Fields contains 48 Collectible Locations in Kena Bridge of Spirits. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Fields Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story.
- 25 Rots
- 10 Hats
- 7 Flower Shrines
- 1 Spirit Mail
- 2 Cursed Chests
- 3 Meditation Spots
This guide is intended for use AFTER the story. During the story some regions can’t be fully explored on first visit and some Rots and Hats are story-related rewards from later on. Nothing is missable, you can return everywhere. After finishing the story you will be put back in the Title Screen and can click Continue to spawn before the final cutscene. From there you can keep searching for Collectibles. After the story you will have all abilities and access to all map areas, so you will be able to reach all Collectibles. On the map there’s a collectible counter for each region that tracks how many collectibles you found of each type, except for Meditation Spots which aren’t tracked.
For all other Regions, see Kena Bridge of Spirits Collectible Guide.
#1 – Rot 1/25
After watching a cutscene you will be tasked with getting rid of the corruption and to do that you must clear 3 smaller corruptions first. The one in the south will have this Rot. Throw a bomb at the middle pillars, shoot the crystal to turn it, pull yourself up with the bow afterwards. Instead of going up the wooden planks, use another bomb and get rid of the stones below the wooden planks to find the Rot there.
#2 – Hat 1/10 (Autumn)
Now head back where you were before to the area with the stone platforms which lead you to the circular platform. This time go up the ledge there and find a chest with the hat.
#3 – Meditation Spot 1/3
Afterward head up the planks and follow the path until you reach the southmost area. You will end up on a circular platform and the end of it you can climb up to find the Meditation Spot.
#4 – Rot 2/25
Where you went down the spiral stairs. In the room you dropped down into, in one of the corners.
#5 – Flower Shrine 1/7
After activating the 3 buttons for the above mentioned circular platform, head downstairs and you will find it in the cave there.
#6 – Rot 3/25
Keep following the path and you will find it under a piece of wood.
#7 – Rot 4/25
Once in the open field again traverse from the destroyed building over to the stone platforms you can bomb. Reach the roof of the same building to find a chest there with the Rot.
#8 – Hat 2/10 (Sunflower)
From the last one head southeast and move the stone to reveal a chest with the hat.
#9 – Rot 5/25
After clearing the second corruption (the one in the east) you will end up on a high platform. Use your pulse and shoot the targets with your bow to get this Rot.
#10 – Rot 6/25
South from the last one, use the timed platforms to jump into the building there towards the grapple plant and inside a chest will be this rot.
#11 – Rot 7/25
You can find it just before the third artifact (the northwest one) at the poison pool with a rotating platform. Instead of going left immediately, do a lap first and jump to a ledge on your right to find the chest.
#12 – Rot 8/25
After clearing the 3rd corruption check the upper floor of the barn.
#13 – Flower Shrine 2/7
Just outside the barn from above.
#14-16 – Rot 9-11/25
Obtained automatically by getting the first artifact – Ox.
#17 – Hat 3/10 (Sun)
Obtained by discovering the hat shop near the 2nd artifact – Check the collectible just below for the location on the map.
#18 – Cursed Chest 1/2
Just north of the Rot Hat Cart in the Forge Path area.
#19 – Hat 4/10 (Cowboy)
Reward for the cursed chest shown above.
# 20 – Flower Shrine 3/7
Near the Shop at the Forge Path. Use the tear to reveal it. To reach the Tear run around the house and use a grapple flower to get inside.
#21 – Rot 12/25
Use the same Tear to open the house on the opposite side and inside the house use the plant to grapple to it.
#22 – Hat 5/10 (Pancake)
Now that the fire is gone you can go back to the beginning area of the Fields and you can find it in a chest behind the north house there.
#23 – Cursed Chest 2/2
Now jump to the roof of the same house to climb inside and find the chest there.
#24 – Rot 13/25
Reward from the above mentioned chest.
#25 – Rot 14/25
Behind the southern house in the same area you can get the Tear, use it to water the fields a level below to unveil a vegetable which you can open by using your pulse to get the Rot.
#26 – Flower Shrine 4/7
With the same tear head a bit further west to unveil this shrine.
#27 – Hat 6/10 (Egg)
The intersection between the 2 houses has 3 pedestals for owl statues. Deliver them to get the hat. They can all be found in a radius of about 100 meters of the pedestals.
#28 – Rot 15/25
After Rufus the Ox breaks the boulder for you, head straight up to the wooden platform at the top, use pulse and shoot all the flying targets with your arrows.
#29 – Rot 16/25
Folllow the path. You will slide down into a cave. After sliding down, turn left and find it there.
#30 – Rot 17/25
Folllow the path. You will slide down into a cave. Once you get back up again instead of following the path go back to the other side of the gap where you dropped down to find it.
#31-33 – Rot 18-20/25
Granted automatically for defeating the Stone Guardian boss (story-related, unmissable).
#34 – Flower Shrine 5/7
In the same place where you fight Stone Guardian you can find it in the corner.
#35 – Meditation Spot 2/3
In the same area, go inside, run around the corner and climb up the ledge to reach the roof of the smaller roof there. Jump inside and find it there.
#36 – Hat 7/10 (Halo)
In the same area, inside the building use a grapple flower to reach it on the higher floor there.
#37 – Spirit Mail 1/1
You can find it underneath the Forge. When outside on the balcony go left and downstairs. Solve the short puzzle and swim to the left where you can find it outside.
#38 – Hat 8/10 (Ox)
Take the elevator now (heading down), follow the path and check the next house you run past to find it inside a chest there.
#39 – Rot 21/25
At the next intersection use your bomb on the stone to reveal the Rot.
#40 – Rot 22/25
From the last one head a bit west towards the destroyed house. Defeat the mage there and water the plants afterwards. Inside a pumpkin you will it.
#41 – Hat 9/10 (Pumpkin)
Granted automatically with the previous one.
#42 – Rot 23/25
Just southwest of the previous one is a small bridge, underneath it you can find the Rot in a chest. (It is the bridge to the left of the broken bridge on the map).
#43 – Flower Shrine 6/7
Now from the house with the Tear this time head a bit north. Clear the enemies at the bigger house up a small hill first. Afterwards get the Tear from the previous house and get it here with you to reveal the Flower Shrine in the garden.
#44 – Rot 24/25
And while you are here make sure to grab the Rot from the highest section of the house.
#45 – Rot 25/25
Now head west through the gate you can see from here and in the corner blow up the stone to reveal the Rot.
#46 + #47 – Meditation Spot 3/3 + Hat 10/10 (Adira’s Mask)
Can be only obtained after defeating the Corrupt Woodsmith. The Hat will be granted automatically and you will land on the Meditation Spot after the fight.
#48 – Flower Shrine 7/7
And just a bit north from where you ended up after the boss fight you can find the final Flower Shrine.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Fields area in Kena Bridge of Spirits.
For all other Regions, see Kena Bridge of Spirits Collectible Guide.
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