South Park The Fractured But Whole Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 20-30 hours
- Offline Trophies: 36 (1
, 4
, 12
, 19
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 1 (The Token Experience), everything else can be done after the story in free roam.
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, you must start the game as a black character on Mastermind difficulty. You are not allowed to lower the difficulty or change skin color.
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
Welcome to the South Park The Fractured But Whole Trophy Guide! Compared to The Stick of Truth, this one is much easier, quicker and has no missable collectibles. After the story there’s free roam and you can go back to all places to finish up missing collectibles. The platinum can be earned in one playthrough. Even though some combat trophies sound confusing they will likely come naturally along the way — and if they don’t you can still farm enemies after the story. It’s an entertaining, easy platinum.
Step 1: Mastermind Difficulty Playthrough as Black Character
If you want the platinum trophy in one playthrough, it is highly recommended that you start as a black character (you can choose skin color during character creation, put the color slider all the way to the right) and set the combat difficulty to “Mastermind” (which is the highest difficulty, change it in the pause options before the first combat encounter). This is for the trophy “The Token Experience” (beat game with black character on Mastermind difficulty). Frankly, it’s more fun to start on the highest difficulty and will allow you to get the most out of the game.
Here’s some great news: nothing is missable aside from the difficulty-related trophy. If you were to lower the combat difficulty or change your skin color you would miss the trophy. However, you’d have to go out of your way to mess this up.
The collectibles and everything else can still be obtained AFTER the story in Free Roam. This includes all the Yaoi Pictures, Toilets, Summons etc.
Don’t worry about the collectibles at all on your playthrough. In fact, you should ignore the collectibles entirely until the story is done. The reason being that you need certain endgame skills to access collectible areas. The game world will open up more and more as you progress through the story. After the story you can access everything.
Along the way, you will unlock most trophies without trying. After doing just the story you’ll end up at 65% trophy completion or so.
Step 2: Collectibles (Yaoi Art Pieces & Toilets), Defeat Morgan Freeman
There are 40 Yaoi drawings and 21 Toilets in the game. Everything can be obtained after the story, none of them are missable.
For their locations see:
- South Park The Fractured But Whole Yaoi Locations
- South Park The Fractured But Whole Toilet Locations
Go grab them after beating the game.
You will also want to fight Morgan Freeman now. He is found in Freeman’s Tacos behind the counter. Interact with the door on the left side of the counter to reach him and attack from behind to start the confrontation. He only fights white characters, so if you started as a black character you must change the skin color with PC Principal in the Micro Brew (north-west corner of South Park). Only do this after having unlocked the “Token Experience” trophy for beating the game as a black character on Mastermind.
Step 3: Mop Up
At this point, you are pretty much done. You might still be missing some summons or one of the TimeFarts. Now you can mop up whatever is missing. If you’re missing combat trophies, you can make certain enemies around the map respawn. For example, the hobos on the playground respawn when you enter/exit the restroom. Combat trophies can quickly be farmed this way.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Yaoi Locations
- Toilet Locations
- Side Quest: A Randy Mystery
- Side Quest: Always Bet on Chaos
- Side Quest: A Perky Predicament
- Side Quest: For Nippopolis
- Side Quest: Peppermint Hippo Lost & Found
- Side Quest: Touch The Sky
- Scavenger Hunt: Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Cats
- Scavenger Hunt: The Headshot Job
South Park The Fractured But Whole Trophy Guide
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More Powerful Than You Think Complete all trophies in South Park™: The Fractured But Whole™ |
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Unlock all other South Park The Fractured But Whole trophies to earn platinum. | ||
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Crappin’ Forte Use every available toilet in South Park and achieve the highest mastery level for each |
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See: South Park The Fractured But Whole Toilet Locations (Text Guide)
There are 21 Toilets. You can get all of them after the story in free roam. None of them are missable. It’s better to do them after the story because you need certain abilities to access everything (which are unlocked automatically in the endgame). To master a toilet you must complete a button-pressing minigame and get all stars. When you’ve done it correctly, a green checkmark will show on the toilet. Do this to all 21 of them. |
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Boy Love Aficionado Find all Yaoi art pieces |
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See: South Park The Fractured But Whole Yaoi Locations (Text Guide)
There are 40 Yaoi Art Pieces. You can get all of them after the story in free roam. None of them are missable. It’s better to do them after the story because you need certain abilities to access everything (which are unlocked automatically in the endgame). The Yaoi art pieces are anime-style drawings of Craig and Tweek. Some are hanging on walls and you need to shoot them down with firecrackers first. There’s also a map for their locations in the basement of Bebe’s house. |
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An End to Racism Stop racism in South Park |
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Automatic Story Trophy, unmissable. You get this on Night 3 after the police station raid. | ||
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Orgy of Power Use all Allies’ Ultimate powers once during the game, except the Coon’s |
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To use someone’s power you must wait for the Ultimate Meter at the top of the screen to fill up. This happens when you correctly time pressing There are the following allies you have to do Ultimate Moves with: #1 – Human Kite You do not have to use the Coon. The reason it says “except the Coon” in the trophy description is because he becomes unavailable after the story. All other characters are still available after the story in free roam so the trophy is not missable (you can do it after the story in free roam where enemies respawn infinitely). If you do it after the story, the hobos at the playground restrooms always respawn when entering/leaving the restroom. |
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Stop, Drop and Roll Win a combat by using TimeFart Pause to kill all remaining enemies at once before time resumes |
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The TimeFart Pause is unlocked later in the game through a main mission. It allows you to completely stop time during combat, walk up to enemies and press ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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The Token Experience Create a Black character and complete the game on Mastermind Difficulty |
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At the start of the game, create a black character (put skin tone slider all the way to the right) and for combat difficulty choose “Mastermind”. You can change the combat difficulty in the game options as soon as the game starts, after you get off the toilet. Now complete a full playthrough without changing the difficulty and without changing skin color.
To be exact: changing the difficulty when you are prompted to do so (the first sixth-grader fight at the bus stop, after the tutorials, roughly 1 hour into the game) will still earn you the trophy, even if you didn’t change the difficulty at the very start yourself. So as long as you set the difficulty to Mastermind when you are asked to, you will get the trophy. This trophy is technically missable because the difficulty can be changed at any time. Skin color can be changed by talking to PC Principal but you obviously shouldn’t change that. |
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Fully Bloated Unlock all combat TimeFarts |
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There are 4 Combat Farts in the game. The first 3 are unmissable story unlocks. So just play through the main missions and you’ll get them (the last one unlocks at the end of day 4). The last fart you have to unlock yourself! It’s the Summon Fart that creates a duplicate of yourself. First, go to Freeman’s Tacos and buy the recipe called “Chocolate Memberito” for $30. You can do this after the story. 3 ingredients are required to craft it. Ingredient #1: Tortilla Ingredient #2: Ms. Catman’s Double Stuffed Brownies Ingredient #3: Bucket of Memberberry Juice Lastly, craft the Chocolate Memberito in the crafting menu. With this and the three story-related farts the Fully Bloated trophy / achievement will unlock. |
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Fashionista Find 10 costume pieces |
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Automatic Story Trophy, unmissable. | ||
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Junksmith Craft 10 distinct recipes |
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Over the course of the game you will find tons of recipes as loot and they can be bought at most shops. There are way more than 10 recipes in the game. Buying cheap recipes from shops (e.g. Freeman’s Tacos) is the fastest way.
Now you need to craft those recipes. You have to craft 10 different ones, it cannot be the same one 10 times. There are plenty of crafting materials found as loot around the map (from containers etc). It’s best not to bother with this until after the story. By then you’ll have enough recipes and crafting materials to do this. Some crafting materials can also be bought from shops. |
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Death Dodger Keep an Ally alive for an entire combat while they take twice their max Health in damage |
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The way you do this is by healing one of your buddies. Near the end of the game you unlock all character classes and can switch them out as you see fit. Equip only healing abilities and use artifacts that increase your healing stats. Choose a brutalist like Craig who fights enemies up close. Those always take the most hits. Now simply heal him each turn until he has survived damage equivalent to twice his health bar. You can also pick other allies with healing abilities, for example Fastpass has a very strong healing ability. What you can also do, is leave one enemy alive, have Craig stand near him in the corner and just skip turns / heal with your other buddies.
Can still be done after the story (for example the hobos at the playground respawn infinitely when you go in/out of the restroom). |
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Deep Seated Power Obtain and equip Artifacts to reach 600 Might |
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During the story you automatically earn Artifacts with more than 600 Might combined. This will happen during the last 2 hours of the game. You just need to equip the new artifacts to make the trophy unlock. I had 791 Might by the time I finished the story (without ever touching side quests). | ||
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Class Warfare Equip powers from 2 different classes |
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This will come automatically. You unlock different character classes over the course of the game (Speedster, Brutalist, Blaster etc). Just mix the powers of two different classes. You can do this by pressing Touchpad > Powers > Equip Powers of 2 different character classes. | ||
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Farts over Freckles Pick a fight with Morgan Freeman and defeat him |
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To fight Morgan Freeman you must be playing as a white character. He doesn’t fight black characters. This can still be done after the story! Now go to Freeman’s Tacos on the Main Street. Get behind the counter by pressing X (PS4) / A (XB1) on the left side of the shop. Then attack Morgan Freeman from behind to trigger the boss fight. He is a very tough boss with 9999 health and can charm your allies to fight for him. He also summons a few minions during the fight. Since this boss fight is going to last a long time you should equip the Plantmancer’s class Ultimate Power called “Nature’s Gift”. It will let you revive all your comrades on the field and also heal them. Always use this move as soon as the Ultimate Meter is full. For characters I picked Callgirl (she can attack at any range), Mosquito (he can self-heal with each hit), and Fastpass (he can turn invisible so can stay alive for longer). It’s highly recommended that you attempt this only after the story. Before then it’s way too hard. I had a total artifact strength of 791 for this fight. If you’re on your “Token Experience” playthrough, you can change the difficulty and skin color after the story. |
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Toxic Environment Loot 100 Biohazard items |
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Biohazard items are found in many places. One sure way to get them is from toilets, by pooping in them. Go around South Park, loot everything carefully and do the trophy “Crappin’ Forte” for mastering every toilet. This will unlock along the way. | ||
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Pasta of Prophets Craft a macaroni picture for Moses |
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You automatically learn how to craft macaroni pictures in the story (during a visit to the church). The materials for your first picture will be provided for free. You can then craft a Macaroni Picture in the Crafting Menu using the ingredients “Macaroni” + “Scrap”.
The picture summons Moses to heal you and all of your teammates. |
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Corporate Wolf Reach the highest economic value on your Character Sheet |
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At the start of day 4 you unlock a side quest called “Always Bet on Chaos” to go to the bank of South Park. Butters will call you and tell you that he ran out of money and can’t pay his minions so you must go with him to the bank to get a loan.
It’s a very quick quest. Just go to the bank on main street and use your buddy called “Toolshed” to blow the lava away from the entrance. Enter and complete the wheel spinning minigame. Exit the bank to finish the quest. Now to earn the trophy you must go back inside the bank and talk to the guy with the wheel-spinning minigame again. Keep playing this game until you reach the top 0,01% in the stock market. It’s all random. You just spin a wheel and hope for it to land on a field that gives you money. If you land on the same field twice you go bankrupt. You also get bonuses from each type of field, such as multipliers or the ability to evade the next bankruptcy. You have to rank up your economic value in this minigame multiple times. When you reach the top 0,01% the trophy unlocks. To clarify: this has nothing to do with how much money you own in-game. It’s all based on that random minigame inside the bank. |
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#followbacks Become mutual followers with 10 people in South Park |
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Automatic Story Trophy, unmissable. One of your first objectives ever is to increase your followers. This is needed to advance the story. You can walk up to people and press R1 to take selfies with them. Then they will become mutual followers with you. | ||
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Divine Wind Successfully Fartkour to the Lofts at SoDoSoPa rooftop and back down again |
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You get access to Sodosopa on day 3 of the story. You can still return here after the story to do the trophy. |
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Last Kid Standing Win while 3 Allies are downed at the end of combat |
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Simply leave one enemy alive with low health at the end of battle. Then skip turns to let him kill your 3 buddies (your main character has to stay alive). With your main character being the last one standing, defeat the enemy to earn this trophy.
Side Note: You can’t have Mysterion in your party because dead Mysterion does not count as a downed ally. Can still be done after the story (e.g. hobos respawn infinitely at the playground when you go in/out of the restroom). |
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Titleist Reach the highest rank on 1 title in your Character Sheet |
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See trophy “Character Sheet Elite”. This will unlock automatically during the story. | ||
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Cosplay Curious Wear costume pieces from 3 different sets at once |
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Over the course of the game you unlock tons of different costumes. They can be retrieved from the box in your bedroom. Many are given to you right away and there are also costumes in UPlay Store.
Press Touchpad > Costumes > select head, clothes, hands from different sets and the trophy will pop. |
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Chaos Controlled Foil the plans of Professor Chaos |
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Automatic Story Trophy, unmissable. You get this at the end of Night 3 when defeating Butters’. | ||
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Call in a Favor Use a Summon |
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For this you can simply use a Macaroni Picture to summon Moses. The Macaroni picture is unlocked automatically in the story. | ||
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Invasive Tumor Removal Defeat Mutant Cousin Kyle |
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Automatic Story Trophy, unmissable. You unlock this during Night 4 of the story when you defeat the Mutant Kyle boss. | ||
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Master Classed Equip powers from 4 different classes |
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You unlock all 10 classes automatically at the end of the game (Speedster, Brutalist, Blaster etc). Just mix the powers of 4 different classes. You can do this by pressing Touchpad > Powers > Equip Powers of 4 different character classes. The trophy pops after leaving the powers menu, not right away. | ||
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Epic Artificer Craft an Artifact with a Might value of 75 or more |
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After beating the story, vendors will sell Artifact Crafting Plans with more than 75 might. Collect the necessary ingredients (after the game you should have more than enough if you looted everything carefully) and craft an Artifact with 75+ might.
There are lots of different crafting recipes. Just buy multiple of them and craft the one you have the materials for. Make a manual save beforehand so you can reload and get your money back. |
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Glitch of Death Use TimeFart Glitch to cause a status-effected enemy to lose their turn and die at turn’s end |
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First, you must lower an enemy’s health and inflict him with a status effect that deals damage over time (burning, grossed out, bleeding, shocked). Even better, inflict a combination of multiple status effects to make things easier. Now when the enemy is attacking you, use TimeFart Glitch (press ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The TimeFart Glitch is automatically unlocked during a main quest in Night 1 of the story. |
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Through the Bowels of Time Survive the farts of future past |
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Automatic Story Trophy, unmissable. You get this for beating the story (End of Day 5). | ||
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Diabetes Defender Defend a helpless child from a drunk lunatic |
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Automatic Story Trophy, unmissable. You get this on Night 1, after passing through the Peppermint Hippo Strip Club and fighting Randy on the other end. | ||
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Big Knocker Kill an enemy by knocking another enemy into them |
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Most attacks in the game have the ability to knock enemies back. This is almost certainly going to come through natural gameplay.
What you must do is line up two enemies, then use a push attack to knock one enemy into a low-health enemy. This only deals little damage but the knockback damage can be increased with Artifacts later in the game. The enemy who stands at the back has to die from the impact. |
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Character Sheet Elite Reach the highest rank on 5 titles in your Character Sheet |
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Press Touchpad > Character Sheet > Titles to view all available titles and your completion towards mastering them. This will automatically unlock while doing the other trophies and finding all collectibles.
There are much more than 5 titles available. They are repetitive tasks that you must do over and over again. For example, collect 25 different Artifacts is one challenge. At the bottom of the screen you’ll see character sheet updates regularly. Finding all toilets and Yaoi gives some easy titles. |
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Master Manipulator Confuse or charm an enemy into defeating another enemy |
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Charming / Confusion abilities are unlocked late in the game when you get access to all 10 power classes.
The Plantmancer’s ability “Sweet Scent” can charm enemies. This means they will fight for you and attack other enemies. One of your buddies “Professor Chaos” also has a confusion ability called “Chaos Confus-O-Tron”. Regularly use both of these abilities on your enemies. When one enemy kills another while under the influence you earn the trophy. |
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Friend Finder Acquire and unlock all Summons |
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There are 4 Summons. These summon someone during battle to help you out (heal your team or attack enemies). The first two are unmissable from the story (Moses + Classi). The other 2 you need to unlock through side quests (Jimbo and Ned + Gerald).
You can still get the missing two after the story. Nothing is missable. Simply beat the story for the first 2 summons and then do the side quests for the last 2. You don’t have to use the summons, just unlock them for the trophy. |
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Potty Trained Use a toilet and achieve the highest mastery level |
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Automatic Story Trophy, unmissable. This will be the first trophy you earn. The game starts with you on a toilet. For the other toilet locations, see “Crappin’ Forte”. | ||
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Pick Yourself up by Your Bootstraps Collect all loot in the Homeless Camp at SoDoSoPa |
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You get access to the Sodosopa Homeless camp on day 3 of the story. You can still return here after the story to do the trophy. You don’t need to Fartkour up the tower for this. You only need the stuff on the ground level directly in the homless camp. |
Booka says
How tough is Mastermind?
PowerPyx says
Not too bad. The game relies more on strategic gameplay than skill (and a bit of luck with the AI).
Pokedude97 says
Wouldn’t Orgy of Power be missable if you use The Coon without thinking? Or am I misreading the description?
PowerPyx says
It’s worded a bit weird. The reason it says “except the coon” is because the Coon is the only buddy not available after the game. So he’s missable, which is why they removed him from the trophy requirement.
Tomo says
What if you used his ultimate when you could?
Andrew says
Is it possible to change the difficulty to mastermind before the last mission and still unlock the achievement.
PowerPyx says
I think that will make you miss the trophy. Wouldn’t do that.
Bruno says
What about combat trophies? If I finish the game and still need some combat trophies is it possible to do after completing the game OR would I need another playthrough?
PowerPyx says
You can still do them. Enemies respawn infinitely, no worries.
Hctibaru says
10 / 10 GUIDE TY
Ralf says
Hello, has the Game german subtitels and english Language?
PowerPyx says
Yes, the German USK version has both.
André says
Is it possible to change skin color when pc principal questions you about race and get the trophy?
DK says
I wouldn’t bet on that. To be honest… the skin color doesn’t affect the game difficulty at all. It is just a joke by the developers. So don’t worry about the game being harder only because your characer is black.
The best method is to finish the game as a black character and afterwards visiting PC Principal before heading to Morgan Freeman.
bocaprowler says
IS there any type of new game + after beating the game? If you played on something besides Mastermind can you then start a new game with your gear intact?
DK says
No, there is no NG+ in this game. After the game you can only roam around the town and finish all the remaining sidequests you want to do, but you can’t carry anything over to NG+.
Brenton says
What’s the achievement Potty Trained -test? its at the very bottom of steam has a logo of blood dragon like the far cry 3 standalone game, i can’t find many records of it anywhere.
raxious says
heads up about Last Kid Standing:
you can only unlock it if the last kid standing is your main character. letting him die and attempting to get the trophy with any of the other characters will NOT unlock the trophy.
PowerPyx says
You are right, thanks for pointing that out! Updated.
Soran says
I set my skin color to the darkest, but only changed to Mastermind when prompted during a fight vs some kids, I think were the 6th graders near the bus station… should I restart to get the Token Experience or am I safe with this?
Knupfi says
Same here. Any one know?
Adrian says
The color of your skin you pick at the start is the difficulty
Adrian says
White being easiest n black being the hardest
Mike says
Did you ever figure this out? Just playing now and I did the same thing
Marcus Lundgren says
It’s a relief that there are basically no missable trophies this time!
The Stick of Truth had a fun but extremely unfair trophy list which seemed
to have been made up by people who hate trophies.
About 60% were missable. If you missed a ball weapon (or anything else) and
got locked out of a location without having made a prior save, well, you just
had to start from the beginning again…
And trophies like the one that required you to fart on a Nazi fetus!
I mean, sure, it’s funny, but who would think to do it??? And again, if you didn’t do it,
you missed that trophy…
Guy says
Yeah. I was following a guide but still missed a costume piece in the spaceship. It was at the end of chapter one but I was about 70% through the game. Had to reload
An old save and try again.
Daniel says
About the Fully Bloated trophy seems there is a bug, I have the Chocolate Memberito already crafted and no trophy is out
PowerPyx says
Have you completed the story to get the other 3 story-related farts?
The last story-related one unlocks at the end of day 4 as written in the guide.
acky says
Silly question, but will going to the Difficulty Setting screen void the trophy, even if you don’t change the setting? I wanted to double check that I was on Mastermind, but just backed back out after confirmation.
Karl says
No it won’t I did that a few times to make sure it was set to mastermind and it popped fine
Karl says
Great guide got platinum this morning
Sorty says
I feel like there may be a glitch with the Through the Bowels of Time trophy. I got the token experience, but Through the Bowels of Time didn’t pop up
Same thing happend to me i beat the game and didn’t get the last trophy
NRG says
Although Orgy of Power is not marked as missable, You can miss it if You don’t use Wonder Tweek ultimate before having the boys reunited. After that, they will keep doing the “We’re gay couple” ultimate.
PissedGrunty says
Is there any way to disable their Eos dual tech thing?
NRG says
As far as I know – there is no possibility to disable it.
BocaProwler says
I’ve done them all but the trophy didn’t pop, do you have to win the fight for it to count? Does it have to be in one play through?
NRG says
Must be done in one playthrough. I don’t think that You have to win the fight. Mine popped today on second playthrough during combat. Still I don’t know why PPyx didn’t update the trophy though, as it is highly missable when You rarely play with Tweek on your team.
TxSonofLiberty says
Same for Super Craig (as his too becomes the Yaoi Super after their therapy)
PowerPyx says
It’s not missable. Friend of mine tested it for me, he never used Wonder Tweeks “normal” ultimate. He did it after the story and the trophy popped.
Matt says
I think the Crappin Forte trophy is glitched. I have the mastery rank and re-done all toilets but still no trophy any solutions on how to fix?
PowerPyx says
Do you still have an older manual save from before mastering the last toilet (number 21)? If so, reinstall the game. Then load the save where the last toilet does not have a green checkmark yet. Master it and the trophy should pop.
Reinstalling a game often helps with trophy glitches.
BocaProwler says
Ok, so I finally got Orgy of Power today, but not sure why I didn’t get it before. I should of gotten it before I finished the game (if your own Ultimate doesn’t count). I did all of my Ultimates after the game and it didn’t pop.
I had done all of the allies’ Ultimate abilities, I remember doing Tweek’s coffee pot one and Craig’s hamster one before getting them together. I wasn’t sure if they counted if you lost the fight and had to load checkpoint.
It popped this morning doing Jimmy’s ability, which I remember doing 1 time late in the game, but I may of died during that fight.
So if you are missing this, go fight the bum’s at the playground and try all the ultimates again.
Ayaz Ali says
Do you know if the second darkest shade is still considered a ‘black’ character? I wanted to make a brown character, and have nearly completed the game. I played on mastermind as well. All from the very beginning, I really hope I get ‘The Token Experience’ because I really cba going through the campaign again. It was enjoyable but not worth a replay.
Nicolai Hansen says
Am I reading it right? When I pick master mind when prompted and play the rest of game on casual, can I still get The Token Experience trophy?
DK says
No, you are not :P
You have to pick mastermind when asked and stick with it til the end of the game. You can however play on casual UNTIL you have been asked which difficulty you wish to play one. You can choose the difficulty manually in the menus before being asked about it.
Danny says
I have collected all of the “Yaoi” art pieces! The achievement has not popped. I know I have collected them all as I followed the video and I have the “Master Yaoi Collector” Task completed in the Character sheet! Does anybody else have this problem or a fix?
Danny says
My achievement progress shows I am missing one, yet I still have the “Master Yaoi Collector” task completed and there is no Yaoi collector tasks in progress.
Danny says
I missed the one in Photo Dojo, I must have accidentally skipped over that part of the video guide.
Jord says
I got all the trophies except for 3, which are The Token Experiences, More Powerful Than You Think, and a hidden trophy which isn’t on any list I seen on the internet :/
Dante says
Still cant get trophy fully bloated.. damn bug…
Dante says
EDIT: I got!!! You need to start new game and use white, no black, im think you cant trophy for black (you cant change skin), but, im not sure. finally i got.
i saw all video (youtube) they are use white , no one use black. (without change skin) as i said im not sure.
PD: Sorry my bad english.
Nicolai Hansen says
I got it and I was a black character.
HubbleTubble says
I’m a problem with Crappin’ Forte because Stan’s toilet is blockable if you use the toolsheds ability on the pipe outside of his restroom before you master it, Mrs. Hanky covers the toilet. Haven’t found a way to remove her. After completing story she is still there. Anyway to remove her? It’s the last toilet i need. Am I missing something?
Asjomaha says
Take a selfie with her and she goes away.
Justintime says
Powerpyx, with the token experiance trophy, will it still work if i enable the mastermind difficulty when prompted during storyline? Or do i have to enable mastermind combat difficulty as soon as i get done making a black charachter?