Lost in Random has 10 Storybook Pages Locations. Most Storybook Pages are tied to the missable, optional puzzles you can solve in each of the worlds in Random. They are all missable! The game has no chapter select. Missing even one means having to restart the game from scratch. Make sure you check this guide as you play the game to avoid starting over.
Storybook Page #1: As soon as you enter the Harbour in Onecroft (unmissable, story-related), you should be able to talk to a creature called Snake Eye. In the area where he stands, behind some crates, is a ladder you can climb up. Climb up the ladder and far off in the distance you should see a blue switch. Use your sling to activate the switch. This will move a beam so you can walk across. Advance when the red light is away from you. Afterwards, activate the switch once more to move the same beam near where you are so you can walk across to the next platform. On this platform, you’ll find something resembling a briefcase. This is one of the two Storybook Pages you can find in Onecroft and the puzzle related to this trophy.
Storybook Page #2: Near the location of the previous Storybook Page, continue past the red lights (there’s only one direction you can go). As you continue on, you should see this Storybook Page on a crate behind a red light. Wait for the red light to move backwards and then sneak past one of the crates. Continue on to the back of the crates until you come across a ladder you can climb up. Now make your way to the Storybook Page.
Storybook Page #3: Once you’ve obtained the key to unlock the gate that allows you to keep following the ghost (unmissable, story-related), go back as if you were heading for the gate itself. However, instead of continuing to the gate, head right and go up the hill. You will end up in an area with two floor switches. Send Dicey on any of the two while you stand on the other. With both switches activated, you’ll be able to shoot at a blue switch with your sling. Now do the same by switching positions with Dicey. Once both switches have been hit, you’ll reveal a bridgep. Now cross the bridge to find this Storybook Page.
Storybook Page #4: When you reach Upside Downtown, you will have to look for three inspirational posters. One of the posters is next to an NPC standing in front of some wooden scaffolding. Opposite the poster is a switch. Shoot the switch to complete this puzzle and reveal the next Storybook Page. Once you hit the switch, you will have completed the puzzle and unlocked this trophy. Now you can proceed to collect the Storybook Page.
Storybook Page #5: In Threedom, there’s an area called Threedom Town Square. Once you’ve talked with the Shadowman, retrace your steps to the main square and you’ll be able to enter a new area that was previously guarded by a fat creature. As you open more and more of this area by completing story and side quests, you’ll eventually come to an area with several switches. This is an area you have to go through as part of story-related quests, so it’s very hard to miss. Right next to the switches there’s a floor switch you can stand on as Even. While on the floor switch, you’ll have to shoot all targets before the time runs out. When you’re done, you’ll be able to collect a new Storybook Page.
Storybook Page #6: In Fourburg, the fourth main level of the game, are two areas called Four Horsemen’s Corner and Queen’s Street. These can be found right of circus you had to enter as part of the story. All around these two areas are 4 switches. Once you’ve hit them all, a nearby cage will open up revealing the Storybook Page.
Storybook Page #7: In Fivetropolis, there’s an area called Visionary’s Shrine (unmissable, story-related). In this area, you’ll have to face some enemies. Opposite the opening you need to go through as part of the story is yet another opening. Go through this one to find this Storybook Page.
Storybook Page #8: After defeating a bunch of enemies in the very first crystal area, you will be able to access it from an opening. Look for some stairs and you’ll find it at the top.
Storybook Page #9: Hard to miss, on your main path after walking on some pipes and getting down a ledge
Storybook Page #10: After rescuing Seemore, cross the bridge to find it on the other side in front of a prison door.
These are all the Storybook Pages Locations in Lost in Random. After finding all 10, you will unlock the Once Upon a Time trophy or achievement.
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