Sekiro Shadows Die Twice contains lots of boss fights. This Sekiro Boss Guide will walk you through the best tactics to defeat all bosses in the game. They are listed in chronological order below. Please note that some bosses can be encountered in a different order depending on what area you visit first, this list is how it’s intended by the game based on area difficulty.
Whenever you encounter a new boss, it’s recommended to do a practice run where you only focus on blocking and dodging, without even attacking. This will teach you the attack patterns and when there’s an opening for attack. Reducing an enemy’s health also leads to their posture (defense) recharging at a slower rate so it’s always useful to use unblockable attacks to get in some damage. Search all areas carefully as you go through the game to find useful items and upgrades. The only way to level up stats in Sekiro is to defeat bosses and use the items that they dropped.
There are 3 key points at which some bosses become unavailable:
- After killing the “Corrupted Monk” in Ashina Depths and the “Guardian Ape” in Sunken Valley some old bosses in Ashina Castle to disappear and new ones spawn.
- If you choose the Shura Ending you’ll miss lots of endgame bosses. Likewise, if you don’t choose that ending you won’t get the fight the Shura Ending specific bosses. You’ll need 2 playthroughs minimum to defeat all bosses.
- After killing “Divine Dragon” in Fountainhead Palace bosses in the following regions disappear and new ones spawn: Ashina Castle, Ashina Reservoir, Ashina Outskirts.
Make sure when reaching one of these points you got all bosses so far. Otherwise you’ll miss out on some bosses but can still get them in New Game+.
Boss #1 – General Naomori Kawarada
Location: Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall Gate Path
Immediately after this sculptor’s idol you will encounter a big samurai. He’s the only enemy in a courtyard.
Strategy: Sneak above the rooftops on the left without being seen by General Naomori. Then sneak up to him from behind and stab him in the back. This immediately takes away one of his lives. Now simply attack with standard sword attacks /
and whenever he attacks simply block (or counter by pressing the block button
just before his attacks land). Blocking his less risky though. After he finishes an attack chain you attack him again. Repeat until his guard breaks. Remember you have a revive and can restore health.
Reward: Prayer Bead & Gourd Seed
Boss #2 – Chained Ogre
Location: Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall Stairway
Immediately after this sculptor’s idol you will see the chained ogre upstairs.
Strategy: First, kill all of the smaller enemies in the area. Before you even head upstairs to the ogre take out the two guards at the bottom of the stairs. After you go upstairs, head around the left corner to kill the one guy with a spear. Now it’s just you vs. the ogre. When the ogre attacks, press and dodge twice
. This will put you behind the Ogre’s back where he can’t hit you. Land 2-3 hits and repeat. With this I was able to do the fight without taking a single hit.
Reward: Prayer Bead & Shinobi Medicine Rank 1
Boss #3 – General Tenzen Yamauchi
Location: Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall Stairway
In the next area after the Chained Ogre you find this boss.
Strategy: Ignore the boss for now and just kill all of the mobs (smaller enemies) in the area. Try not to lose too much health here, ideally without using heal. After the mobs are dead, backtrack the way you came and escape the boss’s sight. Then come back and sneak behind his back, with an attack from behind you can instantly take one of his lives. Now use the same tactic as for the Ogre: when the boss attacks press , dodge, dodge, strike. Repeat until his defense breaks. If you killed the first boss Naomori you already got a Gourd Seed from him, and another can be found in the building after the Chained Ogre. With these two seeds you can upgrade the healing gourd (health flask) twice so you have 3 heals.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #4 – Gyoubu Oniwa
Location: Ashina Outskirts – Ashina Castle Gate Fortress
After the last boss “General Tenzen Yamauchi” you must drop down a cliff (where a tree is facing a big gap / abyss to the other side). After dropping down you come to a canyon where a big snake attacks you. Make it through this area and follow the main path until you reach a battleground where Gyoubu Oniwa comes riding on his horse through a gate.
Strategy: Gyoubu is the first real “main boss” in the game. He rides on a horse and attacks with a spear. His strength is his long reach but his weakness is his poor defense. As with any big boss you should first learn to block all attacks, do one test run and just block everything without even worrying about attacking. When you got the attack pattern memorized you can start.
The easiest way is to block his chain attacks until he does a heavy attack that leaves him defenseless / unable to move for 2-3 seconds. Then attack him twice. Immediately start blocking again or if your posture is about to break, dodge back 2-3 times to get away and take a moment to let posture recharge. Just block all of his attacks (don’t counter, just hold the block-button) and always attack when he’s unable to move. Repeat this process. It takes a while but is relatively riskless. Another thing to look out for is when there’s a green dot above Gyoubu’s head. Then you can grapple him with /
. This will also temporarily make him unable to move for 2-3 seconds. Enough time to land 2 hits! Then just block again. You could also keep your distance and let him ride around the area, then only use the grapple and attack twice, get away, wait for the next grapple opportunity and repeat. This way you can always land two hits while keeping your distance.
After taking his first life he will start doing a sweep attack (red icon on screen). Jump /
to avoid it. When you take his second life press
again to execute him.
Reward: Memory: Gyoubu Oniwa (Strength Upgrade), Mechanical Barrel (Prosthetic Tool Upgrade)
Boss #5 – Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen
Location: Hirata Estate – Estate Path
To get to Hirata Estate you must use the Bell that you got from the old woman in Ashina Outskirts (she’s between 1st boss General Naomori and 2nd boss Chained Ogre). Use the bell at the Altar in the Dilapidated Temple where the Sculptor sits. Follow the Estate Path until you cross a bridge with two shield enemies. After this is a garden area you encounter a guy in a white robe with a spear, that’s the boss.
Strategy: Stealth kill the torch enemy nearest the bridge, then run forward and take out the archer and the other two melee enemies. Now run away, just backtrack the way you come so the boss loses sight. Now you no longer need to deal with the mobs. Sneak along the grass on the left and stealth-attack the boss. This takes away one of his two lives. Now use , dodge, dodge to get behind him, land two hits, repeat. Alternatively, use the Whirlwind Combat art when you’re behind him.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #6 – Juzou the Drunkard
Location: Hirate Estate – Main Hall
Remember where you crossed the bridge with the two shield enemies, just before our last boss Shinobi Hunter? Backtrack to that bridge and jump down in the water. Then swim upriver until you see a branch on the left that you can grapple on to. Then follow the path until you need to wall-jump up a well and eventually reach burning mansions. There you’ll encounter Juzou.
Strategy: Talk to the Samurai that stands in the shallow water just before encountering Juzou (straight in front of where Juzou stands). The samurai is standing by a rock and wears blue clothing. When you talk to him he will fight on your side! This is super helpful as he will distract the boss while you take care of all the smaller enemies. The samurai will likely die after a few seconds. When the mobs are dealt with it’s only you vs. the boss. Lock on to him and always press , dodge 2-3 times, hit twice, repeat. The boss won’t be able to hit you when you dodge in his direction (thus getting behind his back). This strategy works for almost every boss in the game. Repeat until he’s dead.
Reward: Unrefined Sake, Prayer Bead
Boss #7 – Lady Butterfly
Location: Hirata Estate – Hirata Audience Chamber
You enter this place immediately after the Juzou boss (building that he guarded). There’s only one archer and behind him you can interact with a floor pad. This leads downstairs to a big gate. To open it you need the key that you get when following the path after Boss #5 (Shinobi Hunter). When you follow that path to the end you will have gotten to meet a friend in a burning courtyard that gave you the key. Then the gate to the boss fight can be opened.
Strategy: This boss fight has two phases. Even though Lady Butterfly only shows 1 life, she will actually respawn after you killed her once (meaning you must defeat her twice). She attacks quickly and has the biggest moveset yet. Do 2-3 practice runs just studying her moveset and trying to block & dodge her attacks so you get the movement down. For this fight equip the Whirlwind Combat Art. When she’s about to launch an attack always , dodge, dodge, use Whirlwind (
). Repeat until she’s dead. Dodging at the right time takes a little practice with her. When she does an attack with a red icon onscreen always dodge sideways very quickly. After you killed her the first time, run to the end of the area where she first came from at the start of the fight. Here she will respawn. Be there before she spawns so you can attack her from behind straight away. Do the same tactic as before dodge, dodge, whirlwind, repeat. The only difference now is that she will summon illusions to fight for her (silhouettes of soldiers). When she does that simply jump around the area in the big circle (run behind the wooden pillars while pressing
quickly to jump). After a few seconds the ghosts go away. They will turn into bright lights but if you keep running around the area and jumping the will never hit you. Normally these could instant kill you if you’re not evading them. With the ghosts gone it’s the same as in the first phase. From time to time she will summon bright lights and shoot them at you, always dodge them as they cannot be blocked. When she calls ghosts the 2nd time run away again until they disappear. By this point in the game your gourd should have at least 4 uses.
Reward: Memory Lady Butterfly (Strength Upgrade), Sakura Droplet (+1 Resurrection)
Boss #8 – Blazing Bull
Location: Ashina Outskirts – Ashina Castle Gate
You will encounter this boss just after fighting Gyoubu Oniwa, inside the main castle.
Strategy: The flaming bull has a lot of health but only one life. It can’t block any of your attacks. It does extremely powerful attacks that cannot be fully blocked (blocking still causes you some damage), but it can only attack with its horns. So if you stand behind the bull it can’t hit you. The bull has two main movements: running towards you, and attacking with his horns quickly while standing still. When it runs towards you, always dodge forward +
when its horns are touching the ground. To learn the timing will take some tries. It’s recommended to do 2 or 3 test runs just to practice the dodge. When the bull slides its horns across the ground it’s about to do an extremely powerful frontal attack that can one-hit kill you. So always dodge forward when the horn touches the ground to evade this attack 100% of the time. When the bull finishes running it will be vulnerable for a second while turning around. Get 1-2 hits in but always stand to its side or behind its back. When the bull stands still to attack is when you can deal most damage. ALWAYS dodge BEHIND the bull. Not to the side of it, BEHIND its back. You can land 2-3 hits while it does its attack motion. It will then turn a little bit your way so you need to dodge 1 time to get behind its back again and repeat this pattern. When the bull starts running again, focus first and foremost on dodging. Try to land a hit when the bull turns around but don’t force it, getting hit by its running move will take away more than half your health and isn’t worth the risk. Get the most damage in when it stands still by just dodging behind its back. When the bull’s health gets low, just start throwing shuriken at it to do a fair amount of damage from a safe distance.
Tip: from where we fought Gyoubu Oniwa you can go across the battlefield and up the stairs to a merchant. He sells a Gourd Seed for 1000 money which you can bring to Emma at the Dilapidated Temple to increase the Gourd uses, thus giving you more health.
Reward: Prayer Bead, Shinobi Medicine Rank 2
Boss #9 – General Kuranosuke Matsumoto
Location: Ashina Castle
After defeating the Blazing Bull, head up the stairs straight in front of you. At the top of the stairs you find 4 riflemen and this boss.
Strategy: General Kuranosuke is exactly the same as the first boss General Naomori, just with more health and posture, and he also deals more damage. Start by killing the 4 riflemen. When they are dead, retreat the way you came until the boss loses sight of you. Then grapple up to the rooftops to get behind him and do a stealth takedown. One life down, one to go. Simply double-dodge towards him whenever he attacks and use a Whirlwind Combat Art: ,
. Do this each time he launches an attack, repeat until he’s defeated.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #10 – Seven Achina Spears – Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi
Location: Ashina Castle – Ashina Reservoir
After entering the Ashina castle, take the path to your left, open a gate and drop down. Then you find the Reservoir idol. Near the idol is an area with two big hammer guys and some stairs leading up to the temple where you first saw the divine heir in the prologue. There you find the Seven Spears boss.
Strategy: This is one of few bosses where dodge, dodge, attack will NOT work. He uses spear sweeps which will still hit you. He also has a ton of health. The best way to defeat him quickly is to break his guard, which in this fight means a lot of deflection and Mikiri Counters. First, we’ll take away one of his lives with a stealth takedown. From the idol, jump left across the trees and you’ll land between a rifleman and a drummer. Quickly kill the drummer so he doesn’t alert the camp. Then take the same path you took in the prologue to climb around the left side of the mountain and climb through the hole to the temple. Don’t be seen by any enemies or they’ll chase you during the boss fight! After you get to the temple via the cliffside you can attack the boss from behind. One life down, one to go. The “Firecrackers” Prosthetic Tool (bought from merchant near Ashina Outskirts – Gate Path) + the combat art “Ichimonji: Double” (Ashina Arts combat style) are highly recommended. First do some Mikiri Counters (block and then press the dodge button without any directional buttons when a spear strike with red sign is about to land – ,
). When he uses sweeps you do a double jump to cause posture damage. The other moves you try to deflect or block and try to attack in between to keep his posture from recharging. When his posture is about 30% down, you start throwing firecrackers to stun him and immediately use Ichimoji: Double combat art to attack. This combat art does massive posture damage. With this combo you can stun him 8 times in a row and keep using the combat art until his guard breaks. Additionally, you can use “Fistful of Ash” (item) to stun him up to 10 more times. An easy win for an otherwise very difficult fight. Don’t try to take down all his health, he has way too much of it, breaking his guard is the way to go.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #11 – Lone Shadow Longswordman
Location: Ashina Castle – Ashina Reservoir
After entering the Ashina castle, take the path to your left, open a gate and drop down. Then you find the Reservoir idol. From the idol jump across the two tree branches to the left and you’ll land in an enemy camp between a rifleman and a drummer. Behind the drummer walk up to the cliff, then look to the right. Here you can grapple on to a point across the abyss. This brings you to an area with a friendly samurai standing above a hole. Jump down the hole to find the boss.
Strategy: Whenever the boss is about to launch an attack, dodge towards him
(past his left side), then use the Whirlwind Combat art & repeat. You just need to get the timing down. Dodge towards him exactly when he is about to swing his sword or do another attack and he’ll never be able to hit you. The Whirlwind Combat art is very quick and will hit him twice. After you encountered him for the first time he will always spot you when entering the area, but there is an easy workaround: instead of jumping down the hole where the friendly samurai is, jump through the 2nd hole further up ahead to do an air assassination on the boss.
Reward: Scrap Magnetite + Prayer Bead
Boss #12 – Ashina Elite – Jinsuke Saze
Location: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower Ashina Dojo
Backtrack to the first idol in Ashina castle (the idol itself being called “Ashina Castle”), then take the path on the right and jump up the roofs. Follow the roofs to enter the tall tower in the middle of the area (the tallest building on the map, easy to see). Once inside the top of the tower, there are some samurai with blue robes. In a room on the right (top floor) there are 2-3 of them and you can grapple through a hole in the ceiling. From there you can follow the path upstairs to reach the Ashina Dojo at the top of the tower.
Strategy: This boss hits hard but has very little health and poor defense. Just spam him with the Whirlwind Combat art. It will still cause him damage even when he blocks it. Just play aggressively. Either use Firecrackers (Prosthetic Tool) to stun him or dodge towards him when he strikes
. Sometimes he will still hit you when dodging, in that case dodge away to heal and repeat. Even when he starts blocking just keep spamming him with Whirlwind a few times until his health is depleted.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #13 – Genichiro Ashina
Location: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower Ashina Dojo
This boss comes immediately after Ashina Elite – Jinsuke Saze. In the room where you fought that boss, climb through the window and up to the rooftop.
Strategy: Genichiro Achina has two phases. In the first phase he has 2 lives, his moveset stays the same. After both his lives are gone he changes into his 2nd form “Way of Tomoe” which has 1 life only. The Prosthetic Tool “Loaded Axe” is great for this fight as it does heavy posture damage. Depleting his health takes too long, try to deplete his posture instead. You need to control the fight, don’t let him toy with you. Stick close to him and just hammer him with normal hits so he can’t even use his bow. The basic tactic is to hit him 1-2 times, then he attacks but you must counter (hold to block and before his strike lands you tap
to counter). Then attack him with 1-2 basic sword strikes
and repeat. Sometimes he does a series of quick hits, keep blocking and counter them quickly (press
as each hit lands). Just countering isn’t enough though, you also need to cause him damage so his posture doesn’t recharge so quickly anymore. If you just keep hammering with normal sword strikes you will hit him from time to this. This is because the AI still tries to launch attacks and will mess up often enough that you can land a lucky hit. It takes a while but you are blocking everything safely and landing a few small hits is better than none. Any time he tries to launch an attack (or finishes an attack chain) he is open for 1 hit. It sums up quickly. You just need to get him to about 60% health and his posture will drain super quick. At this point you can use the Loaded Axe tool to deplete his remaining posture quickly. Of course it works without tools all the same, just keep bashing him with the sword and use counters. It does less posture damage but is actually a bit safer. Pay attention on his thrust attacks. While he also has sweep attacks, he should never even get a chance to use them when you stay close and hammer him with strikes. If you feel comfortable use Mikri Counter. It’s risky but if you do it right it does massive posture damage. Block with
and press
just before a thrust lands (practice it at Dilapidated Temple with training buddy a few times). If you don’t want to take that risk just dodge away and take your time, do clean counters and take it one hit at a time. When both lives are depleted he will transform to a stronger version of himself and start to use thunder attacks. When he jumps up in the air for an attack, always dodge to the left. Do the same for all other thunder attacks, just dodge those. The rest of his moveset is identical in his 2nd form, repeat the counter &
spam tactic until his posture breaks.
Reward: Memory: Genichiro (Strenght Upgrade), Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu
Boss #14 – Armored Warrior
Location: Senpou Temple – Shugendo
After the 2nd idol in “Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo” you will automatically reach this boss, he’s unmissable.
Strategy: The armored warrior cannot take any health damage. The only way to defeat him is to break his posture and then grab him to throw him off the balcony. He will fall down and die. The best part is that his posture does not recharge. Either dodge or block his attacks. Between his attack combos he’s unable to move and easy to hit for a few seconds. The Prosthetic Tool “Loaded Axe” comes in handy here, it does massive posture damage. A few hits with the axe and his posture is depleted. Make sure he destroyed a window or the balcony with his attacks, then grab him and throw him down.
Reward: Prayer Bead, Breath of Nature: Shadow (Skill)
Boss #15 – Long-arm Gentipede Sen’un
Location: Senpou Temple – Temple Grounds
After the 3rd idol in “Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo” you will see a path with wolves and some monks throwing bombs at you. Grapple up the temple roof and then jump down to a temple on the right side below you. Through the roof of this temple you can enter a dark chamber with this boss.
Strategy: As soon as you enter the boss chamber, take out the 3 small enemies first that are sitting on the wooden beams. Don’t fall down so the boss doesn’t notice you. After they’re dead you jump on the boss and do a stealth-takedown midair. This immediately takes away one life. Very quickly kill the one remaining enemy on the ground (2-3 strikes will kill it). Now it’s just you and the boss left. Dodging won’t do you any good in this fight. It’s all about deflecting the consecutive attacks to quickly lower it’s posture and do an execution. You just need 3 buttons for this fight: Counter (hold to block and press
just before a hit lands), Jump (press
when the boss shows a red attack icon, don’t press directional button, again press
in midair for heavy posture damage), Attack (press
after boss finishes an attack chain, indicated by his big attack). Don’t even press directional buttons. Just stand there, counter all attacks and do a double-jump when the red attack icon shows up. Land 2 hits after the boss finishes a combo. If you counter well it will deplete the boss’s posture within just two of its attack chains. The skills Ascending Carp, Descending Carp, Flowing Water are very good here as they make your deflections stronger and increase your posture. An alternative strategy is to grapple up to the wooden beams where the boss can’t hit you, then jump down on it to land 1-2 quick hits and immediately grapple up again, repeat this process. If you’re having trouble with deflecting or your posture drains too fast then this is an easy alternative.
Reward: Yellow Gundpowder (Prosthetic Upgrade), Prayer Bead
Boss #16 – Folding Screen Monkeys
Location: Senpou Temple – Main Hall
At the Main Hall idol, interact with the altar (golden table where the golden statues are). This is only possible after having defeated Genichiro Ashina in Ashina Castle, then talked to the Divine Heir in Kuro’s Room at the top of the tower and followed the smoke signals across the tower rooftops to find Ishin (which the Divine Heir tells you about). Only then you can interact with the altar. It warps you to the boss stage.
Strategy: This is less a fight and more a stealth section. There are 4 apes that you must kill. Below they are described in the best order with strategies for each one. There are easy ways to defeat them, no need to run after them aimlessly.
Invisible Monkey: At the very start where you spawn in the boss area, take a few steps forward and then turn around and just attack the empty place where you spawned. The invisible ape spawns here, you may be able to see him topple over some vases in the area (he’s invisible of course so you’ll just see items being affected by him walking there). Just take a few steps towards the bridge at the spawn, turn around and go crazy with your sword. Alternatively, he can spawn in the left tower where the water is, where also a note is on the wall.
Green Monkey: Jump on the tree in the middle of the area, then the green ape jumps on a roof. Head in his direction but not on the roof, you’ll want to stay on the ground level. There’s a huge bell with a note hanging next to it. When the monkey is sitting on the balcony straight ahead of the bell, ring the bell and it will stun him for a few seconds. Enough time to grapple up to the balcony and execute him.
Purple Monkey: Head to the tower in the top left corner. The purple monkey is usually here but will flee on sight, that’s okay though, no way to kill him yet. First we need to turn the lights out. To do so, open the door in the top left tower which causes the wind to blow out the lights. There’s also a note on the wall next to it that explains this. Then chase the monkey around the map and follow his purple footprints until he goes back in the top left tower. Then you can jump on him from the roof above for a midair execution. An easy kill, because he can’t see you now that the lights are turned out.
Red Monkey: This is the monkey with the drum. He has only average sight and hearing. Chase him to a rooftop, then crouch (press to crouch) and try to get behind him. Sneak up to him from behind. I got this to work in various spots, for example the tallest temple at the end of the area (middle path). If he stops there you can sneak up to him from the other side for a stealth execution from behind.
Reward: Memory: Screen Monkeys, Puppeteer Ninjutsu
Boss #17 – Snake Eyes Shirahagi
Location: Ashina Depths region – Ashina Depths idol
Immediately after the Ashina Depths idol you will find this boss in the next room (the chamber with poison lakes). To get here, go to the old well where you fought the boss “Lone Shadow Longswordman” in Ashina Reservoir. Swim through the well where that boss fight happened to come to a dark chamber. Ignore the purple boss for now, it’s one of the headless meant for later. Walk until you find a woman praying at a cliffside. You must jump down the cliff and after a few seconds of free fall can press to use grapple on a cliff. Then follow the cliffs and dark tunnels on the left.
Strategy: This is basically the same as Snake Eyes Shirafuji but you need to be more careful not to attract any small enemies. The area is filled with shooters. From the Ashina Depths Idol, drop down to kill the shooter standing on a platform high up. He’s the only one with a clear line of fire to where the boss is. The rest of the enemies you can ignore, they won’t notice you. Quickly grapple on to the statue on the right and from there to the trees and the statue near the boss. The boss is standing in the top right corner of the area. When you grapple through the air he won’t be able to see you. After landing on the statue to his left, walk down and get behind him for a stealth takedown. Now he has only one life left. The other enemies won’t be alerted if you did a clean grappling sequence without falling down. If they saw you it’s a whole lot harder and you should return to the idol and repeat until you end up at the boss in total stealth. After backstabbing the boss, quickly bring down his health below 50%. The quickest way is with some combat arts or use the Firecrackers Prosthetic Tool to stun him, attack and use Firecrackers again. Once his health is below 50% his posture recovers slowly. At that point just deflect all his attacks and bash him with standard sword strikes until his posture breaks, then you can execute him.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #18 – Tokujiro the Glutton
Location: Ashina Depths – Hidden Forest
This comes shortly after the previous boss Snake Eyes Shirahagi. Tokujiro is actually on the main story path and cannot be missed (on the path to the temple where someone’s playing the flute). From the Hidden Forest idol, jump across the trees. You’ll come to a foggy area with ghost enemies. On the left side you can grapple up a tree and there you find Tokujiro and some small monkeys guarding him.
Strategy: This is the same boss as Juzou the Drunkard in Hirata Estate, just with stronger stats. First you should clear out the moneys. Then backtrack until the boss has lost sight of you. Return to the area and grapple up the tree branch on the right side above the boss. He won’t see you and this way you can get behind him. Jump down on him for an air takedown. This takes one of his lives. Now do the same as with Juzou: when the boss attacks use forward dodge, forward dodge, attack 2 times, repeat. If you get hit, dodge back a few times and use the healing gourd.
Reward: Unrefined Sake, Prayer Bead
Boss #19 – Mist Noble
Location: Ashina Depths – Hidden Forest
In the area where you fought the last boss Tokujuro, you can grapple on to a tree branch on the side of the mountain to reach a bigger tree, and from there the temple where you hear someone playing flute. There’s a hole in the temple roof that lets you drop onto the boss.
Strategy: Drop onto the boss for a stealth takedown. It’s just a small weird-looking tentacle enemy. It doesn’t attack, doesn’t block and dies in a few hits. Just cut it to pieces with standard sword strikes, not much of a boss fight this one. Defeating this monster makes the fog go away in the area and the ghost enemies will disappear.
Reward: Lump of Grave Wax (Prosthetic Upgrade item)
Boss #20 – O’rin of the Water
Location: Ashina Depths – Water Mill
Right after the Water Mill idol you will run into a Lady playing music. If you walk past her she will suddenly attack, cannot be missed as she’s on the main story path and you are forced to walk past her to advance.
Strategy: O’rin of the Water is an apparition type enemy, meaning she’s a ghost and attacking her doesn’t do much damage. To start the fight, attack her while she’s playing her instrument (unfortunately can’t do a stealth-execution on her). The best tactic is to deflect all her attack combos and when she does a sweep (red icon on screen) you double jump to deal her massive posture damage. Repeat until her posture is broken and execute her. Also strike her continuously with standard sword strikes to land a few lucky hits. Most of them she’ll block but at least it hurts her posture and doing her some health damage makes her posture recharge slower. You just need 3 buttons here: to block and deflect,
to double-jump when she shows the red attack icon,
for standard sword strikes. Don’t use Combat Arts and don’t dodge. The reason being that combat arts are too slow and will only get you hit. Likewise, dodging will get you hit most of the time as she does a flurry of attacks and tracks you during the dodge. It’s basically the same principle as the Genichiro Ashina boss fight. Deflect until her guard breaks, perform an execution and repeat. Play defensively, play it safe. If you need to recharge health get to the other side of the battleground since she can easily hit you at closer ranges.
Reward: Prayer Bead, Breath of Life: Shadow (Skill)
Boss #21 – Corrupted Monk
Location: Ashina Depths – Water Mill
This is immediately after our last boss, at the end of the area.
Strategy: Corrupted Monk is one of the main bosses. He does a lot of damage and has long reach, also uses a variety of chain attacks, unblockable sweeps and stabs. If you try to deflect or block all his attacks he will most likely break your posture. There’s a bit of a trick that the AI can’t deal with. Get the Combat Art called “Mortal Draw“. It does unblockable damage and staggers the enemy. It’s automatically acquired from the story after defeating the Folding Screen Monkeys boss in Senpou Temple (you should already have this when following this guide).
Now to the actual fight: Don’t bother with blocking or deflecting the boss’s attacks. Instead, bait him into attacking (by getting close to him) then dodge away (backwards). This way he can’t hit you. When he finishes his attack chain he is always vulnerable for 3 seconds or so. Quickly dodge towards him and use the Mortal Draw combat art with +
. Especially after the boss does a jump attack he is vulnerable and will stagger by this move. After using the move, dodge back and repeat – wait for boss to miss an attack chain, then use Mortal Draw, dodge back, repeat.
It still takes a bit of training to learn all the Corrupted Monk’s attack patterns so you know when the right time is to strike. It’s best to do 1-2 test runs where you just block or deflect all his attacks to understand his moveset better. After certain attacks he’s vulnerable for longer (his jumps in particular so if you want to play it safe only attack after he jumped), and after certain attacks he might hit you while you’re attacking. Equip Pellets in the quick item slots so you can use those in addition to your healing gourd. By this point you should have at least 9 healing gourd charges, see Gourd Seed Locations. Also equip firecrackers, at the start of the fight you can simply throw those at him, use the combat art, throw firecrackers again and repeat.
Reward: Memory: Corrupted Monk (Attack +1), Mibu Breathing Technique (Skill)
Note: This boss does NOT unlock the “Corrupted Monk” trophy or achievement! The one you must defeat for this is the “True Corrupted Monk” in Fountainhead Palace, which is detailed further below in the guide.
Boss #22 – Snake Eyes Shirafuji
Location: Sunken Valley – Gun Fort
After the 2nd idol in Sunken Valley region (the idol itself is also called “Sunken Valley”) you need to drop down the cliff by the idol and grapple on to the trees as you’re falling down. Then you’ll run into this boss automatically on the way to the Gun Fort idol. For now, ignore him and once you reach the Gun Fort idol you can backtrack to do a stealth takedown on him.
Strategy: When you first see this boss he will face you head-on. Ignore him for now. Grapple up the tree branch left of him and advance to the Gun Fort idol. Rest at the idol to reset the enemies. Then backtrack to the boss. Rifleman will shoot after you but just jump up and down and they’ll miss most shots. Drop down to the boss and do a stealth takedown from behind to take one of his lives. Now deflect all his attacks and spam him with normal sword strikes after deflecting. Rinse and repeat. When he’s showing the red attack icon you’ll want to dodge away, as he’s about to do an unblockable grappling attack on you. If you get hit and need to heal, run to the left side of the area or even grapple up the tree branch to get out of sight. If you try to heal in front of him he’ll just shoot you. Once you brought down his health to about 70% his posture becomes much easier to break. Once broken, he can be executed in 1 hit.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #23 – Long-arm Gentipede Giraffe
Location: Sunken Valley – Gun Fort
This is right by the Gun Fort Idol, in the next room (also just after our last boss fight).
Strategy: This fight is exactly the same as Long-arm Gentipede Sen’un, except you can’t do a stealth kill this time. The boss will always see you, but is quick to kill. When it launches its furry of attacks, hold the block button and also tap
before each attack lands, to deflect them. Between the attack chains try to land 1-2 hits. Within 2 attack chain deflections the boss’s posture will break and you can do an execution. When you see a red attack icon always double jump (no directional buttons). Don’t dodge in this fight, just deflect and jump when the red icon shows. Because this fight will drain your posture quickly it’s recommended to consume an Gokan’s sugar item beforehand (increases posture for a time).
Reward: Yellow Gunpowder (Prosthetic Tool Upgrade), Prayer Bead
Boss #24 – Guardian Ape
Location: Sunken Valley – Bodhisattva Valley
Right behind where you fought the Long-arm Gentipede Giraffe boss, there’s a big door. To open this door you must first get the “Gun Fort Shrine Key”, which is found in Kuro’s library, in Kuro’s Room (Ashina Castle). Kuro opens the library after you talked to him a bunch of times, followed the smoke signals across the tower roofs to find Isshin. If you have trouble with that, refer to the Ashina Castle Walkthrough. Anyway, after you opened the gate behind the Gentipede you just follow the path until you reach this idol.
Strategy: The Guardian Ape boss consists of two phases.
First Phase: First you’re fighting the Guardian Ape in his normal form. He can’t block your attacks and only has one life. However, he does some crazy damage with his grapple attacks. Avoid those at all cost. He has 2 grapples: A sweep attack that can only be dodged by jumping (red icon on screen) and a bodyslam when he comes charging at you. Avoid those at all cost. Be extremely wary when the red attack icon shows and always jump when it does (something to remember for the 2nd phase as well). The best strategy to end the first phase quickly is to stun him with Firecrackers. Then get behind him and go crazy with standard sword attacks. Don’t use any combat arts, they are too slow. After dealing a certain amount of damage (at about 75% health) he will stagger and you can keep attacking until he runs off. He does that a total of 3 times, at about 75% health, 50% health, 25% health. You can’t spawn firecrackers one after the other though. They only affect him every 20 seconds roughly. So just block his attacks and then use another firecracker to stun him. After you blocked one of his long attack chains (or he missed you), he’s wide open for some quick attacks. Remember, after he staggers just keep attacking. He can also fart poison at you or throw poisonous dung, so keep an antidote in your quick items. If you avoid his grapples this phase isn’t too bad.
Second Phase: After executing the Ape once, he will get a huge sword. He now has a completely new moveset and becomes a lot more dangerous. Memorizing his moveset is easier said than done as you have to get through the first phase again every time you die. It is therefore highly recommended you watch the above video guide to study his moveset carefully. Really get the starting animations memorized of the moves that open a chance for you to attack, cause there are only 2 moves that give you an opening. The first move is shown at 3:08 – when the ape finishes an attack chain and holds his sword high up in the air he’s about to a heavy cut from top to bottom. Deflect this attack! Don’t just block, hit the moment this heavy attack lands. It will stagger him and put you under his belly, then you can get a lot of attacks in. This is the best chance to deal him any damage. The second move is at 3:25 – when he leaps forward and does a single strike you can simply jump over him in that moment. Then land 2-3 sword attacks before blocking again. Every other move you should stay clear off, just keep your distance unless he uses one of these moves. If he ever jumps up high in the air, be prepared to jump as he comes back to the ground. He’s always gonna do an area-wide sweep attack after he jumps, which cannot be blocked (you can only jump over it). Another new move he learns is a red terror blast. If your terror gauge fills up you die instantly. Have the Pacifying Agent consumable ready in your quick items so you can cure this status effect, but most importantly quickly run off when he uses this red terror fog (hold the dodge-button
to run). The quickest option to get away is to stop locking on to the enemy and just run (don’t jump or dodge). You run faster when not locked on to the enemy. This phase is gonna take a lot of practice still, but try to memorize the moves from the video that give you a chance to attack and you’ll save yourself some trial and error.
Reward: Memory: Guardian Ape (Strength Upgrade), Slender Finger (the final Prosthetic Tool)
Boss #25 – Lone Shadow Vilehand
Location: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower – Ashina Dojo
After killing the Corrupted Monk and Guardian Ape, backtrack to Ashina Castle through the Abandoned Dungeon. You must reach the tower roofs, on your way there you encounter Lone Shadow Vilehand in the room where previously the Ashina Elite Jinsuke Saze miniboss fight took place.
Strategy: Make sure you have the Puppeteer Ninjutsu equipped. As you enter the Dojo, you’ll want to crouch and get behind the mob on the left side (the non-boss enemy). Backstab him and press to trigger the Puppeteer skill, thus he will fight the boss for you! Now it’s you two versus the boss. Your guy will likely die within the boss’s first health bar, but at least you can get some good damage done in the meantime. After he is dead, you use the same strategy as for the Lone Shadow Longswordman miniboss – whenever Vilehand is about to attack you dodge forward with a slight degree to the left (side where he holds his sword) and then do the Whirlwind Slash Combat Art
. Rinse and repeat. Forward dodge whenever he starts an attack, do Whirlwind Dash, repeat.
Reward: Lump of Fat Wax (Prosthetic Upgrade), Prayer Bead
You’ve reached the Endgame: After this boss we’ll reach the game ending! You can find many new minibosses spawning in old areas now, or finish the ending first and continue in free roam to find them afterward. Don’t worry, you can still go everywhere after the story in free roam, chose what order (and ending) you like. On PS4 you can create a backup at this point PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management so you can copy back the save and try out different endings!
Boss #26 – Emma, the Gentle Blade (Shura Ending)
Location: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower – Ashina Dojo
When reaching the tower rooftop you get to choose a game ending. Pick the first dialogue option “Obey the Iron Code, Forsake Kuro” to trigger the Shura Ending and this boss fight.
Strategy: Get the Shadowrush Combat Art for this (last skill in Shinobi Skill Tree for 6 skill points). It’s totally overpowered against the last two bosses. The tactic is simple: Get 10 meters away from the boss (where they can’t hit you) > Use Shadowrush > Jump back > Run away (hold /
to run) > repeat. Always spam Shadowrush, Jump, Run 10 meters away, repeat. Emma and the follow-up boss Isshin Ashina can’t block this move. You just need to get a good feel for the distance, be far enough away that the attack will connect, but not so close that the enemy can hit you. Always hold
to charge up the attack.
Reward: Triggers the Isshin Ashina Boss Fight
Boss #27 – Isshin Ashina (Shura Ending)
Location: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower – Ashina Dojo
Triggers immediately after defeating Emma in the Shura Ending (see previous boss above).
Strategy: Exact same strategy as Emma. Get the Shadowrush Combat Art for this (last skill in Shinobi Skill Tree for 6 skill points). The tactic is simple: Get 10 meters away from the boss (where they can’t hit you) > Use Shadowrush > Jump back > Run away (hold /
to run) > repeat. Always spam Shadowrush, Jump, Run 10 meters away, repeat. Emma and the follow-up boss Isshin Ashina can’t block this move. You just need to get a good feel for the distance, be far enough away that the attack will connect, but not so close that the enemy can hit you. Always hold
to charge up the attack. In the 2nd phase, Isshin will start to use fire moves. When he shoots fire in a straight line, just run to the side (hold
to run), this way it will always miss. When he sprays a wide but short fire in front of him, stay just behind the fire and charge up your Shadowrush to him once. His most devastating move is when he summons flames all over the area. Stand in a spot where there are no flames on the floor. Then immediately jump in his direction. That’s because he will always come rushing your way with an attack chain that would instant-kill you. By jumping above him you will easily dodge it and can attack him a few times from behind with standard strikes. Try not to spend too many healing gourd uses on Emma. Also, for Isshin keep some Pellets equipped for extra healing and Ako’s Sugar to boost your attack damage, thus you need to land fewer Shadowrush attacks to end the fight.
Reward: Memory: Isshin Ashina (Attack Upgrade), One Mind Skill (Combat Art), Shura Ending
Boss #28 – Great Shinobi Owl
Location: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower – Ashina Dojo
When reaching the tower rooftop you get to choose a game ending. Pick the 2nd dialogue option “Break the iron code, stay loyal to Kuro” to trigger this boss fight. This will lead you to the “full ending” where you get to another area after this fight.
Strategy: Great Shinobi Owl does some heavy attacks that leave him vulnerable for a few seconds if you dodge them perfectly. When he attacks with the sword from left you dodge forward left. When he attacks with the sword from the right, you dodge forward right. Always dodge under his sword to get behind him, then do a Whirlwind Slash Combat Art & repeat. When he jumps high up in the air, dodge forward twice to get behind him, then you can deal some good damage. Firecrackers are great for when you get wounded so you can stun him and heal yourself in the meantime. Always stay close to him, don’t run away. He will always run after you very fast if you try to get away. Always stick close to him and whenever he launches an attack you dodge under it, do Whirlwind Slash, repeat. It takes a few tries to get the timing down and memorize his moves. In the 2nd phase he will throw poison and smoke. When he’s about to use smoke keep hitting him, he’s totally vulnerable while he does that. When he poisons an area stay away and block his attacks until the poison has cleared, with the poison gone you can use the full space of the area again. The general dodge & attack pattern still applies in the 2nd phase.
Reward: Memory: Great Shinobi (Attack Upgrade), Aromatic Branch
Boss #29 – True Corrupted Monk
Location: Fountainhead Palace
After having chosen to stay loyal to Kuro in the end and having defeated Great Shinobi Owl, you must talk to Kuro in his room a bunch of times. Keep talking to him repeatedly until all dialogues are exhausted. Then head back to the Ashina Depths – Wedding Cave Door idol. In the cave where you picked up a story item you can go in a tent to be transported to the Fountainhead Palace. The first enemy there is the True Corrupted Monk. This one rewards you with a trophy.
Strategy: This “true” version of the Corrupted Monk has 3 lives. Luckily, we can take his first two lives quickly with stealth kills from the trees above. When you enter the boss area, grapple to the tree branch on the right, a 2nd one on the right, and the 3rd branch behind the boss. If you’re quick enough he won’t notice and you can drop down on him for a stealth kill. Then immediately jump back on the trees and when he enters his 2nd phase, do another stealth kill on him from the middle tree branch (the boss will turn invisible but stands in the middle of the bridge, that’s where you can drop on him, but you need to be very quick). Then he has just 1 life left. Throw firecrackers, attack him with normal sword strikes from behind, throw next firecracker and repeat. Also consume an Ako’s Sugar for increased attack power and Ungo’s Sugar for taking less damage. 8 uses of firecrackers should be enough to take his last life. Alternatively, you can just let him miss his spinning attacks by running away from him, then run to him to hit him once, and repeat. The Mortal Blade Combat Art also works well when baiting him like this, as it deals unblockable damage.
Reward: Memory: True Monk (Attack Upgrade), Dragon’s Tally Board (Unlocks New Items in Merchant Shops), “Corrupted Monk” trophy / achievement.
Boss #30 – Great Serpent
Location: Senpou Temple Mt. Kongo area, Senpou Temple Mt. Kongo idol
This is only possible after having unlocked the “Puppeteer” Ninjutsu by defeating the Folding Screen Monkeys boss at the end of Senpou Temple Mt. Kongo region. You must also have advanced through the Sunken Valley region to make the Great Serpent available to kill. What you must do is head to the Senpou Mt. Kongo idol (the 1st one in that region). From there drop down the cliff to the right and you’ll see a single enemy standing by a lever with a kite attached. Backstab this enemy and use the Puppeteer skill on him. He’ll then use the lever to move the kite and hold it in place. Then you go through the monk forest, through the prayer room, and to the next area where a large tree is on the right side. From that tree you can grapple the kite and fly to the other area. Then drop down the platforms and grapple tree branches as you fall, until you come to the Sunken Valley Cavern idol. From there you reach a dead-end where where you can balance on a wooden beam and the snake will be below you, but only if you have advanced through the Sunken Valley region already.
Strategy: When you’ve followed the above path, just drop down on the Great Serpent’s head to execute it. There’s no actual fight here, it dies instantly. It was just tricky to find, but is an unspectacular instant kill.
Reward: Fresh Serpent Viscera (key item), Great Serpent trophy / achievement.
Boss #31 – Guardian Ape Undying
Location: Ashina Depths – Poison Pool
After defeating the Guardian Ape in Sunken Valley, the 2nd version of the Guardian Ape spawns in Ashina Depths in the arena between the Poison Pool idol and the Hidden Forest idol.
Strategy: You’re fighting the same boss as the Guardian Ape’s second phase but this time he’s a lot slower. He has two health bars but they deplete much quicker because you now have more attack power from killing all other main bosses. The strategy is a bit different from before. Since he is now very slow and doesn’t attack as much, just block one of his consecutive attacks, then bash him with normal sword hits. At the start of the fight you can already get some good hits in while he’s turning around to you. After his first health bar is gone, he runs off to the side to call another ape to his aid. Already attack while he’s calling the 2nd ape. Luckily, the one he calls is very weak and dies fast. Simply throw a bunch of firecrackers at the 2nd ape to break its posture quickly and go for an instant execution. Then it’s back to the headless ape and it’s the same tactic as before. Block all attacks and then attack. When it uses the red mist run away (hold /
to run). After the undying ape is defeated, execute it one more time to rip out his spine, this time he won’t come back and you earn a trophy as well as the final Ninjutsu.
Reward: 2 x Prayer Beads, Bestowal Ninjutsu, Guardian Ape Immortality Severed trophy / achievement.
Boss #32 – Sakura Bull of the Palace
Location: Fountainhead Palace – Flower Viewing Stage
See Boss “True Corrupted Monk” how to get to Fountainhead Palace. As you advance in the area you come by the Flower Viewing Stage idol automatically (after passing through a courtyard with squid-like flute enemies). From this idol you can find the bull behind the Mibu Manor (behind the building complex where you encounter the flute-playing squids).
Strategy: It’s the same as Blazing Bull, this boss just has a different color (purple). The moveset and strategy are the same. Because you have more attack pwoer now, this boss will actually be a lot easier than Blazing Bull. Dodge behind it when it stands still to land attacks. Dodge it when it charges at you or run sideways to let it miss, then attack.
Reward: Prayer Bead, A Beast’s Karma Latent Skill (carry more spirit emblems)
Boss #33 – Okami Leader Shizu
Location: Fountainhead Palace – Great Sakura
From the Great Sakura idol, this boss is on the next tree ahead. It can’t be missed, you have to kill this lightning-throwing miniboss to swim in the lake safely, which is mandatory to advance the story.
Strategy: From the idol quickly grapple to the tree and use the grappling points on the right of the tree to evade the boss’s electric attack. He’s completely defenseless when you reach him, just bash him with your sword and the fight is over.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #34 – Great Colored Carp
Location: Fountainhead Palace
Found at the Feeding Grounds idol. See the steps detailed below.
Strategy: This is a secret boss that has multiple steps to it. You won’t actually fight the great colored carp but poison it with some trickery which kills it instantly.
Step 1: Activate the Feeding Grounds idol, talk to the NPC there and ring the bell to call the Great Colored Carp. To reach the Feeding Grounds, we’ll start at the Palace Grounds idol. You’ll pass by it on the normal story path, it’s unmissable. Just play through the region until you reach the Palace Grounds. From there, take a right turn in the next building (squid enemies inside). Behind the building you can grapple to the roof and from there to a tree branch, a temple roof, and ultimately the Feeding Grounds. Talk to the blue fish-like NPC and ring the bell so the Great Colored Carp appears.
Step 2: From Feeding Grounds idol teleport to Hirata Estate and talk to the Scale Merchant there (found in the lake at the start of Hirata Estate). Buy any items from him that amount to 7 treasure carp scales total. For example, buy the mask fragment that costs 7 scales or mix up the other items to spend 7 scales.
Step 3: After spending 7 scales you unlock the option to “Talk” to him. Talk to him twice, exhaust his dialogues and he gives you the “Truly Precious Bait”.
Step 4: Head back to the Feeding Ground, feed the carp the “Truly Precious Bait”. This will poison it.
Step 5: Fast Travel to Sunken Valley – Guardian Ape’s Watering Hole. The Great Colored Carp will have stranded there, all you find is its deceased body with a glowing item pickup before its mouth. Pick this up to unlock the Great Colored Carp trophy / achievement. That’s the entire “boss fight”, you just poisoned the fish and it died. Bring the item you found back to the scale merchant so he can become a carp himself, yay.
Reward: Great White Whisker, Great Colored Carp trophy / achievement.
Boss #35 – Shichimen Warrior (Abandoned Dungeon)
Location: Abandoned Dungeon – Bottomless Hole
Where you fought the Lone Shadow Longswordman in Ashina Castle, you can swim through the well to reach Bottomless Hole. There next to the idol in a dark arena is this boss.
Strategy: To defeat this enemy you must consume a Divine Confetti to damage it and a Pacifying Agent to protect yourself against its Terror Attacks (which otherwise instant-kill you). By this point you will have a lot of attack power and can make quick work of him. Be sure to evade his Terror attacks, when your terror gauge is full you die instantly. After the boss teleports away he likes to use a massive beam that he uses for a few seconds. Run sideways until he stops this beam attack, then go at him with standard sword strikes and repeat. Refresh your Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent when it runs out.
Reward: Ceremonial Tanto (converts vitality into spirit emblems)
Boss #36 – Chained Ogre (Ashina Castle)
Location: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower Antechamber
From the Antechamber, drop down the inside of the tower and you find the Chained Ogre at the bottom. You can easily here his screams from afar. Only there in the endgame.
Strategy: Exact same boss as the Chained Ogre in Ashina Outskirts. Use Forward Dodge, Forward Dodge, Attack, Repeat. You can also glitch him in the door. On the side of the room is a small door he can’t pass through but he’ll get stuck in front of it and just walk in one place. Power up swords stabs with to stab him through the door and repeat to kill him without any risk.
Reward: Prayer Bead, Shinobi Medicine Rank 3 Latent Skill (more healing per gourd use)
Boss #37 – Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer
Location: Ashina Castle – Great Serpent Shrine
From the Old Grave walk over to the Great Serpent Shrine idol, there you find the boss. Only there in the endgame.
Strategy: Kill the 3 wolves before the boss. Then crouch and stealthily walk around the left of the Shrine where the boss is. When you’re behind him do a backstab. The rest of the fight is the same as any other Lone Shadow boss. When he attacks, forward dodge around his left side, use Whirlwind Slash Combat Art, repeat. Always forward dodge when he attacks. The Whirlwind Combat Art will hit him easily after he missed his attack.
Reward: Yellow Gunpowder (Prosthetic Upgrade Material), Prayer Bead
Boss #38 – Headless (Ashina Outskirts)
Location: Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall Stairway
We’re gonna do some backtracking now to finish up old bosses that were too hard previously. Where you fought General Tenzen, head to the right and jump on a tree branch by the cliffside, then jump down towards a cliff below that you can hang on to. From there you can jump over to a dark cave, inside it you find the Headless.
Strategy: To defeat the first headless boss you must consume a Divine Confetti to damage it and a Pacifying Agent to protect yourself against its Terror Attacks (which otherwise instant-kill you). By this point in the game (end of story), he’s quite easy as you deal a ton of damage. You are slowed by his mist, just attack with normal sword strikes and walk around him to the left (do NOT lock on to him). It takes a bit of luck still but he might miss you when doing this or not attack much at all. You can also try to lure him to the little cliff at the top of the area, then stand below the cliff and use normal sword strikes to hit him, but he won’t be able to hit you nor can he drop down. It takes a bit of trying around to find a sweet spot where he can get stuck but where you are still able to hit him, without being hit yourself. Really though, if you waited this long you should have enough attack power and health items to just bash him with sword strikes, heal, repeat. When he attacks block it (still causes you damage but not as much). Don’t forget to refresh Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent when the effects run out. The same strategy will apply to future Headless bosses, there are multiple of the Headless.
Reward: Ako’s Spiritfall (infinite consumable that uses spirit emblems to buff your attack power for a time)
Boss #39 – Underwater Headless (Ashina Castle)
Location: Ashina Castle – Old Grave
This headless is found underwater in the pond after Old Grave idol. Requires diving perk that you get by defeating Corrupted Monk main boss in Ashina Depths (unmissable).
Strategy: Consume a Divine Confetti (lets you damage the headless) and a Pacifying Agent (protects you from its terror damage). Dive down and just hit it with your sword. This enemy doesn’t have many attacks and is luckily rather slow. When it powers up an attack, dodge away, then get behind it to land a few hits.
Reward: Ungo’s Spiritfall (an infinite consumable that that allows you to temporarily take less damage in exchange for spirit emblems. Can be used repeatedly but costs spirit emblems to use)
Boss #40 – Headless (Ashina Depths)
Location: Ashina Depths – Hidden Forest
From the Hidden Forest idol, jump down and you’ll find this headless under the trees.
Strategy: To beat the headless consume a Divine Confetti (lets you damage the headless) and a Pacifying Agent (protects you from its terror damage). Always walk around the boss to the left but do NOT lock on to it. It’s a lot easier to get to the side / behind the enemy when you don’t lock on and increases the odds that it will miss you with its attacks. Still, when it attacks block it. You take unblockable damage but way less than if you hadn’t blocked. When your terror gauge builds up too much, use a pacifying agent. Other than that just walk around the enemy while hitting it, block, repeat, use pacifying agent (and refresh Divine Confetti when it runs out).
Reward: Gachiin’s Spiritfall (an infinite consumable to suppress sound from walking and be harder to detect. Costs spirit emblems to use).
Boss #41 – Headless (Sunken Valley)
Location: Sunken Valley – Under-Shrine Valley
From the Under-Shrine Valley idol. turn around and walk uphill slightly. Then you can jump across an abyss to a tree branch. There on a platform you encounter 2 riflemen. Kill them, then walljump up to their left. Lean against the cliffside to walk over to a hidden area. There you find a small pool of water that you can dive in (requires diving perk from killing Corrupted Monk boss). After diving through that pool you come to a dark room with the Headless boss of this region.
Strategy: To beat the headless consume a Divine Confetti (lets you damage the headless) and a Pacifying Agent (protects you from its terror damage). Always walk around the boss to the left but do NOT lock on to it. It’s a lot easier to get to the side / behind the enemy when you don’t lock on and increases the odds that it will miss you with its attacks. Still, when it attacks block it. You take unblockable damage but way less than if you hadn’t blocked. When your terror gauge builds up too much, use a pacifying agent. Other than that just walk around the enemy while hitting it, block, repeat, use pacifying agent (and refresh Divine Confetti when it runs out).
Reward: Gokan’s Spiritfall (an infinite consumable that temporarily reduces posture damage taken. Costs spirit emblems to use.)
Boss #42 – Underwater Headless (Fountainhead Palace)
Location: Fountainhead Palace – Great Sakura
In the big lake of Fountainhead Palace you find this headless deep under water.
Strategy: This time the underwater headless has a weaker clone (which is purple). This can be ignored though. He hurls some attacks at you from far away but they can easily be dodge and killing just the main headless (the non-purple one) will also make the clone go away. Consume a Divine Confetti (lets you damage the headless) and a Pacifying Agent (protects you from its terror damage). Dive down and just hit it with your sword. This enemy doesn’t have many attacks and is luckily rather slow. When it powers up an attack, dodge away, then get behind it to land a few hits.
Reward: Yashariku’s Spiritfall (an infinite consumable that lets you temporarily sacrifice vitality and posture in exchange for more attack power. Takes spirit emblems to use)
Boss #43 – Shichimen Warrior (Fountainhead Palace)
Location: Fountainhead Palace – Flower Viewing Stage
On the way from the Flower Viewing Stage idol to the Great Sakura idol you will find this boss under a bridge you have to cross over.
Strategy: It’s the same boss as the Shichimen Warrior in Abandoned Dungeon, just in a different place and with more health. You must consume “Divine Confetti” to damage it and “Pacifying Agent” to protect yourself from its Terror attacks. Start by attacking from behind (can jump down on it from a cliff, but can’t do stealth takedown). Hit the boss a few times until it teleports away. Then immediately run down the river, it will spawn at the end of the river. Hit if a few more times, when it disappears run to where it first was upriver. It will always teleport away from you downriver and upriver, always in the same places. Hold /
to run so you can reach it by the time it appears again. Very quickly attack it before it shoots you with the purple laser beam. If you’re quick enough it will miss the attack. Also don’t lock on to this enemy, it’s actually easier in free combat without locking on as you can better walk around it while attacking, thus getting behind the enemy more easily.
Reward: Lapis Lazuli (highest grade upgrade material)
Boss #44 – Divine Dragon
Location: Fountainhead Palace – Palace Grounds
From the Palace Grounds idol, head inside the next building and take a right turn to exit the building. From there you can grapple up some tree branches and follow stairs until you reach a woman you can talk to, thus triggering the Divine Dragon boss.
Strategy: This is a very easy fight. First you just need to defeat all white enemies. They only use poison which is easily dodged and doesn’t do much damage. They’re easy to kill. When the tree branches come from the floor, grapple up to them and jump on the white enemies to kill multiple at once. After they’re all dead, the Divine Dragon spawns. Just run sideways to get past its attacks and jump when you see the red attack warning sign. On one of the platforms will be lighting. You need to grapple to the lightning platform when the boss isn’t attacking, this gives you a lightning strike to throw at the boss. Don’t throw it when he moves as you might miss him. Rinse and repeat – run sideways to evade all attacks, get to next lightning spark, throw it at boss, repeat. When throwing the last lightning strike (after the platforms with the sparks went away for a while), don’t throw it right away, rather wait until the dragon’s head is in front of you as you fall and then release the lightning.
Reward: Memory: Divine Dragon (+1 Attack Power), Divine Dragon’s Tears
Boss #45 – Seven Ashina Spears – Shume Masaji Oniwa
Location: Ashina Castle – Ashina Reservoir (spawns only after defeating Divine Dragon in Fountainhead Palace)
Found at the Ashina Reservoir Idol. Stands right in front of the idol.
Strategy: There’s a normal mob and the boss standing close together. Use “Gachiin’s Sugar” to be harder to detect, then you can easily sneak up to the mob. Backstab it and use the Puppeteer Ninjutsu so he fights the boss for you. While he aggros the boss, you land some hits from behind. After the boss’s first health bar is gone, the mob will die. Now it’s time for firecrackers and Fistful of Ash. Use Firecrackers (Prosthetic Tool) to stun him, attack with the Combat Art “Ichimonji: Double”, repeat. Always throw firecrackers to stun and use that combat art. This particular combat art breaks his guard very fast – rather than trying to deplete his health just break his guard for an execution. If you run out of firecrackers use Fistful of Ash (a consumable item that can be put in the quick item slots). Of course heal yourself if you get hit, the more damage the boss has taken the slower his posture recharges.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #46 – Shigekichi of the Red Guard
Location: Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall Stairway (spawns only after defeating Divine Dragon in Fountainhead Palace)
Since the Ashina Outskirts idols are now locked you must get back there from the Old Grave idol in Ashina Castle. Drop to the bottom after Old Grave idol and a bridge will now be lowered that leads back to Ashina Outskirts where you fought the General Tenzen miniboss.
Strategy: It’s the same thing as the Juzou fight in Hirata Estate, and there are lots of other enemies guarding him once again. However, instead of facing him head-on advance to the idol “Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall Stairway”. Kill the mobs around the idol so they can’t alert the boss. You don’t need to clear out all guards in the fort where the boss is, just the drummer on the roof and the guy patrolling the area. Backtrack to the idol os the boss loses sight of you. Then sneak up to the boss from behind for a backstab, which takes one of his lives. Then just forward-dodge left whenever he’s about to attack, hit 2-3 times, repeat. He will miss you ever time when you forward-dodge just as he starts the attack animation. You can also use Puppeteer Ninjutsu on a nearby enemy so he joins the fight and helps to kill the boss.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #47 – Ashina Elite – Ujinari Mizuo
Location: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower – Ashina Dojo (spawns only after defeating Divine Dragon in Fountainhead Palace)
From the Dojo idol, walk downstairs and turn around. To the side of the stairs is a paper-wall you can cut through. Then you find a secret passage leading to this boss.
Strategy: You can stealth this boss if you lure him away far enough, let him lose sight of you, then go back to stealth him. It’s basically the same as the Ashina Elite in the Dojo earlier in the game but he has red glowing eyes and is a bit more aggressive (attacks more often and faster). The Shadowrush Combat Art is very overpowered against him as he can’t block it (last skill in Shinobi Arts). Keep your distance (just far enough that the boss won’t attack), use Shadowrush, as he’s about to attack dodge forward-left to evade his attack, then build some distance and repeat. Shadowrush, left forward-dodge, run away, repeat. Do the dodge as soon as his attack animation starts to evade it. While you still have spirit emblems you can also jump back after your attack, but after spirit emblems are depleted the dodge is the safest method.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #48 – Shichimen Warrior (Ashina Depths)
Location: Ashina Depths – Poison Pool
Found in the room between Poison Pool idol and Hidden Forest idol where you fought the two guardian apes. ONLY spawns after you defeated the two guardian apes in that same room.
Strategy: Consume Divine Confetti to damage the boss and Pacifying Agent to protect yourself from Terror damage. Hit it until it teleports away. Then quickly run up to the boss before it fires its laser beam or if you can’t reach him in time run sideways to evade the beam. Refresh Confetti and Pacifying Agent when it runs out.
Reward: Malcontent’s Ring (Prosthetic Upgrade Material needed for Malcontent whistle).
Boss #49 – Demon of Hatred
Location: Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall Gate Path
Only spawns after you defeated the Divine Dragon in Fountainhead Palace. From Old Grave idol in Ashina Castle take the stairs leading down until the bottom. There a new bridge has appeared that leads you back to Ashina Outskirts where you fought the first Ogre. Then backtrack in the direction of Dilapidated Temple, to the Outskirts Wall Gate Path idol. It will be blocked by burning rubble but you can pray at a new idol just at the burning gates and it will teleport you to the Demon of Hatred Boss.
Strategy: This is one of the toughest bosses in the game, it has 3 health bars and will kill you in 2 hits. It will take quite some practice to learn its moveset perfectly. The most important thing is that you stay aggressive at all times and ALWAYS stay close to the enemy. Never run away from it. Always stick to it like glue. The reason being that this boss does huge AOE attacks across long ranges and if you even just try to heal yourself for a second it will bombard you with some crazy fire attacks. If you stay close to it, you will deal it a lot more damage quickly and don’t need to worry about its ranged attacks. The boss has 3 phases and learns some new long-range AOE attacks in each phase but if you stay close it won’t change much.
The trick is to RUN (hold /
to run) to run TOWARDS the enemy until you are in striking range. Then always RUN TO THE RIGHT SIDE. KEEP RUNNING while the enemy does an attack animation. It will swing its fire melee attack around but if you are really close to it and just run to the right it will always miss you. AFTER it finished one of its attacks (you’ll see it takes a 2-3 second break after end of attack) you land 2-3 hits. This is an endurance battle because you only have 10 heals + 3 pellets and the boss has a ton of health with 3 health bars. Your first priority is always not to get hit. While you practice the boss hit only TWICE FROM BEHIND after the boss missed its attack. Then let it jump away, RUN TOWARDS ITS RIGHT SIDE. Then RUN AROUND IT TO THE RIGHT until it finished its attack. Then you do 2 hits and let it jump away again. Repeat this over and over. You don’t want to hit too many times as you can’t dodge / jump / run while attacking and the boss can easily hit you in that time. Don’t overdo it, don’t be greedy with the damage dealing. Just land 2-3 safe hits so you can be ready to evade surprise attacks. NEVER DODGE! ALWAYS HOLD THE SPRINT BUTTON, NEVER LET GO OF IT! Also make sure you’re locked on to the boss at all times to make this a lot easier. In the third phase use the Malcontent Whistle (prosthetic tool, it’s the upgraded whistle), it lets you stun the boss up to 3 times in a row to take 60% of its health bar!
Boss Move #1 – Jump Blast: When the Demon of Hatred jumps high up in the air it will blast everything within a big radius. You can tell that it’s about to jump when it starts burning all over its body. When you see this sprint away immediately! After the boss lands (you out of its impact radius) grapple it with L2 / LT to get close (requires Grappling Hook Attack skill).
Boss Move #2 – Sprint Attack: When the Demon of Hatred sprints towards you (red attack warning on screen) you must JUMP TO THE SIDE. Since you’ll constantly be holding the sprint button this should help your reaction time, just remember to Jump when you see the red warning sign. This attack in particular can screw you over easily if you attack for too long. The boss likes to suddenly use this move if you do more than 3 attacks at a time.
Boss Move #3 – All Melee Attacks: Every melee attack is easily dodged by sticking close to the boss and running to the right. It will miss all its attacks. Especially for its fire arm spin you want to stay super close as it will strike over your head and miss you completely. The only ones where you want to keep a little bit of distance are the stomp attacks.
Boss Move #4 – Fireballs (1st phase): In the 1st phase it will use fireballs after sprint attacks / whenever you’re far away. When it does this RUN TOWARDS THE BOSS. This way you will run under the fireballs and they will fly over you, and you can quickly get behind the boss to land some hits. If you stay far away it will just hit you and you can’t attack an enemy from 50 meters away.
Boss Move #5 – Fire Floor (2nd phase): In the 2nd phase the boss learns to cast a long line of fire on the floor. Just run to the side and jump when it does this. It always does this after a sprint attack.
Boss Move #6 – Ring of Fire (3rd phase): In the 3rd phase it casts a big fire circle. It will try to trap you. Doesn’t matter either way, since you’re just running in circle around the boss anyway. Ideally you’ll want to stay out of the ring of fire but if you get trapped don’t panic, just stick to the basic method: run towards boss, then run around him to the right until fire clears.
Reward: Memory: Hatred Demon (Attack Power Up), 2 x Lapis Lazuli (highest-grade upgrade material)
Boss #50 – Lone Shadow Masanaga Spear-Bearer (Purification Ending Only)
Location: Hirata Estate – Bamboo Thicket Slope
Only available in the alternative version of Hirata Estate when you go for the Purification Ending. This boss will be at the end of Bamboo Thicket Slope where originally you got the key from the dying Shinobi Owl. See Sekiro Endings Guide.
Strategy: There’s an easy trick to break the AI in this fight. Start by clearing out the mobs leading up to the boss (shield & hammer guys on bridge, archers at s tart of bridge). Then let the boss spot you and quickly run towards the bridge. The boss will always get stuck on the stairs. As any boss in the game, he is restrained to a specific area and can’t leave it. As soon as he hits the point where he stops to follow you, get behind him and bash him with sword strikes to push him down the stairs and towards the bridge. What happens is that the boss is now outside it’s designated area and the AI breaks down and stops attacking you. You can just hammer him with sword strikes to break his guard as you push him across the bridge. He will never attack. It doesn’t matter if he calls for his wolves, they won’t even come to you when you’re by the bridge. This is the easiest exploit to finish this fight without any work. If you want to face him head-on it’s a lot more tricky as you need to try not to let him call his wolves. So if you do it legit, stick close to him and always attack when he calls his wolves.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #51 – Juzou the Drunkard 2nd Version (Purification Ending Only)
Location: Hirata Estate – Main Hall
Only available in the alternative version of Hirata Estate when you go for the Purification Ending. Found in the same place as original Juzou (Boss #6). See Sekiro Endings Guide.
Strategy: It’s basically the same as Juzou during your first visit to Hirata Estate. He even stands in the same place and looks exactly the same, has the same moveset etc. The only thing that changed are the mobs around him. He’s also guarded by a poison-blade ninja now. First, take out the mobs in the building to the left of the boss and the weaker enemies where the boss is. Don’t bother with the poison-blade ninja or Juzou yet. After clearing out everyone else, backtrack to the nearest idol. Wait just a little moment until the boss’s health bar disappears from the top left. Juzou and his Ninja friend will now walk back to where they were standing. Follow them (crouched) and stealth-takedown the ninja as they’re walking back. Use Puppeteer Ninjutsu to turn the Ninja friendly so he fights Juzou for you now! This way the Ninja takes most of Juzou’s first health bar while you lean back and enjoy the show. When it’s just Juzou left you use forward-dodge to the left whenever he strikes, attack 2-3 times from behind, repeat. The tricky part is just to clear out the other mobs first and get the timing right to do a stealth takedown on the Ninja, you don’t want to fight both of them at the same time.
Reward: Prayer Bead
Boss #52 – Owl Father – Great Shinobi Owl at Hirata Estate (Purification Ending Only)
Location: Hirata Estate – Hirata Audience Chamber
Only available in the alternative version of Hirata Estate when you go for the Purification Ending. Found in the same room where you fought Lady Butterfly. See Sekiro Endings Guide.
Strategy: First of all, you should have done all other bosses before fighting Owl Father (defeated Divine Dragon, Demon of Hatred etc. to increase attack power and all minibosses to max out Vitality and Posture). If you don’t have maximum Posture yet (40 Prayer Beads found) then this will be more troublesome. The key to win this fight is to do clean blocks until Owl Father uses a heavy attack, which you will dodge, thus leaving him wide open for attacks. You will constantly hammer him with sword strikes and stick to him like glue, to reduce his posture. You’ll also land some lucky hits by doing this. Attack until he deflects (orange flash on swords), then he’s about to attack and you deflect his attacks. Then you attack again and repeat this cycle until he uses a slow and heavy attack. Basically two attacks are slow and leave him wide open: his jump attack, and after he does a floor sweep (red warning sign) he likes to do an Ichomoji combat art. Try to push him into a corner with your sword strikes. Owl will try to jump back but is blocked by the wall, he’ll try anyway and you get a free hit or two because he lowers his guard. If you just do clean counters and keep attacking you’ll land lots of lucky hits along the way because his blocking isn’t very good sometimes. When you see him toss black powder in the air dodge TOWARDS his right side, not away. The black powder means firecrackers are about to go off. If you try to dodge back they will still hit you most times. When you dodge forward they will miss you and you get behind Owl to land 1-2 quick hits. In the second phase (after his first health bar is gone), he’ll summon his owl spirit animal. It doesn’t change much though. He learns two new moves: to teleport (blue flash – just run away when he does it) and a fire owl. The fire owl is easily dodged by jumping up in the air when it comes flying towards you. Other than that his moveset stays the same. It’s recommended to consume “Ungo’s Sugar” (blue) to reduce damage taken. If you need to heal or rebuff, wait for him to miss an attack and stand behind a pillar so he can’t hit you right away. Also keep firecrackers for his 2nd phase. Each firecracker lets you land 1-2 hits on him which speeds up the second phase quite a bit.
Reward: Memory: Foster Father (Attack Up), Aromatic Flower (Key Item needed for Purification Ending)
Boss #53 – Isshin, the Sword Saint (Endboss)
Location: Ashina Castle – Ashina Reservoir
Isshin the Sword Saint will be the endboss if you didn’t pick the Shura Ending. On all other 3 endings you’ll encounter Isshin the Sword Saint as the final boss. Go to Ashina Reservoir and backtrack to where you fought Genichiro Ashina in the prologue (start of game on the big field). There you meet the endboss.
Strategy: There are 4 Phases to this boss. We’ll go through it phase by phase. Recommended items for this fight: 10 x Healing Gourd, 3 x Pellet, 1 x Divine Grass.
Phase 1: In the first phase you fight Genichiro in Tomoe form. He’s super quick to kill. First run behind him and attack from behind while he does his mortal blade move. Then just hammer him with sword attacks to break his guard quickly. When he deflects your attack (orange flash) counter his attacks. After you countered it, attack again until he deflects and repeat. When he jumps, dodge forward-right and keep attacking. If you see a red warning sign he either does a stab or sweep, either way you can just jump up + left to dodge it (if you feel comfortable with Mikiri counter you can use that on stabs to break his guard fast). Just remember to always keep attacking until he either jumps or you see him deflect (orange flash) and only jump away for red-warning attacks. Otherwise you just attack and his posture will be gone in no time.
Phase 2: Now you get to fight Isshin and he uses a sword only. You’ll want to break his posture quickly. Always attack twice, then deflect his attacks, repeat. He always deflects after you land 2 attacks. Then he either does 3-5 sword strikes (when he strikes up that’s always the end of his strikes so watch out for that). If he sheathes his sword he’s about to do a sweep. Just run away and to the left to get out of reach and then quickly get behind him. If he pushes you away he’s about to do a stab, use Mikiri counter when he does that to break his posture faster. The hardest part here is to differentiate between his sweep and stab. Remember this: he sheathes sword then he does a sweep and you run away. If he doesn’t sheathe the sword he does a stab and you use Mikiri counter. Try to break his posture rather than depleting his health. Stick close to him but heal yourself when necessary. An alternative tactic for this phase is to use Shadowrush Combat Art (final one in Shinobi Skill Tree). This takes less skill but he will occasionally hit you after you land the attack.
Phase 3: Phase 3 + 4 use the same tactic. Run to the right AT ALL TIMES (hold /
). Whenever Isshin the Sword Saint jumps you run TOWARDS HIM (RIGHT SIDE) to get behind him. Hold
to do ONE stab from behind. Then QUICKLY run away again and repeat. You ONLY attack when he does a huge jump and only hit one time. No more than that or he will bombard you with a long combo. Also make sure you use a stab as it does more damage. When you run away he’ll use only two ranged moves: he either shoots at you or he jumps. By constantly running he will miss all shots. Usually he shoots one time, next time he jumps, then he shoots again, then he jumps again. You need to be far enough away from him so he uses these moves. Don’t block anything, just run in big circles and exploit this one single Jump-move that leaves him open for an easy hit.
Phase 4: Same as phase 3. Run in big circles and only attack with a stab from behind after he jumps. Don’t bother fighting him at close range, just exploit his jump attack that leaves him open for a quick hit.
Reward: Memory: Saint Isshin (Attack Up), Dragon Flash (Skill Combat Art)
jassiel alvarez says
why cant i fight the monkey. there is a person praying to the shrine.
PowerPyx says
You must talk to Divine Heir in tower first and then follow the smoke signals (Upper Tower – Kuro’s Room) to talk to the old man on the tower rooftop.
alan says
if you cant anyone in that smoke room, you have to do tangu quest. kill 3 rat (bamboo hat short guy) near the ashina gate, 3 there, and one near a checkpoint by the cliff
Isshin says
You have to defeat Genichiro atop Ashina castle first.
Ayman says
What about the great serpent?
ZoldaK says
Ok, first you must get Holy Rice from the replica divine heir in the temple (after clearing the monkeys boss), then give it to the old woman, she is praying around 2 locations, first in the temple and second in the valley near poison swamp (You can’t miss her she is very noticeable), only then she will point you to the location that you can one hit kill the great serpent.
David W Kowal says
@ZoldaK I gave the old lady rice in both locations and she just gives you a couple of riddles: “Make a puppet and fly a kite” and “Make the Monkey dance and he’ll get eaten.” That’s pretty vague and doesn’t give any kind of indication of where to go.
Kamimakishima says
You need puppeteer ninjutsu to do it, first spawn on the first idol of senpu go to the right and down the hill you’ll see a assassin and a kite in front of him, go and assassinate him and use your ninjutsu to make him your allie, go back to the old lady and there is a tree, grapple to the kite and done
mum898391 says
Hey, PP. Go to upstair of entrance, there is crevasse that above of the Lone Shadow Longswordman. Just fall to the that guy and attack, it will take one of his life
Yubelsapprentice says
There is also a false boss in Hirata Estate. After defeating the first boss and getting past the three archers jump into the water heading right to get to a path follow it and it will lead to a building with a strange purple demon thing that will attack you on sight. It doesn’t have a name I don’t think was too busy trying not to die. It does only have one health bar though. I died of course. I think this is the 3 story pagoda the looter in Hirata Estate was talking about.
PowerPyx says
I know which one you mean, that’s just a normal mob, guarding one of the prosthetic tools. Only the named ones with two lives count as minibosses and give special drops.
Farlock says
Yeah that guy was a pain to deal with. It was guarding Mist Raven’s Feathers
Mgk says
You can run past him, open the shrine and get the tool without fighting him.
sk says
Try lure him near cliff and then jump into the water (you loose a little bit of life). Then quickly climb up again and carefully sneak behind him and give him what he deserves. A deathblow!
Ambrose says
Bro there is a fear based boss like the headless one inside ashina underground… I dint even noticed the name ran like hell to escape.
Hunter514 says
I think there’s also a boss after General Tenzen Yamauchi. If you go through the left gate and go along the cliffs, theres a cave. In said cave is a headless dude with 2 health bars…haven’t beaten him yet though
PowerPyx says
He is for later, the headless bosses are better done later in the game, they are too strong early on.
Max says
Does anybody know how many bosses in this game guys?
PowerPyx says
Looks like it will be around 50. At the end of the story new bosses spawn in old areas. I’m not done yet so can only guess… around 35 bosses main story and another 15 end of story. I should be done in next two days.
evil says
How many bosses are in the game?
jassiel alvarez says
after defeating the currupted monk and guardian ape. i am not able to fast travel to ashina castle. help pls.
Kamimakishima says
Go to the abandoned dungeon entrance and go back to ashina by walking, you had to activate the idols again
Ray says
you should go back to the Antechamber, there Your Father ”The Owl” is Waiting.
there you can make a choice, obey Kuro or not, ill recomment to Obey Kuro (if you dont you fight Lady Emma, and Ishiin Ashina + Shura ending.
if you stay loyal to Kura, you fight ”The Owl” instead, and afterwards you can head to Fountainhead Palace..
good luck
WildFire says
I ended up wandering in the abandoned dungeons, only to find some guy with purple all around him, firing giant terror balls and merking my health.
gonna leave him for later I think
Aaren says
Yeah come back when you have terror resistance items, confetti and an Ako buff. He’s not too hard late game
JoJo says
Blackhat Badger is stuck at the temple (i did the kite thing) and i cant buy Mortal Draw.Anyone know how to proceed his quest?
Collin says
You need the puppeteer ninjutsu
Julian says
I dont know why, but I got mortal draw as soon as I got the mortal draw, anybody else?
Roy says
I also got the mortal draw when I got the Mortal Blade.
No Game No Life says
There is a way to replace #13 – Genichiro Ashina with Sekiro’s Father ‘Great Shinobi – Owl’. I dont know how though, probably depending on dialogue choices u make?
PowerPyx says
He’s later in the game. The Genichiro fight is always mandatory, Owl fight happens later.
Davs says
Öhm thats are not all Bosses…. And if u must “Cheese” on the Monk you will get problems with the next Boss :D
Luis says
There is a 2nd fight with the guardian ape in the ashina depths (poison pool) statue. As soon as you spawn, go across the toxic water and stay left. There will be a mini snake eyes boss again and once you beat him, theres a cave. Go down the path and you should run into the guardian ape.
nyx says
How to access Demon of Hatred?
MrUsername0814 says
at the end of the game, spawn at kuro’s room, look for a kite around, there’s only one. grapple the kite and it will lead you all the way to old graveyard. head down, go through the bridge, you will come across the boss Shigekichi of the Red Guard, and the stairways idol. keep following the available path, and you will get to the area where you fought the first boss, but everything will be burning, and there is an idol at the end. interact with it and you will find the boss.
Baumboon says
Just finished Snake Eyes Shirahagi but cant get further already 2 apes blocking path to progress. thought the apes only appear after beating the game?
Russell says
Second ape appears after you but the first one and give the flower to Koro
Anthony says
What’s the hardest boss in the game? And how does it compare to the souls games? I’m on the purple corrupted monk atm
rod_is_awesome says
That’s a pretty good question. I’m on the end boss (Isshin), it’s my first playtrough but God how I’ve suffered with this masterpiece. My top 3 is:
3.- Demon of Hatred (probably died 30+ with it, though I killed him how it has to be, no glitches)
2.- Father Owl at the Hirata State (my playstyle is based on going first with a R1 attack, Owl quickly deflects that, so he maybe killed me 35+ times)
1. It’s a tie between Isshin and the Guardian Ape. The Guardian Ape is pretty doable after the tenth try, and the combat arena space is pretty helpful with this, but with his 2nd, more aggressive, form everything gets harder, and the same happens with Isshin, when you think you have him, he double-attack kills you and well, you yell at your TV for a long time
How does it compare? Well, kinda the same level of hard, harder in some aspects, but weaker in others, so it’s a tie.
Deam says
i would say 2 secret Owl fight at Hiratas Place is Really HARD.
Kamimakishima says
There is a way to kill gaurdian ape without attacking him, just burn him with fire blast spring load flame vent and keep your distance with him, he’ll die easily(you can use oil yo boost the fire damage)
Igor says
o rin of the water: hit her.. go to the bridge and she will follow… when she arrive go to de high ground and use mortal draw.
she never touch you
Cheyenna Elainee says
Boss Number 9 Tip: (After defeating the 4 riflemen and delivering the deadly stealth blow) He will not decend past the 2nd staircase, so if you keep between the top and second staircase its an easy victoey.
Igor says
i agree with you. All bosses (almost) that dont have the mist blocking the way, you can trie some glitch or bug to kill them.
nyx says
In order to get an achievement, do you have to beat all bosses in one playthrough (including NG, NG+, etc) or it can be done by manipulating save files?
heybatman says
Found that Fistful of Ash is very effective against human type bosses and mini-bosses. It’s not very easy to use, but once you get the hang of it, it’ll become a very powerful tool in your inventory. Just throw it when a boss is charging at you and it will stun him for a good couple of seconds, leaving him open for a combo. Worked amazingly well against Snake eyes bosses.
James says
Cant beat dude at top of castle. Can i beat the depths bosses before i fight him to get stronger?
PowerPyx says
Yes you can play the other areas first to get additional Gourd Seeds and Prayer Beads. The minibosses aren’t so bad as their first healthbar can almost always be stealthed.
SavageOne81 says
Not sure about depths bosses, those may be too hard, but you could definitely handle 2 mini bosses in the Mountain monk area for some beads and a gourd seed. I’ve leveled my health up 4 times now before beating Genshiro on top of castle
Alii_m2 says
Hey guys anyone have tips for killing the headless ape boss after i saw him for second time and now he has help there are two of them and i didnt find video guide here for it
itsbosco1025 says
Run to the spot where the brown ape(smaller one)spawns as soon as the headless ape starts to summon him.Then,spam your firecracker(upgrade it for more posture damage)for around 4-5 times.After that you’ll just have to keep hitting it for an easy kill.
Mr-Greneda says
Boss Tip Orin of the water. It gives a way to crit her. Go behind her (dont talk with her or attack she). When you stay behind, take a item like oil or the ceramic thing and throw it on her. Now you have a little moment to crit she and she have only 1 life by the begining of the fight.
patricio says
And after you consume its first bar health go to near guy who is siting , there are 2 rocks go up to one them and make her follow you , you in the top the rock can attack her and she cant do nothing she can reach you, easy ,easy fight.
Sekiro says
In Under-Shrine Valley where you find the Prayer Bead, if you dive in the pond you’ll find another Headless on the other side.
Shinobi Deathblow says
You’re missing The Headless on here
PowerPyx says
I’ve saved them for the end as I think they are better to do then. I added the first headless and working on the others now. They’re just listed at the end of the guide as during the story they are too hard to deal with and divine confetti too hard to come buy until you can buy it from merchants in late game.
Gataluuk says
Did you know that there is a sprint button? Most your vids you don’t sprint was wondering why.
PowerPyx says
At multiple points in this boss guide it is mentioned how to sprint, so obviously yes :p
But thanks haha. I pointed it out in the guide as I think most people may not know.
Brian says
Does it matter what the other ending is besides shura for the trophy concerning beating all the bosses? Going to do shura for 2nd playthrough but doesn’t matter which one I pick for 1st is what I’m asking??
MrUsername0814 says
There’s another Ashina Elite at the end of the game, downstairs of Isshin’s room. He does way more damage than the first one, but he has red eyes, so he is weak to fire.
SavageOne81 says
Lead that guy back down that well you jump up to get to him. He will fall down, you can loot the pagoda, then jump.down and ditch him back to waterfall. Wait till he doesn’t notice you. Walk back in cave and assassinate him.
Alii_m2 says
Hi guys after you reach the fountainhead palace there is a mini boss under the great sakura idol. The boss name is shichimen warrior he is under the waterfall
Alii_m2 says
In fountainhead palace salura idol after you killing the boss on the tree go under the sea there is a headless boss
Neil says
How do u get rid of the second serpent that’s in a darkend cavern with steam vents thats blocking a structure. I think its at the bottom of the valley
Alii_m2 says
For headless boss under the water first use divine confetti and pacifying agent then dive under water first you need too kill his shadow after that boss respawn and kill it
Jens Zachariades says
There is a headless boss underwater in Ashine (Before woods) And a headless underfater in fountainhead area
PowerPyx says
Adding them shortly, thanks! =)
2bNs says
The third Shichimen Warrior will spawn in the same Cave where the second Headless Ape encounter took place. You will notice that the idol there will be greyed out after travelling/resting. I think this is the last one.
Deanbeansean says
Cannot find boss number 38 any help? When i go there i see monkeys all over and they are fighting the wolves..
PowerPyx says
He only spawns after you killed Corrupted Monk in Ashina Depths + Guardian Ape in Sunken Valley. He’s not there on first visit.
Blastphoenix7 says
Same here, just need him and demon
Julian says
Same here, theres brown and white monkeys killing the wolves, I ran past them to the Idol and the boss is ran through with sword, probably killed by the monkeys.
ZexionPonty92 says
Maybe there is a mistake in the first old monk paragraph.
It is written that mortal draw is unlocked from the merchant in old graves, but that’s another skill.
Mortal Draw it’s automaticaly aquired after obtaining the mortal blade after the Senpou temple.
Hope it helps.
PowerPyx says
I’m gonna double-check on this.
After I bought that skill text I checked combat arts and Mortal Blade was there, I hadn’t seen it before. Would make sense though that it was tied to Senpou Temple, I hadn’t looked right after that area, only after I bought the text. Thank you for bringing it up, I’ll check on old save.
ZexionPonty92 says
The scrolls you bought unlock an ability with the same name, but it’s not an active one (red) it’s a shinobi (blue).
You can see it from the skill menu.
Great job as always for the guide
PowerPyx says
Ah! Thanks for clarifying, that was a misunderstanding on my part. I’ve updated it in the guide.
Ali says
Do we need to defeat all bosses in one playthrough or ng+ ?
Or we’re able to get them even if we manipulated save data for each ending?
And which bosses required for the trophy? Main bosses only or mini as well?
Please response to this because it’s important to know
Thanks for awesome guide
PowerPyx says
As far as I know all bosses including mini bosses / side bosses are needed. That’s the only thing I can confirm for sure so far.
You can’t defeat all bosses in one playthrough as some are tied to different endings and when you copy back your old save it obviously overwrites any progress you made in the other ending. But if you set everything up for purification ending you can get all bosses except Shura Ending exclusive bosses in one run. Minimum to get all bosses is 2 playthroughs because of Shura ending bosses. So yeah, across multiple runs is fine (1st + 2nd playthrough).
Sokishi says
I think there’s another Shichimen Warrior that spawns in the Guardian Ape’s Burrow after you kill the Headless Ape, I got Malcontent from it, sorry if this has been posted before.
Ali says
Thank you for the tips
I figured that out but I wanted to be sure
I missed the purification ending so I guess I’ll need to play until ng+2 ?
Julian says
When are you going to add the Demon of hatred and the two minibosses up to him.
PowerPyx says
Over the next few hours.
Igor says
PowerPyx says
Will update, thank you!
Slappy says
I know the Ashina Castle bosses change, I’ve beaten those. Can I beat the game and get the rest I’m missing or should I do them before the dragon?
PowerPyx says
I think one that becomes unavailable later is “Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer”. The rest I’m not 100% sure yet, I’d do them in order to be safe. It gives you stat upgrades anyway which are great for the endbosses.
Terry says
To the author of this article: I really appreciate your communication and feedback towards the comments, it really shows commitment!
PowerPyx says
Thank you, I do what I can. And feedback is always welcome
I still need to add some of the methods that have been mentioned here, will test them on my next playthrough (almost done with all bosses now, only around 5 left).
Sword7x says
You can bait Ujinari Mizuo and make him follow you all the way to where the purple colored enemies are and they would fight him for you.
And about Seven Ashina Spears – Shume Masaji Oniwa
There is a tree branch next to him that you can stand on and he can’t reach you. You can spam the combat art from there and dodge backwards whenever he tries to attack.
PowerPyx says
I tried the tree branch, can’t get it to work. He always stabs me and I fall off the tree.
Alan says
Jesus, the second owl boss is unbeatable to me, is there any cheese methods for him??
2bNs says
I had a hard time, too… Basically deflect everything and jump backwards when he throws the fire crackers (important!!! never dodge…). It will take some time until you know his attacks and what to do then. It’s an endurance fight – make sure to stay alive and wait for rare openings.
Igor says
i need a miracle too T_T… impossible for me
Freddy says
I finally just did this fight after around 2.5hrs worth of attempts…
Both phases:
– You can attack him x + 2 times, where x is the number of non-blocked attacks
– For the 2 fast sword strikes, clash range firecracker, slow sword strike: Deflect both initial strikes, wait for him to charge the slow swing and dodge forward + right so that you’re going past the side that doesn’t have the sword on it. This then puts on behind him ready for an unblocked hit.
– When he throws a firecracker and jumps back: Dodge backwards, then block. 50% of the time he’ll follow up the attack with either a thrust (with the prompt symbol, Mikiri counter if possible, or just block it), or a run then swipe (In the second phase the thrust will normally be preceded by the fire owl). The other 50% he just stood back for a bit.
– Be aggressive when possible, he actually stands around half circling quite a lot, you can get in a few posture building strikes here and there quite easily. So, if he’s not attacking and just casually walking sideways you are generally safe to run in there for a quick x + 2 combo. If he starts to move faster or prepare a swing stop immediately and block/deflect.
– When he’s doing his Ichimonji (slow overhead strike) wait until the last moment to dodge forward + right, otherwise he’ll swap to a sweep attack which about 30% of the time he tended to follow up with a full combo of pretty much everything to posture break you
– Don’t get caught by his slow “sumo” stomp, this is his grab attack, but is blockable.
– If the danger symbol appears while he’s far away, his Miikiri counter
– If the danger symbol appears while he’s close, then jump it. 50% of the time this will be followed up with his Ichimonji strike.
First Phase:
– Start the fight by running at him and attacking, you can get one unblocked hit in MAX here if you time the swing right from far enough back. Otherwise play it safe and run at him, attack so he blocks your first swing and then start blocking/deflecting.
– If he kicks you and jumps back, then run at him you can potentially get an unblocked hit, otherwise just follow the rule of x + 2 from above.
– This phase is quite slow as you’re at his mercy of what attack patterns he chooses to when he gives openings.
Second Phase:
– This phase is much easier since you likely know his attack patterns by this point. There’s a few changes to the first phase:
1. His phantom owl will “pick” him up and deliver him where he are standing, when he disappears and this happens make sure to just run to the other end of the room. You’ll hear him thud to the ground or see a flicker of blue light once he’s materialized again. This is basically his end/begin of pattern cycle
2. He will use his owl as a fire projectile once every cycle, generally from the middle to end of it. When you see it fly towards his hand, back up jump over it and get ready to Mikiri counter his thrust attack. He will normally trigger this by attempting to back away first, so be careful if you haven’t seen it this cycle and are chasing after him when he’s done his kick then jump back move.
3. His kick + jump back move now has a shuriken/kunai throw to it as he is flying through the air. Safest way is to block it then charge after him (if the owl hasn’t flown to him)
Hope the above helps others, that’s about everything I learnt while going through this fight.
James says
Send your miracles this way too. died 500+ times now.
Michael Russell says
Does the trophy only apply for all main bosses.. or do mini-bosses have to be done too?
Yuuki says
unfortunately u gotta beat all the mini bosses as well
Romeo says
Are the headless required for the defeat all bosses trophy?
Leeroy112 says
They are. Probably my least favourite bosses, because of the need for consumable items and the shitty one-shot grabs that even though you know that these enemies teleports behind you , it’s still possible to get ramdomly killed.
2bNs says
Boss #47 Ujinari Mizuo can be stealthed. Just run away when he recognizes you for the first time, wait until the health bar disappears and then sneak up on him again.
You can also try to lure normal enemies to him to get some extra help.
Mikkolp says
The second ogre is Ashina castle can be stealth killed once.
Just hang from the beam directly above him, drop down and you can reduce his health bar by 1
Zilyzal says
Snake Eyes Shirahagi is vulnerable to poison so here’s an easier strategy; attack him so he notices you (or get behind him to do a stealth take down), go to somewhere high so he can’t shoot you and wait for the poision lake to do the job.
Wesker says
Could you make a list of the bosses that disappeare after beating the ape and monk or the divine dragon.
2bNs says
can you give us a forecast which bosses will be added? Are the mini bosses complete?
PowerPyx says
Will be finished tomorrow. Almost done
Brad says
Where is the final bosses for different endings? The main enemies I can think of is Great Shinobi Owl in Hirata Estate, the Demon of Hatred and Isshin, the Sword Saint
Brad says
NVM I just refreshed the page i’ve been grinding for the past 3 days and didn’t refresh for awhile
Brad says
Although Isshin, the Sword Saint still needs to be added
Yuker says
I defeated all boss but I didn’t get the trophy, what I did was I finished the ending on shura first and got the trophy then reload the backup file and continue is that the reason? Should I play shura ending again? So that it would count?
Hiragoshi says
Im wondering about same thing. Probably game doesn’t count them as you reloaded the save. You need to do it on same save.
Brad says
I think you missed Leader Shigenori Yamauchi mini boss.
He’s in the tutorial. I’m not sure if he can be skipped so might not be a biggy. Defo can’t miss him though.
Great guide BTW!
Sakie says
i can confirm that Headlesses are no needed (or at least 1) cause i only kill 3 of them when i get this achievement
Mr Tyke says
There is another boss identical to boss 11 in the Hirata estate. He is hidden. Are you aware of this one? When you fight the guys waiting outside the cave, there is a guy far back on the left, an archer. If u look really high above him there is a lone shadow boss high up on a rooftop.
PowerPyx says
It’s just a normal unnamed mob, not a miniboss. He guards one of the prosthetic tools.
Scoo says
Is there still more bosses to be added? Still says so in the final sentence, but I’m hoping if there are that they’re after divine dragon end game bosses since you have listed in chronological order.
PowerPyx says
The ones from optional endings still need to be added.
Slappy says
Sword Saint has injured me.
David says
Hello !
Thanks for your awesome guide. But I have a question. I’ve killed the ape and monk before your guide was available.
Now I’ve backed up my save before the divine dragon fight. In your guide, you say that killing the monk and ape causes some mini bosses to disappear. Should I kill as many bosses as I can right now and kill the remaining ones before killing the ape and monk again in NG+ or I’m screwed and should start all over again ?
PowerPyx says
You can get the missing ones in NG+ no worries.
Shawn Johnson says
Do any bosses disappear after beating divine dragon? Ty
2bNs says
Yes. Check the “Prayer Beads Guide” for more info.
LukasOxik says
So this is it ? All bossess are included ? Or some will be added? I am just asking because u posted that the guide is done but i see here the more will be added.
PowerPyx says
Update: Now they are all added.
Bilen says
Are the ones in 2nd Hirata Estate the only ones left? I have done those and i am just wondering if i am okay to start NG+
Thanks for the guide! very much appreciated.
PowerPyx says
I think so but not 100% sure until I have the trophy. There’s a small chance that there’s another boss somewhere left. I’ll do another clean sweep after I have those last bosses from Hirata / Purification Ending.
Eddy says
Can i still go and beat Hatred Demon after beating Sword Saint?
Eddy says
it’s possible xD
Roy says
I can’t see Owl in Hirata Estate here anywhere? Still working on that one?
PowerPyx says
I added his location now, still need to add the strategy / video. I’ll do him next.
PowerPyx says
Okay guys, added the last 3 bosses that were exclusive to Purification Ending.
That should be all of them now.
There’s a chance that another miniboss is hiding somewhere, I’ll be able to 100% confirm this after I get the trophy in New Game+ (approximately in 2 days). Was fun to put these together, thanks for your many comments!
If anyone finds a boss not yet listed please let me know
Mark says
Those 3 bosses are not exclusive to the Purification ending. You can do them for any of the three non-Shura endings. I know, because that’s what I did.
Beating Owl at Hirata is required if you want to do Purification, but doing it won’t force you into Purification.
You can still choose your ending after beating the Sword Saint.
PowerPyx says
Those are the required steps FOR the Purification Ending though, is what I mean. Without going for that specific ending you’d never go there. It is directly linked to the ending.
س says
divine dragon How to lightning with which keys on a computer with a mouse and keyboard
2bNs says
Jump, then attack (with correct timing).
James says
The place were sword saint is says door is locked. Do i need a key?
PowerPyx says
Have you talked to Emma in Kuro’s Room after returning from Fountainhead Palace (defeated Divine Dragon)? She gave me something but not completely sure if that’s needed to open the door.
2bNs says
Isshin (Shura Ending) on NG+ is HARD! Any suggestions? It doesn’t feel like the cheesy strat from the guide above works in NG+…
Yuuki says
Hello, I have a question regarding defeating all bosses trophy. On my first playthrough, I backed up my save file for shura ending. Then reloaded that save file for normal ending. So my question is, does that still count for beating 2 exclusive bosses in shura ending for the trophy to pop up? Or I still have to defeat them again regardless after I backed up my save file for normal ending.
PowerPyx says
You’ll have to defeat them again if you restored a backup save (because copy back save overwrites everything you did).
MooM says
You can fight the giant blue guy by the great carp, not sure if he counts as a mini boss.
James says
Lol moom he doesnt but, i think thats why my 2nd pot guy is dead cuz i killed him.
Mr-Greneda says
If i have to kill the Owl in Hirata before going to Fountainhead Palace? Or can i go to this Area and kille True Corupted Monk (for more power) and went back to Owl? Thx
steve says
You’re strategy for the Swordsaint is no longer good. The last update must have patched because now after jump he follows with a fast closing distance spear strike. He also will attack a lot faster after the jump with sword and gun if you’re approaching him versus fleeing. I beat the demon king using 2 heals, I know how to circle so I thought this would be a good tactic to just start new game plus but he has new moves that prevent you from effectively doing this. I got one day to about no life twice but it took me 8 heals plus each time to do it. Maybe you could get lucky and get it if you can keep getting him to jump close but you have to use fast attack and not hold R1 or he attacks first most times.
PowerPyx says
Still works (PS4, Patch 1.02). Just tried.
There are 2 jumps in his moveset though. One where he jumps high (the cheese method) and one where he jumps lower and follows up with some attacks. Only the high jump can be exploited (he usually does that when you’re further away, he’ll use his shooting move, next time he’ll use jumping move, then shooting, then jumping and so forth). The lower jump can’t be exploited, only the high jump where he doesn’t use attacks after. It takes a while to get the rhythm down but still works.
Mr-Greneda says
In my ng+ fight against him i was thinking the same like you but PowerPyx have right. Maybe he makes the lower jump more times after the patch?
PowerPyx says
I captured my video after the patch. So no, nothing changed. You just need to be further away from him.
bionico16 says
Can anyone that has gotten “Man Without Equal” trophy following this guide confirm that this is the complete list of bosses?
Zilyzal says
Just got the trophy and can confirm that thisis a complete list.
If you’re also going for all beads trophy make sure to follow these two guides more carefully i missed two beads at the end of the game one of them was under mibu village lake and the other one was the mini boss in the mist (before mist noble boss fight)
@powerpyx #18 is missable and will disappear after killing mist noble so it’s bettet to add a note. Though he’s hard to miss since he’s on the way to mist noble
Prod1gy says
Is anyone willing to fight owl ( father ) for me ! Been stuck on him for over 3 hrs…..
Wampus says
Wampus_Cra i can kill him for you if its the first one u face not the one n where lady butter fly is.. really not 2 hard
LukasOxik says
Powerpyx any advice for Isshin, the Sword Saint? I tried your tactic to run arround and wait for his jump but when jumps he instantly attack. So I cant use this tactic. Or is there any fix how to fix it?
PowerPyx says
It took me many tries to perfect this run & stab cheese method. It works, but you need to be the right distance and get a feel for when he uses what attack. When you’re far enough away he’ll one time shoot at you and next time jump at you. You always run to the right but as soon as he jumps you run TOWARDS his right (push the right stick in a 15° angle so the stick is pointing top right). You don’t want to run to him head-on, must keep running slightly right or else he’ll hit you. You must also run towards him at the same time to get past him.
Sometimes he won’t shoot or jump, just run after you. Then get a bit closer to him so he starts an attack, but quickly run off until his attack animation has run out. Then try to get him to shoot / jump again. After he shot at you, next time he’ll always jump. He also does a smaller jump followed by some strikes, you can tell by him doing a lower jump opposed to a high jump, in that case just stay away and wait for him to do a high jump.
Jack says
Just wanna say how much I enjoyed and appreciated this guide. The only boss that has really given me a lot of trouble is the Owl at Hirata estate. Thank you for finishing up his guide; in the all endings guide it says to make sure you do Hirata Owl BEFORE Divine Dragon but on here it says do everything and get the 40 beads. Will you be locked out of purification or any other endings then?
PowerPyx says
Allow me to clarify on that. Owl can still be beaten JUST BEFORE fighting the endboss (AFTER killing Divine Dragon). That’s how I did it myself, after I had fully maxed out stats with all 40 prayer beads.
You just need to complete the steps until getting the bell from Emma BEFORE defeating Divine Dragon. The last 2 steps (going to new version of Hirata + killing Owl) can still be done AFTER divine dragon. I will make this clearer in the endings guide, so thanks for your good question and bringing this up!
Qasim says
Helllo everybody
Finally I finished the game and i try to earn purification ends but for some mistakes i earn immortal severance
But I already uplode my save after i kill monk and guardian ape
And i still need
All bosses kill
Upgrade all prosthetic tools
All skils
Upgrade vitality and posture
Purification end
Return end
And kill great shinobi owl on hirata
Kill isshin ashina
So now what ur recommendations start new game+
Or download the old save
Sorry for my big Qs but really the hard and I like to earn the platinum for it as what id did for blodeborn and nioh
hb87 says
Hey, not sure if I missed it in your list, but there is a Headless at the Demon Bell. In the left room of the small shed before you reach the bell is a hidden door with a white figure on it ;)
PowerPyx says
Where is the Demon Bell?
OldMcJimBob says
This is Boss #38 i think. It can be approached from either Ashina Outskirts or from the Demon Bell.
I can´t imagine you didn´t found the Demon Bell that makes Enemys hit harder but give better loot? Its on Senpou Temple; the small temple left to the bridge where you fight the armored warrior. To get there you need to go left before the bridge and follow the path down on the left side of the cliffs.
hb87 says
Bell Demons Temple, from the idol downhill into the shed and in the room to the right. Just read that the secret passage leads to the Ashina Outskirts Headless, which checks out. All good. Thanks for your great work!
Arkonite says
Hi all,
I just vanquished the guardian ape undying and the trophy didn’t pop…
Any clue on this ?
Arkonite says
My mistake, i didn’t see the deathblow marker after he died to stop immortality :D
MdMaynard says
This is such a small thing to point out though only for the sake of accuracy. On Boss #23 – Long-arm Gentipede Giraffe – you mention using Ungo’s Sugar to reduce posture damage, when in fact it’s Gokan’s Sugar. Ungo’s Sugar is for reducing Vitality Damage.
& please don’t get the wrong idea, I am so impressed with your guides & how fast you get them up. You’re ALWAYS my first ‘go to’ for a trophy guide whenever I start a new game.
Thank you Powerpyx for all the time & hard work you put into your guides.
PowerPyx says
Hey, yeah you’re totally right I mixed up the two items. I’ll correct this at once, thank you!
MdMaynard says
I saw just above you asked about the Demon Bell location. You probably have already located it, though if not:
Behind where you fought General Tenzen Yamauchi & you get the note about the headless enemy, you drop down & go into the cave back there. Behind the Headless enemy (if you’re going there too early to fight him you can drop down where he is & run right hugging the wall of that hole/well) there’s a hole in the wall you can crouch & go through. At the end is a wooden wall with a white figure outline. If you hug the wall there, the wall will spin & open up to where the Demon Bell is. Which when rung will increase the game difficulty though net you greater rewards.
The process is reversible though, so you can do it to farm (not confirmed if it gives more points and/or gold/Sen per enemy, or just increases drop rate & better drops.) It puts an item in your inventory that you can use to revert back to normal difficulty.
PowerPyx says
Ah that thing! That headless boss was in the guide already. It’s #38. So all good. Thanks for your detailed explanation
Lee says
I think I will quit going for the platnium i can not beat the 2nd owl fight for the life of me D:
kgp says
so i going to get the trophy but i beat evrey boss in the game but still didn’t get the trophy can you tell me you thought about this problem. also i beat the game in all endings
Lee says
Anyone wanna fight the demon of hatred for me lol
Rad says
Question about the trophy Man Without Equal and the return … can i clean every available bosses including the hirata father boss in the first playthrough and then i pick the 3rd option in the dialog with kuro to choose the return instead of the purification and proceed to NG+ to go for the shura
will i still get the trophy Man Without Equal after shura in my 2nd playthrough ? or i must pick 2nd option in the dialog with kuro for the purification for my first playthrough ?
Jet says
@Rad You have to if you go for platinum so or so have to play the game on NG+, cause of the final Lapis Lazulis, but I only don´t know if in the end you have to choose now a specific ending, as actually on NG+ all your fighting memories of all your main bosses encounters will carry over.
But if either you or anybody else, or much better Powerpyx himself will find out how exactly you can get this trophy for beating all bosses it will be really appreciated.
Andrew says
The corrupted monk first time, use snap seeds and it staggers and damages him but about 50% health the seeds stop working.
steve says
Sorry about comment on issha fight, you were right. Now on New game plus 3 and while I only got prayer beads the first time killing the second guardian ape battle next to poison pool, the last two playthroughs have given me a memory. Not sure if its post update or new game plus and beyond.
Nicolai Hansen says
How do I fight Sword Saint in the Purification ending? Should I just go to the door after the boss in second Hirata Estate?
PowerPyx says
Yes, you need to backtrack to Ashina Reservoir (Ashina Castle).
Thomas says
You say we should have atleast 9 gourd seeds by the time we face the monk but the last one according to your guide is accuired after killing him
PowerPyx says
No, I wrote “9 healing gourd charges”. 8 from seeds + 1 you start with = 9.
You can have 10 healing uses maximum (the 9th seed is found after the monk making it 10 uses total).
Mesmo says
Hey, are all of these mandatory for this specific trophy? Or can i just miss a couple of mini bosses and grab the missing prayer beads in NG+?
Brenex says
Boss #31 (Headless Guardian Ape) does NOT require Corrupted Monk to be dead. I did Sunken Valley before Ashina Depths, and when heading out of the Poison Pool he was blocking the way to the Hidden Forest.
Nebula303 says
Do all the bosses need to be beaten on the same file in order to get the trophy? Beat the game, got severance ending, killed all bosses on this list except the 3 from Hirata pt. 2. Went into ng+ and did shura ending, overwrote the save before the owl decision and am on to the purify and return ending. Do i need to go into ng++ in order to get the trophy?
Nebula303 says
P s. I did beat the 3 in hirata pt 2
CloudStrifeNL says
For Sword Master Isshin Asshina I tried the method described and watched the video a couple times. I kept dying. Eventually I tried another way, more aggressive. Run up towards him, block his attacks, learn his pattern (fairly easy) and keep at it. When reaching stage 4 he will have 2 new attacks. Again, learn the patterns. When he uses lightning attack JUMP en press R1/RB. You will cast the lighning back at him being able to hit him 3 to 4 times. It’s not to bad once you know the attack pattern. But for me personally, this works way better than running away.
Bardia says
I missed num #37,lone shadow. Can I still get the ALL BOSSES trophy?
sin says
I beat every boss and still didn’t get the trophy why?
PowerPyx says
Did you get your missing ending bosses in NG+?
E.g. if you did Shura Ending in 1st playthrough you must get the bosses of other 3 endings in NG+. If you did Purification / Return / Mortality Severed endings in 1st run you must get Shura Ending bosses in NG+.
And of course any other bosses listed here (except Headless, those are not needed for the trophy).
Tre says
Does anyone know if that ogre before the hatred demon counts as a boss? Trying to plat
Jet says
@Tre Well it seems that the mini bosses count for the trophy as well. But be careful cause when you go to far to the story (after gettting the tears from the Divine Dragon) you no longer will be able to fight some mini bosses. And to see which main bosses you have already you can check it at any time in your pause menue under inventory under the rayer beads, relicts.
Oh and about the apparition mini bosses are you sure that you don´t need them for the “Man Without Equal” trophy?, anyway you need at least the two Shichimen Warriors for the prosthetic tools trophy.
And about the pacifying agent that you mentioned once you found the mob at Mibu village you can buy from him a violet pumpkin bottle (which you can use 5x times) and can always refill it like the regular one at any idol, so you in other words no longer need the paciying agent anymore.
Sultan says
I did the Immortality Severed ending in 1st run. NG+ I reached the point where I have to choose between Kuro and Owl. I uploaded the file and got the Shura ending. I downloaded the file and chose to protect Kuro this time and got the Purification / Return endings. I defeated every boss and mini boss, I got every boss trophy but Man Without Equal trophy is still locked
Ligush says
Hi, thanks for your guide, I only have a question, can I fight hatred demon after sword Saint isshin?
Jet says
@Sultan Are you really sure that you defeated each and every boss and mini boss?, I mean the main bosses are trackable as I said if you look at the pause menue under inventory- prayer bead- relicts. So I would check there again otherwise about the mini bosses if you should miss any of them you then you need to do unfortunately another playthrough, as some of them will become inaccessible after you got the Divine Dragon tears.
@Powerpyx Please correct my previous comment as I accidentally wrote rayer bead instead of prayer bead, and please confirm my comment from april 12, thank you very much.
@Ligush Yes as it´s a mini boss.
Adam says
I found a half decent place to farm XP.
After you have defeated Lone Shadow Vilehand and then rest at the idol outside the room, the purple shinobi guy keeps resetting and you can easily sneak kill him, then rest and repeat. I got about 4 skill points in roughly half an hour and about 1500 sen.
Trevor Sanders says
Hey I’ve never really commented on one of these before but I have a question. Ive been following through the boss guide and following all of the steps to get all collectibles (shooting for the platinum trophy) and I just got to the part where I killed the corrupted monk and the guardian ape. My problem is that Ashina Castle didn’t get greyed out and it doesn’t look like anything has changed like I thought it was supposed to after killing both bosses. Any suggestions?
PowerPyx says
You must pick up the story item in the cave these bosses were guarding.
iMouaad says
Boss #35 – Shichimen Warrior (Abandoned Dungeon)
I thought this one isn’t missable, so when reached th damon of hatred before th final boss i remembered that i should finish him before ending my playthrough, but i can’t go there anymore bcz of th fire.
So is that it ? Or there is a way i’m missing ?
iMouaad says
Turned out I missed th idol inside th cave where th mini boss is.
SoulsDream says
for the trophy do i need to also kill all the mini bosses ?
Unusual says
Just finished game, with Dragon’s Homecoming Ending with it. Thank you very much
Popping says
Hi Powerpyx,
I found one of game content website in Thailand posted easy way to kill all bosses and the content is very similar to yours. Not sure if you allowed them to translate your content and posted on the website?
PowerPyx says
I haven’t allowed it and I never allow translations of my work. Can you send me the link to it please? There are so many sites stealing my stuff, which is annoying, but I go after this hard and protect what’s mine.
Ali says
Hi powerpyx
Thank you for this guide and I really appreciate you takin the time.
I think I made a mistake when it comes to the bosses, so what I did was replay the game for 2nd playthrough until Owl at the Ashina Castle. Then I saved the game and then chose the Shura ending, did it and reloaded to then complete the purification and return endings – I had already played the game once before but didnt know I had to do this all in the first playthrough. However I think because I reloaded the game, the 2 Shura bosses dont now count to the 2nd playthrough correct? I have to play the game a 3rd time to finally get the Man without Equal trophy. Is that right assuming I got all the bosses in the first and second playthroughs?
thanks Ali
PowerPyx says
Hi Ali,
if you reloaded the save it won’t count the bosses. You have to beat them again in a third playthrough.
Ali says
Hi Powerpyx
Yes I figured as much, thank you so very much. One trophy left for plat XD
thanks a lot!
Twist says
Boss #29 – True Corrupted Monk
You can no longer remove the first health bar by performing a deathblow from the tree above the boss
waiveybone says
hey do i have to fight all the optional bosses AGAIN in NG+ or do they carry over from my last playthrough? (eg.: all the headless and so on)
cause i did the 3 endings first and defeated all the bosses and i could now start NG+ but wanted to know if i have to go for these again in order to get the trophy.
Dott. Luppolo says
No you have only to fight the sura bosses. Emma and isshin.
Dominatorgr says
I didn’t read all comments so i don’t know if anyone else mentioned it but at the guide about the white snake boss you say it’s only possible with the ninjutsu mindcontroling the monkey. There is an alternative way by using Mist Raven the moment you jump on the cliff and the snake attacks you. It takes some seconds to get in its original spot after it attacks so you have time to run.
Morten Due says
I came to a point were i meet two giant apes (like the guardian ape) are those optional?
Dott. Luppolo says
Yes they are optional
Dott. Luppolo says
Hi guys,
I have finished the game the first time with the sura ending. Then I started a new game (not ng+) and finished all the 3 endings (with backups), I have also beaten all the bosses but I haven’t acheaved the trophy. Do I have to remake the sura ending in ng+ in order to earn the trophy? Thanks