen over on ground, Magician’s hat on ground (must rotate hat and view it from the side).
2) Missable Trophy: Hocus-Pocus – you must equip the Magician’s hat! After following the tracks to find the fortune-teller’s kid, you will unlock this trophy when talking to him in his hat (see next objectives below).
3) Pin the objective “Magical Prodigy” in the casebook. This must be pinned to see the tracks of the boy that ran away.
4) Enter concentration mode /
and follow the tracks to the right of the destroyed fortune-teller’s stall. You will see two white outlines that show the path, leading down some stairs to the beach by the water. The exact location where you end up is shown below.
5) There you will find the fortune-teller boy, talk to him. When talking to him with the Magician’s hat on, you’ll unlock the missable Hocus-Pocus. Having the hat on results in some extra lines of dialogue and he wants you to keep the hat.
6) Observe the boy. There are 4 observation points: bruises on left ear, clothes over his belly area, beads on his wrist, smudges on his hands.
7) The correct character portrait is “Bored rich kid”. After analyzing him he’ll confirm this. Go through the dialogue with him, it doesn’t matter what you pick. This doesn’t impact anything else in the game and doesn’t impact any trophies / achievements.
After talking to him, this very short case will end. This finishes the Street Magic Cordona Story case in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
For all other Cases, view the full Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Walkthrough.
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