Shadow of the Colossus has a total of 38 Trophies (1 Platinum, 5 Gold, 7 Silver, 25 Bronze for a total of 1215 points). Below you can find the full Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake trophy list:
Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake Trophies
The Horned Boy
Aquired All Trophies
Speed King
Obtain All Time Attack Items Together as One Set
Intrepid Mortal
Max Out Wander’s Health and Stamina Bars
Speed Demon
Complete Hard Mode Under 5:41:28 s
Grounded Scaler
Defeat Colossus 8 Before it can Turn Back Over
Resist the Wrist
Defeat Colossus 3 Without Breaking His Wristguard
Reach the Gate
Cross the Bridge to the Entrance of the Fobidden Lands
Last Man Standing
Complete a Single Playthrough Without Dying Once
Bearer of the Curse
Complete the Game on any Difficulty
Dormin’s Rage
Use Dormin’s Breath Attack
Seeking Salvation
Pray at All Shrines
Trick Rider
Perform All Stunts with Agro
Fruit of the Garden
Taste the Poisoned Fruit
Sword of Her Majesty
Defeat any Colossus with Queen Sword
Paint the Target
Use the Sword to Focus on a Vital Point
Fruit of the Land
Eat a Piece of Fruit
Skilled Warrior
Defeat a Colossus with a Downward Jump Stab
The Past that Defines Thee
Defeat any Colossi While in Reminiscence Mode
Five-Lined Skink
Collect a Silver Lizard Tail
Animals of the Land
Interact with a Dove, Hawk, Fish and Turtle
Boon of the Nomad
Find Barrel in Hidden Cave
Trick Arrow Skills
Shoot a Lizard with a Special Arrow
Valley of the Wanderer
Defeat the 1st Colossus
The Mammoth
Defeat the 2nd Colossus
Wake the Knight
Defeat the 3rd Colossus
Land of the Gravestones
Defeat the 4th Colossus
Riding the Wind
Defeat the 5th Colossus
Tomb of the Giant
Defeat the 6th Colossus
Waves of Lightning
Defeat the 7th Colossus
Scaler of the Colosseum
Defeat the 8th Colossus
Lurker of the Cave
Defeat the 9th Colossus
Mytery in the Sand
Defeat the 10th Colossus
Guardian and the Pit
Defeat the 11th Colossus
Thunder of the Lake
Defeat the 12th Colossus
Signs amidst the Storm
Defeat the 13th Colossus
Shield of the Colossus
Defeat the 14th Colossus
Valley of the Fallen
Defeat the 15th Colossus
Last of the Colossus
Defeat the 16th Colossus
A fun looking trophy list which keeps some of the trophies from the PS3 release and also adds some new ones which will make getting the Platinum challenging again (for people who already got it on PS3). 2 Colossi got both a trophy for defeating them in a certain way (Colossi 3 & 8), which may add a new challenge even for experienced players.
This time there is a trophy for a Speedrun on hard difficulty, which shouldn’t be particularly hard for veterans of the game. Once again the game wants you to max out your stamina and health bar, which might require multiple playthroughs again, in case the health/stamina gain hasn’t been adjusted for the Ps4 release.
Expect to be finishing the game at least 4 times (Normal, Hard, Time Attacks on Normal and Hard), as well as possible multiple playthroughs for your stats. Estimated Platinum Time should be around 20-30 Hours, taking an average of new players and experienced ones.
How do you like the Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake Trophy List? Leave your thoughts in the comments below and check out the full Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Trophy Guide & Roadmap for all the solutions.
FocusKSA says
Haven’t play the ps3 version , gonna buy this version and hopefully it won’t be as tough as the list looks like !
Timbo says
This list remind me of the last guardian
Quapmocka says
Damn the list is a little different. I still haven’t finished it on PS3. Those time attack modes are difficult. Was trying a few weeks ago and it was tough. Gosh and to top it off, let’s just throw in a speedrun trophy…..on HARD mode!! Gosh darnit! The Plat for the PS3 was an 8/10. Guessing this will be an 8 or 9. Doubt I’ll ever Plat it, but I’ll try get as many trophies as possible.
Quink says
It will actually be lower difficulty. Controls and fps is improved which helps alot, and they adjusted time for time attacks, some colossuses with more time and some less time. But the harder colossusses have extra time.
Speedrun can be done while uploading saves to cloud/usb same with no death trophy. Guessing this will be a 6/10.
Quink says
Forgot to mention the no death trophy can be done on the new difficuly EASY which did not exist on the PS3 version of the game.
DK says
Just for your information guys. Time Attack times have been adjusted in the PS4 version. I compared the times on Time Attack normal on PS3 and PS4 and some times are different. For some bosses you will now have more time, for some you will have less.
I can’t say if the time for our favorite Colossus#3 on hard has been changed yet, but on normal it is still 6 minutes.
Quapmocka says
I am so glad they changed the times for the time attack trials. I might just be able to Plat this.
Mike says
Looks like difficulty is 8-9/10.
Lonely Visitor says
Definitely not easy list
James K says
It might not so bad. There are already some good guides up on Hard attack mode and apparently some times have been made generous. PowerPyx’s guides will be even better. I didn’t play the original, but the ACG review did also indicate that manual saves are an option; unless its limited to certain difficulties that seems to indicate the speedrun and no deaths might be significantly easier too. Who knows.
Quapmocka says
So I was comparing lists between this and the PS3 version. On the PS3 version there was a trophy for completing it on normal difficulty and another for completing it on hard. But I believe in the PS4 version the difficulties are different – Easy, Medium and Hard.
So my question is if you start on hard and complete the game, then start new game plus on hard mode again, will both Normal and Hard Time Attacks be available in Hard Mode New Game Plus?
Or do you have to play on Medium, then get all the “Medium” time attacks, then play on hard and get all the Hard time attacks?
Quink says
In PS3 version you needed items from both time attack difficulties. Im guessing that stays the same for “Obtain All Time Attack Items Together as One Set”. So no matter you will need to do both diffs on time attack for platinum.