1. Collectibles
1.1. All Feather Locations | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
1.2. Glyph Locations & Solutions | Part 1 | Part 2 |
1.3. All Statuettes
2. Assassin’s Tombs
2.1. Choir Boy (Santa Maria del Flore)
2.2. I can see your house from here! (Torre Grossa)
2.3. Prison Escape (Rocca di Ravaldino fortress)
2.4. Venetian Gladiator (Santa Maria della Visitazione)
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. Messer Sandman – Stun 4 guards at once by throwing sand in their face.
3.2. No-Hitter – Kill 10 enemies while remaining in conflict without being hit.
3.3. Sweeper – Sweep 5 guards at once by using a Long Weapon.
In Memory of Petruccio
For this trophy you need to collect all 100 feathers. It’s recommended to collect all of them after finishing the story. If you are missing a feather press start and choose DNA. There is a DNA called “Feathers” where you can check out in which city and in which district the last feather is located.
Vitruvian Man
Solve all 20 glyph puzzles and a secret will be revealed. It doesn’t matter to which location you go first – the order of the puzzles can’t be changed.
Myth Maker
You don’t believe that you can get the Myth Maker trophy in under two minutes? So you should check this one out. I show you where to go to find the 8 statuettes in Monterigionni.
Choir Boy
This is a Walkthrough for the Assassin’s Tomb inside Santa Maria del Flore (The Duomo) in Florence. It’s probably the hardest Assassin’s Tomb to complete. Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out where to jump next and if you fall down you will die.
I can see your house from here!
This Assassin’s Tomb is inside Torre Grossa which is located in Tuscany. To see it on your map you need to synch a viewpoint in this area first.
Prison Escape
This Assassin’s Tomb is inside Rocca di Ravaldino fortress in Forlì.
Venetian Gladiator
This one is inside Santa Maria della Visitazione in Venice.
Messer Sandman
To throw Sand hold down for 2 seconds. Make sure that there is some distance between you and the guards. Press
and use the left stick (PS3) to move more quickly.
Make sure that you have 3 smoke bombs before you try this. They become available automatically while playing through the story. Once you got them travel to the location I show you in the beginning of this video – the harbor in the south of Venice. Throw the smoke bombs and eliminate the guards while they are stunned.
You don’t know what to do to get this trophy? You know what to do but can’t find the right place? Then this video is definitely the right one for you!
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