Welcome to the NieR Replicant Remaster (ver.1.22474487139) Moonflower Cultivation Guide. This guide explains the new quirks with gardening and how you can go about getting yourself the White Moonflower in the fastest time possible, required for the Legendary Gardener trophy (successfully cultivated the legendary flower).
The bad news is that you can’t just change the system time on PS4/PS5 like you could on PS3 to do the cultivation in one day. The time on the game saves (and by extension the time plant growth is based on) seems to be set off the internal system clock that can’t be changed by the user, so changing the visible date and time clock in system settings doesn’t affect the time on your game save or whether plants have grown or not.
Changing timezone on the system DOES affect the time on the save though, so with some forethought, you can get through a growth cycle of flowers in one day, instead of two like would require without time manipulation.
If you don’t want to manipulate time or anything and just want to grow the flowers “legitimately” you can skip these sections about time requirements and just go to the flower growing instructions section.
Related Guides:
- NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 – Side Quests Guide
- NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 – All Weapon Locations & Upgrades
- NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 – Trophy Guide & Roadmap
General Gardening Info
Plants have two harvest phases: the first where you harvest the grown item (flower, fruit, vegetable) which then goes into your inventory and can then be used or sold for money. The second where the plant has wilted (after another 18 – 24 hours) and is lying on the ground and you can harvest seeds. Moonflowers typically give 1 – 3 seeds each, watering increases the chance of getting more seeds. If you leave the plant on the ground for too long (another 24~ hours) the seeds go bad and can’t be harvested.
Items planted in the garden stay there between Part One and Part Two of the story and when you reach Endings, so you don’t need to worry about waiting for flowers to grow before progressing the story. You can start working on this right away in Part One of the story as soon as you have access to Side Quests and can complete “Shopping List” for the lady in Nier’s Village.
Timezone Manipulation
As said before changing the date and time in system settings doesn’t affect flower growth, but changing the timezone does. You can use this to your advantage to move flower growth back and forth in a 24 hour period to check for whether flowers have successfully crossbred or not. Plants seem to hold the exact time they were planted, so you can’t affect them by saving with them grown then reverting time, they’ll “ungrow” relative to the time on the save. You can use this to check each cycle whether you have flowers changed or not, and force as many as possible to be the crossbred color.
To start, when planting the flowers you want to move the time zone as far back as possible (UTC-11:00 American Samoa). You plant the seeds with the timezone set to this, then save. You can then change the timezone all the way forward (UTC+13:00 Independent State of Samoa) to make the plants go through 24 hours of growth time. You can reload your save (you don’t need to exit the game at all when you’re doing this timezone shifting, only reload the save each time to reload the flowers) to see what flowers have grown.
With the flowers grown, you can see which ones have crossbred or not. Make note of which changed and you want to keep, and which you want to retry with. Change the timezone all the way back again (UTC-11:00) and reload your save to “ungrow” the flowers. You can then replant the ones that didn’t crossbreed and leave the ones that did. Whether a flower crossbreed or not is set right when you plant the seed, not at any other time after watering or anything else.
After you are satisfied with what you’ve planted and what you’ll be getting, you can put your time zone back to normal if you want. The next day when you’re ready to go again, move the timezone all the way forward (UTC+13:00) and you should have approximately 48 hours elapsed counting the timezone shift, allowing you to harvest your seeds.
About Fertilizers and Watering
For the purposes of growing flowers, it’s not worth using fertilizer on them. Speed Fertilizer doesn’t actually increase the seed > harvest time enough that you can skip straight to harvesting seeds from the flowers.
Watering can increase seed harvest but doesn’t have any effect on whether the flower is crossbred or not (since the crossbred status is set right when the seed is planted). If you want to water the plants to try for more seeds, wait until you know all the flowers you want are crossbred and you’re leaving them for the day, then water the garden all at once. If you water after each planting you’ll just waste a lot of your time.
Growing Flowers
Getting Ready: Garden and Seeds
Before you start growing flowers, you’ll need to be able to use the garden outside Nier’s house. This is done by either completing the quests “Shopping List” and “A Return to Shopping” in Part One of the story, OR by purchasing the “Cultivator’s Handbook” from the florist in the village in Part Two if you missed those quests in Part One.
The garden at full size is a 3 by 5 grid of planting spots that you can plant food or flowers in. Seeds are found around the game world or purchased from vendors. Moonflower seeds are what you need, and are purchased from the Grocer in Seafront. Following the listed flower patterns you need at minimum to start:
Red Moonflower Seeds x9
Gold Moonflower Seeds x15
Blue Moonflower Seeds x6
If you are planning to use time manipulation to force the crossbred flowers you should buy 20 – 30 of each at least, you can sell any you don’t need after you’re done.
Step 1: Peach Moonflower
Peach is the color you want to start with. These are crossbred by placing GOLD Moonflower in between RED Moonflower (or vice versa) in the flower grid, like below (this assumes you are standing beside Nier’s house, facing towards town):
The odds of a flower being crossbred are determined by the colors beside it (above and below doesn’t matter) with the odds apparently being 10% with the opposite color on both sides. Some guides have the middle row alternated with 3 Gold and 2 Red which would give you an extra flower, but then the flowers on the outside would apparently have a chance of 5%.
Either flower will crossbreed when planted, but if you’re trying to manipulate them you want to likely stick with replanting whichever flower is in the middle.
Step 2: Indigo Moonflower
Indigo is next up, with a similar layout:
Again you can do either layout, both have a chance of crossbreeding.
Step 3: Pink Moonflower
Pink is next, being the first one made using the other crossbred seeds.
RED goes in between INDIGO causing the RED flowers to change to PINK. You want to do these this way because if you are forcing crossbreeding with replanting you are pulling and replanting RED seeds which you can just buy more of, instead of wasting INDIGO seeds.
Step 4: White Moonflower
The final step, making the White Moonflower. This uses two of the crossbred seeds, so if you want to force this with time manipulation you will want to make a save backup so that you can keep retrying if you run out of seeds.
If you are choosing to force this with time manipulation, plant the PEACH seeds first, then back up your save. If you need to revert and do another round of planting PINK that saves you some time because you won’t need to replant all the PEACH ones too.
At this point, if you to be done with flowers, you can move the timezone forward to where the WHITE flower is now grown and harvest it. The trophy is awarded for obtaining the flower itself, not the seeds. However, if you do want to try and get seeds and use them to grow more White flowers for whatever reason, the White flowers sell for 5000 gold each.
That’s all there is to cultivating the legendary flower in NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139. After following all steps you will unlock the Legendary Gardener trophy.
Allan says
Did you try turn off the intetnet and see if timemanipulation Works
Gage says
I had network turned off most of the time I played the game, time on the save seems to be set to the same internal clock trophy timestamps are based off of, meeting it can’t be changed.
allan says
damn thats not good , ps is it posible for you to do a step by step video guide of time manlipulation and cultivation
mud says
“The GOLD flowers are in the middle of the RED flowers because the GOLD ones are the flowers that change to PEACH when they grow”
Not sure if this part is accurate or my game is just being weird. Some of the red flowers i grew turned into peach colored too https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/527960929409695744/835598148012867614/image0.jpg
Gage says
A lot of old guides specified that only one did instead of the other (and that was how all mine worked, never had any of the opposite color change) but it appears either will change so it doesn’t matter specifically which color you use for the first two where you’re using bought seeds.
Beebo says
Can you then leave the gold ones in on the outside then for Peach and Indigo crossbreeding? Or do you need to harvest the gold plants if they’re dried up and re-plant to crossbreed?
Gage says
If they’re dried I believe you would have to pick them, but I’ve seen people theorize doing it by leaving certain flowers and getting this done faster. As long as the flowers aren’t in the seed harvest phase they should still work for crossbreeding.
furikaie says
After changing timezones, doing the cmd commands below works:
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /release
So change timezones, do the commands reload your save, rinse repeat
Bruce says
Via Bengasi 24
Bruce says
Sorry for the double post, but the previous one doesn’t have the text I wrote. Rewrite:
Is restarting the router okay? I have a dynamic IP that changes on reboot.
Basically you have to put the time zone at -11, save, change IP, put +12, load?
Migu says
Which one so you replant when there was no crossbreed? The one in the middle only?
Gage says
Yes the color that you have in the 2nd and 4th column like in the images
Ten says
Wouldn’t it be better to plant the seeds, timeskip two days to harvest the failed ones? That way more seeds and can sell?
Gage says
You can’t timeskip two days
Kucx says
Let’s say your seeds turned into flowers after changing timezones and you have to wait 24 hours for them to die and you go into your 2nd or 3rd playthrough, your fields will probably be empty making it all go to waste, right?
I’m waiting for my flowers to die but I want to finish my 1st playthrough, that sucks ?
Gage says
Everything in the garden stays there between playthroughs
Kucx says
Oh thank God! Thank you!
Beerson says
Alright, so I’m an idiot but I can’t figure out how to get the peach/indigo/pink seeds. I can get the flowers, but what step am I missing in order to obtain the actual seeds?
Gage says
It takes around 48 hours for flowers to go from being planted to being able to harvest as seeds, so if you’re time skipping using timezone manipulation you still have to wait a minimum of one day to harvest seeds from them if you move timezone all the way forward if you planted them with it all the way back.
Beerson says
Ah, so basically just wait until they go past their harvest stage to pick as flowers, but it will be harvested as seeds instead? Is there any indication of what they look like or will they just look wilted?
Gage says
Flowers drop onto the ground when they can be harvested as seeds, they do look visually different.
Finch says
First try I got 1 peach flower only. This trophy sucks.
Bruce says
It is 15 times that I have removed and planted the RED seeds to bring out the PINK but only one of the 6 red seeds has turned pink. So by manipulating time I am summarily replanting the 5 red seeds that I want to turn pink. I’ve done it 15 times but nothing. Yet it worked for the indigo.
oposdeo says
If you’re on PC, you can go offline and do an arbitrary length timeskip just by changing the date. This means you can 2 day timeskip to immediately harvest seeds if one of them worked out, and then do more skips to multiply those seeds thereafter. Use bounty fertilizer if doing this for additional seeds. With the white seeds this can be a pretty good way of making money.
Cainiao says
My flower didn’t give me seeds after I planted them down more than 30 hours, I did use time skip though.
Gage says
Were the flowers lying on the ground when you grabbed them? If you wait too long then the option on the flowers will just be “discard” and you won’t get anything.
Kyle D McDaniel says
How do we actually get the seeds for peach, indigo, and Pink? All I get when I harvest them is the flower….
Gage says
Wait another 18 – 24 hours for the flowers to drop on the ground and then you harvest the seeds from them.
Kyle D McDaniel says
Does anyone know how many seeds are yielded from each flower when they wilt? Is it random, or always one?
Gage says
The number is random, generally between 1 – 3. Watering increases the chance for more seeds.
Aiko says
I’m kind of confused on the whole “replant” part. Do I reload the save with the UTC-11:00 American Samoa that had the seeds planted and replace the non-crossbred one flowers with fresh seeds?
Gage says
Yes, pull the ones that didn’t crossbreed and plant them again
Aiko says
So apparently, the first row of the garden has the Indigo Flower in spots #2 and #4 (when facing towards the rocky terrain). What would happen if I put blue moonflower seeds in the remaining spots?
Cass says
I am crossbreeding indigo and red flowers. And still I have only red and indigo seeds. What is the actual chance of getting crossbred flowers?
Gage says
I found posts about the original game where people said it was like 5%/10% depending on whether the flower was only beside a single of the opposite color or in between two, but there’s no official confirmed info on what the actual chances are.
Joseph Marques says
No need to save/load game between timezone changes, only exiting town is sufficient. I am doing this way and it is working.
Gage says
It functions the same, an I’m pretty sure the length of time to do it will be almost the exact same since you have to run over to the gate and go through two loading screens if you’re exiting town.
Barti says
“Either flower will crossbreed when planted, but if you’re trying to manipulate them you want to likely stick with replanting whichever flower is in the middle.”
So when im trying to get Peach and gold one crosbreeds which one i should replant?
i got [R] [Pe] [R] [G] [R] result in first row for example
Gage says
Replant Gold, you want to do whichever is in the middle of the two flowers of the opposite color.
N1nja says
Tip for those working towards the trophy: don’t worry if you don’t get many seeds from the peach and pink. At minimum you only need 3 peach and 2 pink and plant one row.
You can just plant the 3 peach, save game, then plant 2 pink between them and put time zone forward, if a white flower hasn’t grown then put time zone back and reload the save and replant pink. Repeat until the white flower grows.
KrazyKarnage17 says
Just wanted to add onto this comment. Based on the information N1nja provided I tested to see if the flowers seed is set in stone once planted and I found this to be true. This means it is possible to skip multiple steps and gather all required materials within 1 step. If you make the top row for the peach seeds you can use the bottom two rows for indigo. Then once you have gotten indigo swap out the blues for reds and get pink. You still won’t be able to get white without waiting a day because you will still need one of the peach or pink seeds in order to do N1nja’s replant trick but this should speed up the completion. TESTED ON XBOX UNKNOWN IF WORKS ON PLAYSTATION.
Ryudono says
How many attempts to crossbreed Pink Moonflower? i tried many times its always same result, indigo and red. I tried to manipulate the time and planting indigo and red for like 4 or 5 still got Pink one, is it low chance to bloom Pink Moonflower or its just randomize thing? i am started to piss for this quest tbh.
Javier Uribe says
Got the White moonflower on my first try! Thank you for such a great guide!
TheGoodPastor says
They really should have overhauled the way the gardening system in this game works.
It’s kind of cool in theory and it might work for some people who can only play a few hours a week or something but otherwise it’s a huge chore.
Still, thanks for the guide, it saved me some effort. Thank God I’m on Xbox.
spide29 says
i planted
peach / pink / peach / pink / peach
peach / pink / peach / pink / peach
peach / pink / peach / pink / peach
but I didn’t get the white moonflower
as written in the powerpyx guide. I didn’t use time manipulation. Did I do something wrong?
Mero says
you failed to roll a 1% chance in your gacha roll.
Skelly says
Just tried for the second time for white flower. I’m on PS4 so I can’t timeskip. Hopefully I get it next time!
Raichu says
For anyone struggling with pink moonflowers spawning, don’t do it the way this guide says (indigo, red, indigo, red, indigo) I tried this about 15 times with no luck. I swapped it around to (red, indigo, red, indigo, red) and got two pink flowers on the first attempt.
Pretz says
***Trying to avoid spoilers***
During ending E a White Moonflower drops from a large armored shade in the Northern Plains. It’s a green/common drop. The shade respawns if you reload the area. I got 3 flowers from 3 kills.
After growing this flower in the original, then growing it again using this guide a couple of months ago, I’m so shocked that it actually drops in the remake.
SkunkyButter says
Okay so im at the point where I’ve gotta crossbreed the peach and pink.
Would I be running myself in a loop if I keep reverting my backup save and replanting the same seeds over and over??
Gage says
No, it’s random each time the seeds are actually planted, so as long as you’re reverting and replanting the seeds you can possibly get different flowers.