Need for Speed Heat Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30 – 40 hours
- Offline Trophies: 37 (0
, 3
, 6
, 28
- Online Trophies: 6 (1
, 0
, 2
, 3
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: Nothing Yet
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can be played on Easy (this only affects race AI and Drift Trial score requirements)
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Open world at all times, can replay any race whenever you want
- Release Date: November 8th, 2019
Welcome to the Need for Speed Heat Trophy Guide (NFS Heat)! Heat is the fourth Need for Speed game developed by Ghost Games, after Rivals, the 2015 Reboot, and Payback. Heat takes from every game Ghost has created so far, throwing out the speed card setup from Payback and returning to a traditional method of paying for parts for your cars after you earn the ability to buy them by leveling rep. The game has a similar trophy list to that of Payback, but removes the open world named racers and has a little more focus on playing with other players in the open world.
Step 1: Play Through Story Paths and Rank Up
Progression for the game is fairly open, after the initial story bits and explanations you are largely free to play as you want, whether that just be racing to get more money and rep or following along the story. You should aim to complete each branch though as you can, as they give you access to the different race types as you finish them, along with giving some free parts and unique iconic vehicles from the series.
Step 2: Level to Rep 50 and Grind for Money
Once you’ve finished all story branches (you’ll need to get to Rep 40 for one) you’ll then want to aim to finish getting to Rep 50 so you have access to most parts and cars for purchase. You’ll be aiming to get yourself set up to do all of the open world activities at this point, so you’ll want to have a few cars for different situations. It can be largely personal preference what you use, as with the engine swap setup the game has you can push most cars to a fairly high performance level. The only one I’d advise specifically going for would be the Koenigsegg Regera, which returns from Payback and is one of if not the fastest car in the game again, so it is what you would want to use for road activities.
Step 3: Three Star Open World Activities and Collectibles
Once you’ve got yourself set up with your vehicles (or as you’re working on them if you wish) your next main goal will be to find all the collectibles and three star all open world activities. Collectibles will appear on your full map after you have been near them, so at this point you will likely have most already displayed on your map. Open World Activities function the same and normally appear when you are near them, and this is where most of the actual difficulty of the platinum comes from. The requirements for them aren’t changed by difficulty select, so they have the same requirement for everyone. Many won’t be possible to three star until you have almost maxed out cars, so this is why you leave most to the end. The drift zone ones will likely give the largest issue, as they don’t have anywhere near the same amount of leeway as the Drift Trial events do.
Step 4: Miscellaneous Cleanup
Once you’ve finished all the collectibles and open world activities you should just have some of the remaining misc trophies left, such as tuning, cop takedowns and chase escapes, and online related trophies.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
Need for Speed Heat Trophy Guide
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The Need For Speed Collect all trophies |
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Earn all other trophies in Need for Speed Heat to unlock Platinum (DLC not required)! | ||
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Welcome to Palm City Pick your first ride |
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Story related, cannot be missed.
This will be the first trophy you earn in the game, after you pick your character (can be changed and edited later) you will get to pick your first car, and will then earn this trophy. |
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Consider Yourself Noticed Complete Chapter 1 |
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Story related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is earned when you complete Chapter 1 of the main storyline. |
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Worlds Collide Complete Chapter 2 |
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Story related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is earned when you complete Chapter 2 of the main storyline. |
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Home from Home Complete Chapter 3 |
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Story related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is earned when you complete Chapter 3 of the main storyline. |
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Merciless Complete Chapter 4 |
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Story related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is earned when you complete Chapter 4 of the main storyline, which is the final chapter related to the corrupt police characters you’ve been dealing with up till now. |
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Eleven – Fifty Six Take down 100 Cop Vehicles |
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When racing at night you will be chased by Cops the more you do, with them becoming more aggressive and powerful the higher your heat rating. In this game you typically don’t want to try and take down cops by ramming them, as they do more damage to you than you do to them. The general easiest way is to go over ramps, whether they be ones leading to things such as billboards or preferably Long Jump ones or ones that are gaps over water. Ramps seem to really mess the cop AI more than anything else, and when you lead a cop over a ramp it will immediately wreck any that follow you over the ramp. You will know this has worked as you will get a popup saying you’ve taken down a cop, along with the small Rep bonus you get for it. Do this 100 total times through the game to earn this trophy.
The easiest place to grind for this is down on the South-West corner of the map in the Port Murphy area. There is a long jump over a stretch of water called Abandon Ship! which you can go back and forth on to wreck any police cars chasing you. You’ll want to be at around heat 3 or 4 to do this to have more police spawn and have faster ones that will actually follow you over the ramp, the slower police typically won’t. |
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Warp Speed Hit 240 mph using any car |
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This trophy requires hitting a top speed of 240 mph, or if you prefer metric, 387 kmh. To do this you will need a near top level car or a high level engine swap in a lower car, along with potentially some nitrous to boost you to that upper limit. The easiest way to get this if you don’t manage it during normal gameplay and leveling is to wait until the end of the game and you’ve bought the (suggested) Koenigsegg Regera. This car starts with basically max stats and a top speed well over the requirement for this trophy (top speed for the car is listed at 410 kmh). Once you’re set up with your car of choice the best way to reach the speed is to find a long stretch of wide road, such as either of the separated highways that go North / South and East / West on the map. Set yourself up with the single use larger nitrous tanks as well, then get yourself going down the road, and once you hit over 240 mph/387 kmh you’ll be awarded the trophy. | ||
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The Brightest Stars Get a 3 Star Rating on all the Activities in the game |
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» Need for Speed Heat – All Collectibles & Activities Locations Map | ||
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Change My Name Change the text on the License Plate |
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You can change the text on your license plate at any time for free. To do so go into the garage, then go to Customization > Body. Rotate all the way to the back to the license plate customization point. Change the text to whatever you wish and hit accept and you will earn the trophy. | ||
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Two Racers, One Event Beat your first Crew Time Trial |
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Time Trial’s are daytime events represented by a stopwatch icon on the map. They all start out showing no set time for you, and a bronze time set by a player named NFSGhostBronze. When you play these events it will show the lowest rank ghost you haven’t beaten, whether that be an NFS one or another player. For this trophy you just need to beat any of the events with a better time than the lowest NFS time, which should be fairly easy to do as the Bronze times are extremely lenient. |
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A Bit Of Paradise Smash your way through all the Billboards |
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Billboards are one of the 3 types of collectibles throughout the open world. They are typically at the end of ramps, requiring you to reach a decent speed to get to and smash through.
» Need for Speed Heat – All Collectibles & Activities Locations Map |
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I Said Right Now! Win a race with a car at 400+ Performance Rating |
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400+ is the maximum rating that a car can have in the game when upgraded. The easiest way to get this trophy without extra messing with upgrades and engine swaps is to just purchase the Koenigsegg Regera, which is recommended anyway for other trophies. This vehicle starts out with a rating of 400+ without anything needing to be done to it, so you just need to purchase it and then win one race to earn this trophy. | ||
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Be The Very Best Get all Collectibles and 3 stars on all Activities |
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» Need for Speed Heat – All Collectibles & Activities Locations Map | ||
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Comeback Kid Go from last to first place during the final lap of a race and win |
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This trophy requires you go from last place to first place during the final lap of any circuit race. You might get this through normal play, but you can easily do it later in the game once you have a higher level car. All events you can choose what rating to play them at, so once you’ve got a high level car you can replay any race at a rating of 120 and be against very slow AI cars. You can just just sit behind them for every lap until the final one (booting the last place cars ahead as they seem to occasionally get stuck) then once you have started the final lap easily speed past everyone else and finish in first, earning the trophy. | ||
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Carving Turns Complete the Drift driving story |
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Story related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is earned when you complete the Drift driving story branch, which is what introduces you to the drift events the game has. This is the earliest one you can complete, with the lowest Rep and progression requirements. |
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Off the Grid Complete the Off-road driving story |
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Story related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is earned when you complete the Off-road driving story branch, which introduces you to Off-road style events. You are introduced to this about midway through the game, then can complete the with the next lowest requirements after the Drift story. |
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Friends Reunited Complete the Race driving story |
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Story related, cannot be missed.
This trophy is earned when you complete the Race driving story branch, which is available to you right from the start of the game and constitutes all the events you do through Dex. This has the highest overall requirement to complete, requiring Rep level 40 and the final races have a suggested vehicle rating of around 350, which is higher than the main story requirements. |
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Wrap It Up! Customize a vehicle with a wrap |
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Wraps are vehicle customization setups that you or other players can create using a large area of stickers and textures placed on different parts of your vehicle. You can download ones published by other players online and apply them to your vehicles, but for this trophy you do have to edit one yourself. In your garage go to Customization > Paint & Wrap > Edit Wrap > Decals, then choose any body section. Hit ![]() ![]() |
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Don’t Quit Your Day Job Complete your first Daily Challenge |
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Daily Challenges are a setup of 5 one of challenges you get every day that give a small rep and money boost when you complete them. To view them pause the game with |
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Drift, Drift, Drift Complete all Drift Zones |
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Drift Zones are one of the three types of open world activities in the game, and are probably the hardest overall to 3 star. They are small areas or tight corners where you need to meet a minimum point amount from drifting to earn each star rating. This trophy only requires getting 1 Star on every Drift Zone, but you need 3 on every one for other trophies.
» Need for Speed Heat – All Collectibles & Activities Locations Map |
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Techin’ Win a race with parts equipped in both auxiliary part slots |
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Your auxiliary parts slots are the two to the far right in the performance customization menu for your vehicle. They are a passive and active part that you equip, that do things such as let your repair your car on the fly, deal or take more damage, or augment your nitrous gain. You can first buy parts in both slots at around Rep 15, then once you do you just need to win any one race, day or night to earn this trophy. | ||
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Blame The Vain Win a race with all vehicle effects slots equipped |
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Effect slots for a vehicle are located under Customization > Effects. There are 5 categories here of effect parts, and you need to purchase one item in each slot for a vehicle and equip it for a race. You start out with limited options, but you can purchase something in each slot right away. Buying the cheapest of each starter one will cost a total of $37,500, which is a decent amount early game so you can leave this until later if you want where you can get that much from a single race. Once you have all 5 slots equipped with on effect item, win any race day or night to earn this trophy. | ||
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Travis, Who? Escape 100 Cop Chases |
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This trophy is awarded for escaping a total of 100 cop chases throughout the game. You escape chases by getting out of line of sight of all cop vehicles, which typically means getting them outside of the red circle shown around you on the minimap. As you reach higher heat the ring around you becomes larger meaning you need to get further away, then at heat 5 you will sometimes have helicopters chase you around and you cannot escape while the helicopter is aimed at you. Aside from that, the easiest way to escape chases is the same as wrecking cars, going over jumps. This typically messes up all chasing vehicles if you go over a jump fast enough, and should get you far enough away quick enough that you can get an escape counted. Do this 100 times to earn this trophy.
The easiest way to grind this trophy is using the same jump in Port Murphy as you use to wreck cops. For this though what you want to do is stay at low heat so that the police don’t follow you over the ramp. When you go over the ramp the slow cops will stop and lose sight of you, then drive around on the road. In that time you’ll escape the chase, then can go get into the cop’s line of sight again to trigger another chase, then repeat going over the ramp to lose them. |
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Benefits Are Nice Complete 25 events online with other players |
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This trophy is awarded for completing any 25 events online with other players, win or lose. To play online with other players in this game you either need to accept invites from other players when they appear while you’re driving around using |
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You have friends? Complete 5 events online with other players |
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This trophy is awarded for completing any 5 racing events online with other players, win or lose. |
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Get Shrimpin’ Collect all the Flamingos |
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Flamingoes are one of the 3 types of collectibles throughout the open world. They are bright pink neon outlines, and will appear on the ground for you to drive through to collect them. They won’t appear on the map for you to collect immediately, but do so around REP 10 – 15.
» Need for Speed Heat – All Collectibles & Activities Locations Map |
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At The Last Second Repair critical damage at a Gas Station at night |
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While driving around your car will take damage, and if fully damaged your car will be wrecked and you’ll be sent back to the garage. During the day this doesn’t mean much, but at night if you wreck you will be busted by the cops and lose a portion of your money and all of your heat multiplier, along with some of your unbanked rep. For this trophy you need to repair yourself from critical damage at a gas station at night. Anything under about half is considered critical damage, and you should work on getting yourself to a Gas Station so you don’t get wrecked and lose your hard work. At night Gas Stations allow you a maximum of 3 repears per night, so keep that in mind as you are racing around. | ||
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Graffer Collect all Street Art |
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Street Art is one of the 3 types of collectibles throughout the open world. These are larger images that appears on walls around the game world, and are collected by driving near them and hitting ![]() » Need for Speed Heat – All Collectibles & Activities Locations Map |
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The Most Wanted Win a High Heat 5 race and return to garage safely |
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A ways into the game you will be introduced to High Heat races. These are a pair of races that appear at night (randomly selected from all your available ones) which are only available when you reach Heat levels of 3 and 5. When you choose to do these races they are at the same rating as your current vehicle, and have a Rep and money reward, along with the reward of a special part that is only available by completing these races. Once you reach Heat Level 5 you can choose to complete the High Heat 5 race, in which you then need to win it to claim it’s part reward. Once you’ve won the race you aren’t done, as you then need to get back to any safe house without behind busted to actually bank your rep and unlock the part, which is then made available for purchase on all cars it’s applicable on. The first time you successfully do this you will earn this trophy. | ||
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Full Send Complete all Long Jumps |
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Long Jumps are one of the three types of open world activities in the game. These are specific ramps which you need to hit that have a distance requirement needed to earn each star.
» Need for Speed Heat – All Collectibles & Activities Locations Map |
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All For One Reach max Crew Level with your Crew |
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Crews are groups of players in the game that all contribute to an overall Crew Level with their Rep gains, which gives bonus based on what level the Crew is at overall. For this trophy you need to be in a Crew that has reached the max level of 50. When you start the game you are automatically placed in a starter crew with other random players, which you can either stay in or join a different one with friends or other players. You should in theory be able to join one that is already at level 50 to earn this trophy as well. |
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Sideways Style Win a race with handling parts for maximum drift equipped |
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When customizing your car you are shown a 4 section square representing how tuned your car is for specific activities. As you unlock higher level parts you can turn your car farther into each specification, making them more suited for individual activity types. These stats are influenced by the parts Chassis Suspension and Tires, along with Drivetrain Differential. Each of the parts in these categories is set up to contribute to one or two of the handling types.
For this trophy you need to tune your car so that the white dot on the graph is touching the right side of the box for maximum drift tuning. You then need to win any race to earn this trophy. |
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The Hackney Dream Win a race with handling parts for maximum off-road traction equipped |
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For this trophy you need to tune your car so that the white dot on the graph is touching the top side of the box for maximum off-road tuning. You then need to win any race to earn this trophy. | ||
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Component Parts Win a race with handling parts for maximum road traction equipped |
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For this trophy you need to tune your car so that the white dot on the graph is touching the bottom side of the box for maximum road tuning. You then need to win any race to earn this trophy. | ||
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Redline Win a race with handling parts for maximum race equipped |
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For this trophy you need to tune your car so that the white dot on the graph is touching the left side of the box for maximum race tuning. You then need to win any race to earn this trophy. | ||
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Humble Beginnings Reach REP Level 2 |
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Story related, cannot be missed.
This will likely be the second trophy you earn in the game, for reaching REP Level 2. |
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Notorious Reach REP Level 50 |
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This trophy is awarded for reaching the maximum current REP Level, which is 50. This may seem somewhat daunting but gains become easier as you progress through the game and get better vehicles. You also get a multiplier to your banked REP based on your heat level when you return to a safe house, which makes the risk of staying out longer worth a higher reward. | ||
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Cashing In Earn and bank 1 000 000 REP during one night |
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When racing at night you earn REP for the night, which is saved as your total and not banked until you return to a safe house. For this trophy you need to be sitting on an adjusted total of 1,000,000 or more REP when you return to a safe house. Your current REP shown at the top of the screen includes your current Heat multiplier, so you only actually need to earn 200,000 REP to go along with a 5x multiplier. If you want you can try earning this around REP 35 or so using the events which range from 15,000 – 20,000 rep, but if you want the easiest way it’s to wait until you are REP Level 45 – 50 and have access to the Discovery A/B/C events. These are a trio of events that are sprints, and each gives about 48,000 REP your first attempt at them before repeating. So with these 3 events available you can play through each one once each, then either replay another or do some other events to reach the final million total. These Discovery events are also handy as if you play them in order from A > B > C you end the prior one at basically the exact start point for the next, so if you manage to finish the race without being in a police chase you can start the next one almost immediately. Once you’ve reach your banked total of 1,000,000 REP, carefully head back to the nearest safehouse avoiding police, and enter to bank and earn you trophy. | ||
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Danger Zone Complete all Speed Traps |
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Speed Traps are one of the three types of open world activities in the game. They are a designated spot on various roads, which you need to drive through at a minimum speed to reach each star requirement.
» Need for Speed Heat – All Collectibles & Activities Locations Map |
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Swappin’ Win a race in a vehicle with an engine swap |
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Engine swap is a customization option you’ll gain access to as you advance REP levels. This swaps out the entire engine of the car for a better one, allowing you to tune any car to a much higher level than normal, making it so you can basically have most cars viable at higher levels with a swapped engine. To perform an engine swap go into the Performance menu for a car, then hit ![]() |
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Around The World Win the Discovery Event |
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The Discovery Event is one of the final events you unlock in the game. Once you reach REP 50 you gain access to this Night event, which is a combination of the other Discovery A/B/C events and takes you around the entire map in one large sprint race. This race has a recommended rating of 400+, so you will need to basically have your high end car set up to be able to win it. Once you do you need to win it once, after you will earn this trophy. | ||
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Hear Me Roar Win a race in a vehicle with tuned exhaust sound |
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Exhaust sound can be changed on your vehicle in the Customization menu on the far right. This gives you a variety of sliders that let your change multiple things related to the exhaust sound of your car. Change any of these sliders then accept the changes, then take your car out and win any race to earn this trophy. |
MH2 says
First, cant wait but not sure if buy it rather on PC and enjoy the 60fps at least. Does anyone know if it has 60fps mode on the Pro?
BOB says
Its same engine as the last game so expect simular performance.
Dogga23 says
The 25 races for online. Do you have to actually race against other players. Or can you just race online. But race solo in the options when you click R1.
I have been sitting here for 2 days selecting race all and only done 6 coz no one races.
Makes me think how 2% have already got this trophy already.
AnthonyVDW says
You have to race with other online players in the event, solo doesn’t count.
Oleole56 says
Anyone wanna grind for the 25 online races completed? If so, hit me up! psn: oleole56 :D
Oleole56 says
Nevermind, just got it. Sorry for commenting this and my earlier comment
BHR says
no way this is 20-40hr with all the 3 star activity’s drift makes a return again which i dont know what the craze is all about id rather have drag and better cop chases with a pursuit breaker id say close to paybacks TTP around 50-60
25 games online is another pain not once have i had a invite from another player which i thought is wierd and when i invite players they usually dont join so its another waiting game
50 rep for crew do not leave your default crew unless your sure some other crew will accept your invite once you leave your default crew your left crewless until another crew accepts your invite which imo will rarely happen unless you know the crew leader the game doesnt auto assign you to a crew if your not in one
Serro says
Any crew who can take me for the trophy
Psn Id : x0oOKiLLSHOT0oOx
notu says
I have Lamborghini Huracan on 400+ performance lvl and i won race but trophy not pop. Anyone know why?
Marco says
Hi guys, anyone to do 25 event with other players? Add me, my ID is MarcoNancy2609
DR-INSANE95 says
@powerpyx – When you do every billboard and you unlock the car. Do you get it for free or do you still have to buy it from the dealership?
Gage says
Have to buy them. The only free cars you get are the ones from the story.
Danijel says
I am interested in boosting the 25 online races trophy so you can add me, my PSN ID is P_i_c_e_k
glenmasamune (Psn ID) says
This may be obvious but the genuises made it so the cops and racers keep going even after you pause the game lol.Lol brilliant design guys i unpause and immediately busted or 8th place.Or am i missing something?
BHR says
have to play solo not online to be able to pause and stop time
Violet-Wins says
I need a lvl 50 crew!
Add me on PSN:
Thanks 🙂
DR-INSANE95 says
Looking for a partner to grind out Races for the 25 races with other players trophy. Dont care who wins just want the trophy.
Add me – DR-INSANE95
Huzaifa says
Mate I m late but may I
Alson says
Who’s still looking for the 25 online races?
Sunny says
I am
PSN: Golden_Dragon28x
Jesper Momme says
Anyone wanna get the 25 online events trophy?
PSN: BotReasons
Stephen says
Hey are u still needing the 25 race trophy
Ghssan says
I need crew lvl 50
Psn id : Edwardi
Manvir says
Looking for a partner 25 online races
Add- manvir_m16
Yefferson Tejeda says
Hey its itzYeff, I sent you a friend request.
Tee says
Searching for a Level 50 crew!
Noski says
Add Me for 25 Online Races, Nosky94
IC3BLAK says
Drop me a message if you wana do the 25 online races 🙂 PSN: IC3BLAK
Kaj_fire says
Looking for a 50lvl crew 🙂
Psn: kaj_fire
Hamdan says
If anyone is looking for a crew, My crew is currently level 41.
Join us as we grind towards level 50, and try to help us as much as you can, any help is appreciated.
CREW NAME: Grind to LVL50
Ryan says
Trying to get to crew REP Lvl 50.
I’ve just requested to join Grind to LVal50
Hamdan says
Update: My crew made it to Level 50, If you want the trophy just message me on PSN to add you to the crew, however newly joining members will be rotated since there is currently 1 spot remaining, I’ll only be accepting members that tell me that they came from this community page as soon as you get the trophy leave the crew so that i can help out others that are in need.
Hamdan says
And yeah i forgot to mention in the other reply, but the crew name is now changed to: LVL50
Mose says
Hey HAMDAN, I requested to join your group. Psn is DecomPoseur. Thanks again for doing this.
TrishRulz says
Hey Hamdan! I sent you a request to Join the crew, PSN is TrishRulz. Went to send you a message on Playstation but apparently your settings won’t let me so hoping you see this message
Jack says
Ainzylad24 request sent to join
Kromhell says
Just sent you a friendship request. I’m Kromhell. Just missing that trophy. Thanks in advance!
Blake says
If anyone wants to do the 25 races add me!
HK says
Anybody looking to complete those 25 online races hit me up.
PSN ID: Henrok85
Hear Me Roar trophy is bugged for me. I have changed the sound of my exhaust since day one of the game and I don’t have the trophy.
Gage says
Did you edit every one of the sliders?
Yes I did edit all of the sliders. I did all the way the right for the first and second and all the way left for the the third one. Then I actually did a race and win still no trophy.
Billy says
Anybody wanna partner up for 25 online races later? PSN duecey-1991 add me and drop me a message!
Shantyt says
Anyone wanting to do the 25 online races, hmu PSN: Shantyt
PSN_GUY says
Hi friends I need help with online 25 races add me ( xX_A-M-M-A-K_Xx )?
Cole says
Looking to do the 25 online races and a level 50 crew. PSN is WightZone.
SUPERD70M says
Looking for a lvl50 crew
MH2 says
“Maximilian_H2” add me for the 25 events trophy pls… Im on CET time.
hhm says
new to the game, for any one willing to do the online trophies( I need them too ).
my PS4; Hhm_34
OTPYG says
Another one wanting to grind the 25 online matches. Can jump on at anytime. PSN is OTPYG
OTPYG says
Have got the Plat now, thanks guys.
Floody says
Already got it no need invite anymore.
MH2 says
Hello, I got left the trophy where I need to join a crew with level 50, as the one I am in moves in slow motion speed and seems stuck at 35. Anyone is owner of a Crew with space to accept me so the trophy and platinum can pop for me? Much appreciated guys!
MH2 says
Thank you hamdan for sending invite but other people don’t leave the crew and it is full so I cannot accept and join to get my platin ?.
Darren says
Amybody want to grind the 25 online races trophy?
PSN – seacowdaz. Will be on most of the weekend
joshp18 says
Looking to grind out the 25 online events on PS4. Will be online in about 3-4 hours from the time of posting this and will be on for a while. Add me on PSN: joshp18
rodjeep says
Looking for partner 25 online events trophy on PS4
PSN : rodjeep
rodjeep says
Doneee Thnak you 🙂
Fahid says
Looking for Partner 25 online events trophy
PSN : Jokerjing39
Krain says
Looking to do 25 online events for trophy
Need lvl 50 crew aswell
PSN: kraiinv
LJ says
Hey all, looking for a level 50 crew!
PSN: Speckled_Shrooms
Thanks 🙂
Lee Saunders says
Please invite me to your lvl 50 crew – HDHooligan
Janne_336 says
Looking for someone for online 25 race trophy, add on psn Janne_336
Nuzzgok says
Hey guys, last trophy left for me is level 50 crew, please invite me.
Psn: Nuzzgok
RatchetRyder says
Hey guys last trophy for me is lvl 50 crew as well. Please invite! UN: RatchetRyder
Stefan Pfotenhauer says
If anyone needs a crew, hit me up, my crew is WeAreLegion.
To fast for you clan on this moment its 43 lvl and lvl fast
Tammiie says
I keep applying for crews and no one accepts me.. how am I supposed to get the all for one trophy -.-
timio4074 says
Searching for a Level 50 crew!
PSN: timio4074
Janne_336 says
Looking for a crew lvl 50, this is last trophy that I need for platinum, please add if you can accept me in your crew. Thanks.
Psn: Janne_336
AmbushXIII says
Need lv.50 crew and online races, if anyone is up for it add me: AmbushXIII
My crew is level 41 (we can level it together pretty fast if we do my night racing routine).
Hilluminati says
Crew name ghosts #1960469
Trying to reach level 50 help guys
Hilluminati says
Changed name to Speed Demons and are nearing the level 50 rank almost at level 47 join up guys
Bearinthere says
Anyone else have the flamingoes and street art collectibles glitch?
Fatih Gedikli says
Please feel free and join my lvl50 crew GhostRockers Crewtag: GHST
My PSN ID is Rockester96 also feel free to add me.
There are 19 empty places left in my crew and I want to help, but I would appreciate if someone helps me in the 25 onlineevents trophy.
I earned over 60 million REP to almost singlehandedly push the crew to lvl 50 so I would appreciate any help in the online trophies.
Umer says
My PSN ID is testdriverr
I really like to help u & my self to get online trophie
Add me to u r crew.
Asassin1322 says
Add me and I’ll help you do the trophy plus add me to your crew, thx
Beasty182 says
Psn beasty182 I need to reach level 50 crew and do some online races too. Please add me and please accept me to your crew if poosible
Róbert Haller says
Hy my Psn Id is haller_mse i send a request to join yoir crew.
Thanks if You add me
Umer says
Whats the fastest car in NFS heat? Plz share best drift build as well.
Fatih Gedikli says
I added you on PSN, please accept and help me in online races. I also invited u to the crew. Rockester96
Potts says
Can I join the crew please PSN: OfficialPotts
lcychner says
Please invite me to your lvl 50 crew – psn: lcychner
Potts1 says
Can anyone help me achieve the online events trophy please? Psn: OfficialPotts
Róbert Haller says
Hello Guys! Can somebody add Me to a crew. I send request for more crews but no answer. Thanks for anybody.
Psn Id : haller_mse
xAsteQx says
Need a lvl 50Crew for trophy, please add me if you can “xAsteQx”
I can also help with online races 🙂
xAsteQx says
Done IT already, thanks 🙂
Fatih Gedikli says
Here is GhostRockers Crew again. You dont need to wait for invitations. Just send a request to Crewtag GHST
I am suprised about the many people who joined. There are still 5 places left.
Since I already got the platinum I wont play the game, maybe sell it. But my 5 Admins can still accept your requests.
I wont tell their names here to respect their privacy, but if I sell the game and someone wants to join, just send me Rockester96 a message and I’ll tell one Admin to accept your invitation, if I already sold the game by that point.
Haahaa0 says
I sent a request to join your crew! It is my last trophy before the platinum
PigNath says
Is there still space?
Gabriel says
I only have the level 50 trophy with one band left. Can anyone invite me to a level 50? I’m already desperate, thank you very much.
My ID is: elGabriVR
SweetSacrifice says
Looking for people to do the 25 online events. PSN SweetSacrifice
Le_paul1 says
Gonna contact you soon
Le_paul1 says
The 25 online races is frustrating, i have been trying to achieve for 5 days now. If someone wants to help me, or also needs it please reply. Got like 12 races left. PSN: le_paul1
Le_paul1 says
Done already, finally platinum
Haahaa0 says
Hello! I need a crew lvl 50, it is the only remaining trophy before the platinum. It will be really appreciated if someone could sent me the name of his or her crew and I will send a joining request.
Thank you!!!
Haahaa0 says
Got it.
Seraphero says
Hey, I’m searching for a 50 level crew to join, or lower and grew it up. Also I can help with the online races.
Online ps4 ID: Seraphero
Billy Batson says
If any one wants to grind the 25 events please let me know.
PSN : Shazam_Savage
Also if anyone has a crew level 50 please let me know as well! All greatly appreciated.
bruh says
what i the hidden trophie i did every thing i thought of but i cant get it?
Khalid says
Hi everyone i really hope to Have someone help me with the 25 online races because its really hard to find someone on the map
aymzkayy__ says
If anyone is looking for a crew mine is level 47 and I am actively trying to level it up and would appreciate the assistance. PSN is aymzkayy__ (2 underscores). Mention NFS Heat in the friend request 🙂
Hunter_99SS says
Hi can I join with you
Khalid says
Hi guys i need help with the 25 online events if anyone can help me i will be thankful
Kevin Smits says
If anyone would like to do the 25 races together, please add kevin-smits on psn (Dutch, GMT+2) please put NFS in the friend request description. Also if anyone has a level 50 crew, would love to have an invite 🙂
Kevin Smits says
if anyone wants to join a level 49 crew (we’ll hit 50 today), send a request to EASTSIDERZZ [SKRT]. I’ll only be able to help you out today, as i’ll be trading in the game tomorrow
Salvatore says
Add me for trophy online darktore
I should be there tomorrow morning
SundPai says
Need to join a lv. 50 Crew.
Anyone wanna invite SundPai to their Crew?
Seems like alot of people stopped playing after new year so no one is accepting my invites.
PSN: SundPai
Dtcjuul1982 says
Please 50 crew! Trophy..
Its the last one.
Russell Larkin says
Any chance of an invite to a leve 50 crew? RLarkin90
Shevon says
Please help want to find a lv 50 crew
Bo says
25 online events and i need a lvl 50 crew!
Jo says
Please 50 level crew. My last trophy
Psn: gamerkomt
Jay says
Any one wanna link up for the 25 online races, dont care who wins
add me Jay-Cash25
Thanks in advance
Anthony says
Add me on PSN: Quixotic-Mobster
to link up for multiplayer matches
getting the grind to Level 50 for the crew trophy
I have grinded quite a bit to level 34 for the crew, but every little bit helps
Bhai says
Anyone wants to work together for the 25 online racer.
Psn id; Mohamed Sharwani MS
Bhai says
Psn id; Mohamed Sharwani SM
Alex says
Only have the 25 online events and be part of a lvl 50 crew
psn – WiloMaate
invite me dont care who wins
Sharuf says
I need a lvl 50 crew for the trophy if anyone can send me an invite of if I can send one to you. Currently Iam Rep 35 and working my way up the ranks. Would really appreciate if anyone can help. Thanks 🙂
PSN: sharuf_mohammed
Sharuf says
Update: Rep lvl 41 now as of 10/02/2020
duvall says
Anyone able to invite me to a level 50 crew?
Psn: duvall17
L-OWDM says
is anyone still up for the 25 races? i dont care who wins or loses.
And can someone please help me with the level 50 crew?
Add me L-OWDM and mention nfs heat in the chat!
Sharuf says
Hey, Iam up for the 5 & 25 onlines races trophy as I was also hoping to get it done soon. As for crew, Iam in the default ghost crew which is currently lvl 40 and me grinding 1mil+ rep to get to lvl 50. Iam not the leader of the crew but if you want, I can message you the crew ID when I add you.
PSN: sharuf_mohammed
Sharuf says
Update: Thanks L-OWDM for the races…wish you well. Anyone who may need online races, let me know. If our timings meet, I will surely help out. Now for the crew to grind to lvl 50…currently at lvl 42
O-Live57 says
Can someone invite me in a Lvl 50 crew please? This is the last trophy I need… My own crew is full of low leveled and/or inactive players… Thanks in advance for your help…
PSN ID: O-Live57
O-Live57 says
Edit: Trophy obtained, thanks to Fandy W for his appreciated help!
TagZV says
Can someone invite me to a Lvl 50 crew?
Its the only remaining trophy for the platinum.
I can help with the 25 online races if someone needs those
Fandy W says
For anyone who needs help with crew lv 50 trophy, search up and join Heaven’s Fury [Fury] crew, I’ll be glad to help. Just make sure that you leave the crew after you get the trophy so I can help the others too.
Sharuf says
Hi, I will be applying to your crew. Thank in advance 🙂
PSN: sharuf_mohammed
Sharuf says
Thanks* in advance….sorry about that.
carlokkia says
Please add me to the crew, my ID is carlokkia
Zomb says
i started playing yesterday and can i join or is there any required rep level for that?
mrbislacco says
i can’t find the Crew with search tool.
Can you invite me please?
Very appreciated
PSN: mrbislacco
floatslikerock says
I sent a request to join your crew. an accept would be awesome!
Deadlyvenom666 says
Hey just sent an invite, could you accept please and I’ll leave after
Jim says
Hey Fandy W, Ive just request to joi your crew. JimboGazza, thankssss
PigNath says
Hey is there still space in your crew?
Caped says
Can someone please invite me to their crew I need the Level 50 crew trophy and I was kicked out of my default ghost one
PSN: capedcrusader7
Abdullah says
hi guys
please online help
PSN: Alfarsi
mrbislacco says
Hi guys,
i need to join a lvl50 crew, in exchange I can help with 25 races online trophy.
PSN: mrbislacco
MikeyP says
Anyone who want a crew Ol Drty Basterds (ODB1) at time of writing lvl 21
HuntingLynxX says
Anyone still trying to get the 25 race trophies and has a lvl 50 crew?
PSN: HuntingLynxX
daniel says
anyone help for online 25 race?
psn: max_thieriot
dextermorgan23us says
Hi can anyone invite me to level 50 crew so i can get that trophy i would be appreciated
this my psn id:
Zlaten09 says
Can anyone add me for the crew level 50.
Add: Zlaten09
Gav says
Need help with 25 online events add me if need same
KeeperCool says
Im searching for al lvl 50 Crew for the trophy. If theres still someone active pls send Invite, my psn is Keeperco0l.
Artin says
Need help with 25 online events trophy add me on psn with nfs descryption
psn id : Artin80
Stephen says
Add me: Steezy–Steve
Winniekologo says
Hey guys, I really need some help with the level 50 crew trophy. I would love to grind it with my ghost crew but players are not active enough and at this pace I will be unlocking platinum in 2022 lol. Is there any trophy hunter that is willing to help with a space in their lvl 50 crew !? Thanks in advance.
Psn : WinnieKologo
Mark says
Hello need Crew level 50 add or invite me Capt-Mark25
Thank you!
tkiddy95 says
Hey, Need a level 50 crew and people to grind the 25 races with. Add of invite me: tkiddy95
MrLingLingLux says
Anyone has a lvl 50 crew I could join?
My crew is currently 31..
Can anyone add me to their crew or farm it with me?
Add me MrLingLingLux
Renkoshen says
In a lvl 48 crew currently if anyone wants to join to help lvl it,
Psn is Renkoshen, crew name is Crumble69 (Kush)
Renkoshen says
Got the trophy, thanks
thev8ghost says
Hi guys,
I’m looking for a level 50 crew for the trophy. Please add me (I am level 50 as well)
PSN: thev8ghost
Chilllix says
Hello guys! I’m just tryna platinum this game and I’m just one trophy away which is joining a crew lvl 50, if there is anybody that could invite me to his crew lvl 50 I would appreciate it!
PSN: Chilllix
Arthur says
I’m also looking for a crew.. PSN: Tuiiii
Zechrion says
Looking for a crew and online trophies :). PSN: Zechrion
Zechrion says
Lvl 50 crew for the trophy 🙂
PigNath says
Hey guys I’m in a crew it’s level 35 at time of writing, and if anyone wants to help grind level 50 it would be appreciated.
Crew name is: LOT88
Psn is: PigNath
Cheers in advance
David says
I’m looking to join a lvl 50 crew also if someone could invite me would be kindly appreciated.
PSN: FoleyBhoy
Abu Safie says
Hello I need from someone a favor I will paying it back by any thing you ask for it please can someone help me with need for speed heat trophy ( all for one ) can I join to crew with level 50 please help me you will be a live saver I will Appreciate your help and if any thing can I do for you for return the favor or paying it back some how I am really really really struggling I need some help please
My PSN ID: Safie_
Or you can text on Instagram: Safie_q
If any thing can I do in other games or any thing else I will be ready I am on my word
Federico says
If you are looking for a crew search The Scorpionship, we are level 36 now and there are still available places.
WorkerNParasite says
Sent a request. I just need to join for the one last trophy
Shraban says
I need a level 50 crew to get the platinum. If anyone can help me please add me. My PSN ID is SWAT_Altair21. Thanks in advance.
WorkerNParasite says
Anyone got a spare spot in a level 50 crew? It’s the only trophy I need and no one plays in the default group I was place in.
Ciba says
Did you found a crew? I’m looking for a lv 50 crew too
Ciba says
Need a lv 50 crew please! Id cibahudson I’m lv 50 rep, but my default crew is 31 and nobody plays anymorere….
tinclaybabtu says
Looking for a crew. Playing through campaign so I can contribute.
PSN: tinclaybabtu
Moassie says
Can someone invite me in a Lvl 50 crew please?
PSN MoAssie
EffectB says
Can anyone invite me to a max lvl crew? Thanks in advance
PSN ID: EffectHunter
BiesiO_PL says
Missing Crew trophy, Please ADHD me to a Crew if there’s a good soul.
Nick: BiesiO_PL
Shahin says
Please help, shahin_em
zk89s says
anybody up to a crew lvl 50 trophy?
please add me:
PSN: keely89s
Kim Merli Knudsen says
Need a level 50 crew. Please add me.
PSN: kimmmerliknudsen
Also looking for autolog friends on Hot Pursuit Remastered.
gui005 says
Please add me for the level 50 crew
Id : gui005
Thanks a lot
Raed Arif says
I have crew lvl 45 if you want invite add me :
D robert says
Hy. I find a lvl50 crew for Trophy.
Nick: D_robert93
Inv me, thanks
Ftw says
I have a level 49 crew and I am he admin. We are at 4,400,000 / 6,200,000 away from level 50. I have 25 crew level slots available. Please join my crew and contribute.
CREW NAME : FTW3. Search and add asap
SprayActy says
Please add me: PSN SprayActy
CODENAME-11O72 says
I joint your crew accept me pls.
Psn : CODENAME-11O72
di_nuno says
Already sent a request. Please add me!
SprayActy says
Please invite me for lvl 50 Crew Trophy. Last Trophy for Platinum. Happy New Year!
PSN: SprayActy
Bazgona says
Looking to add friends for 25 online races, add me on PlayStation, Bazgona
Asgard0822 says
just started with heat, ok if i add you for this?
Bazgona says
Have trophys now, thanks.
Asgard0822 says
Looking to add friends for the 25 races and for a lvl 50 crew
feel free to add
PSN: Asgard0822
Zain says
I just add you
Sebastien Therrien says
Did you have a level 50 crew ?? If yes can you add me please. Thanks in advance.
PSN : deadbluesky666
CODENAME-11O72 says
Need friend for 25 online race pls add me
Brandan says
Hi. I also need a friwnd for 25 online races. Interested?
PSN ID: BrandanMocktar
di_nuno says
Looking for someone who can let me join their 50 level crew. Thank you!
Luszie says
Hi guys.
I am looking for someone who can help me achieve the online trophies. (especially the one with the lv 50 Crew)
Does anyone can help me? I would really much appriacte it.
PSN ID: Marshmallowcat95
Untelo says
Can someone invite me to a level 50 crew? Thank you.
PSN ID: Untelo
Pavel Klokočník says
I need the 50 lvl crew trophy, if someone can inv me pls? PSN: Fllutterboy
need help with the 25 online events. Please help me.
tark1511 says
Looking for boosting for the two MP trophies.
PSN: tark1511
NFRjunior56 says
Hi, o need the 50 level crew trophy, invite me ,pls
Thank tou!
Id: NFRjunior56
Lukas says
I would like to ask someone aswell to add me for crew LVL50 trophy. Thank you.
Please invite me for lvl 50 Crew Trophy. Last trophy for Platinum.
Thank you.
Axel says
Comeback Kid is bugged for me. Have done this a several times in different Races. In trophy!
Axel says
I meant „no“.
Jim says
You must stay in last place until last round if your place change before last lap then the trophy will not pop up.
Jim says
Also put the difficult to medium or hard.
Rockstarx2482 says
Please send an invite to join a level 50 crew.
PSN: Rockstarx2482
Ray says
PSN: GReeeeN-CanoN
looking for lv50 crew and 25 online events.
Pesinho says
could need LVL50 Crew Trophy. Please send an invite 🙂
PSN: Pesinho85
James says
Could someone send me an invite for a crew to hit level 50 trophy please.
PSN that_iceman9_MrJ
Guztov says
Could someone invite me to a level 50 crew? Thank you.
PSN ID: Guztov_PS
Wilzzzgg says
Crew Name: HyperAngel
Crew Level: 42
Join us for last push to lvl 50. All active players and leveling up fast
ASH says
Hi i have sent a request
Birdy says
Are people still playing this? I’m close to buying it, regardless of online trophy help. Tia
Justin Koenen says
Trying to get to crew REP Lvl 50.
psn: Jumako15
Ivan says
Can someone invite me to level 50 crew? I need that and around 10 more online races.
PSN: ivwan19
Moosa says
Hi there
More than 3 times deleted the data and started over but “consider me noticed” trophy doesn’t pop up!
Any tips?
Michael says
Can someone invite me a lvl 50 crew?
PSN: ShamanBlack98
Fogzila90 says
Hi, im looking for 50 lvl crew to join.Its my last trophy.
PSN: Fogzila90
SLK55K says
Hi, looking for a level 50 crew to join, thanks
Anyone up for boosting the online trophies (25 events)? My PSN is x-Timme
Viliam says
hi clear i am my nick Vilo790
Viliam says
The right one I created for the crew of everyone who joins in on the fast made 50 lvl name is FastWheels
Johan seegis says
Can you add me on your crew pls psn johnsergis. Thanks in advance
adnan.100 says
looking for someone to finish 25 online races
and I need a Level 50 Crew
PSN: baaguga_
petrelli37 says
I’m looking for level 50 Crew. I’m currently stuck in mine at lvl 44 and need 30 mil. rep.
PSN: Petrelli37
Thank you!
Vaxeler says
Can someone Invite me to a lvl 50 crew please?
PSN: Vaxeler
Thanks in advance!
Christie says
Need an invite to a Lvl50 Crew please! Thank you in advance 🙂
PSN: misscal97
Johan seegis says
Psn profil johnsergis Help pls I need crew lvl 50 !!
Dale says
Can someone Invite me to a lvl 50 crew please?
PSN: RedVeh
Thanks in advance!
Dazza says
If anyone has a level 50 crew, I’d be awfully appreciative of the platinum trophy.
ciepek96 says
Can someone Invite me to a lvl 50 crew please?
PSN: ciepek96
Thanks in advance
James says
Can someone invite me into a crew for level 50 trophy please. that_iceman9_MrJ
Kimfu says
can some one invite me to lvl 50 crew and play 25 online race:D
THX really helpfull
Psn kimfu
FlyByers says
25 online race trophy please add PSN: FlyByers
Peppe says
Can someone invite me to a lvl 50 crew please?
PSN: mpaPeppe
Thanks in advance
Tushkhu says
Can someone Invite me to a lvl 50 crew please?
PSN: Tushkhu
Thanks in advance!
Dylan says
Can someone invite me to a level 50 crew please
Ak2 says
This game deserves much more than 4/10 due to unfair difficulty level of police chases… If you drive 100mph police will drive 120, and if u drive 200 police will 240 🙂
Rey says
Anyone willing to grind for the 25 races? Just got the game from PS+ last week and want to knock them out. PSN ReyRey2k8 just throw in NFS heat 25 and ill know where you got PSN ID from. I’ll be on throughout next week after 6 pm EST and on/off tomorrow, 9/11
Momo says
25 online trophies add me on psn
Ak2 says
If anyone willing to invite me to 50lvl crew. My starting crew is only me playing. I managed to get 35 or something and im having a hard time now. THX in advance.
PSN: kdodoss22
Soul-_-Warrior says
Need help with the 25 online trophies, and need a level 50 crew. Mine is 31, but it’s progressing real slowly.
Seu_Madruga says
Looking for help with group lvl 50 and 25 online wins trophies.
Your PSN ID: Seu_Madruga_Oz
Michael says
Hi Guys,
I just installed the game but also going for the platinum of this game maybe we can team up for the online trophy’s
PSN ID: Jack-Snake
From the netherlands!
Dougernaut says
Can someone please invite me to a lvl 50 crew
Psn: Douggernaut-
Thank you
Razec16 says
Crew currently at lvl 37 and I’ve been leveling it up pretty much on my own. Message me if you wanna join to help out get it to 50.
IGN: razec16
Razec16 says
I’ve managed to find a lvl 50 crew through reddit so I now got the achievement and left the lvl 37 crew
NuN says
Would appreciate invite to 50lvl crew. My psn: NuNjEEe
Spardy says
If someone is interested, I have 4 friends on a crew, we are level 13 we want to get level 50
I can invite you, the more we are, the better
Send me a request my ID is Spardy
Z says
Sire says
Can someone please invite me to a lvl 50 crew
Psn: Siresopita.
Spardy says
Can someone invite me to level 50 crew???
Its the last trophie
Id: Spardy
Niko says
Could someone please invite me to a level 50 crew for the final trophy?
PSN: MachineHead007
luis says
Im also need a invite to get the lvl 50 crew trophy
psn: luis_frndo
thaank you!
Adam says
I’m looking for an invite to get the level 50 crew trophy, please.
Psn: IPityTheSewell
Jinkko says
I need Help. Could someone please invite me to a level 50 crew for the final trophy?
PSN: Filipe_Porto13
Thanks Guys
Rminzero says
Hi i Need Lvl 50 crew Trophy
Please Add me : RminZero ❤️
Zak says
Can anyone help me with 25 online events? PSN Hienze_Mustafa
Bird says
I just finally bought this. Lol Are there still ppl helping for the online trophy? If so, message me… Gators_win on ps5 I just got it so I’m not exactly ready for online yet. Can you do that part immediately or is it later in the game? TIA
iBansal says
Looking for lvl 50 crew and to do online events
PSN: iBansal
KlimaUredzaj says
What is wrong with this game? I cant get any trophy anymore and i fullfiled requirements for like 5 trophies… is it glitched? Any suggestion? Game was downloaded through ps plus.
KlimaUredzaj says
Can anyone add me for level 50 crew trophy?
PSN: KlimaUredzaj
Thank you ;)
John says
Looking for a Partner to help me get the Multiplayer trophies.
My PSN ID is WakeyGamer89
Pranay says
I will hit you up on your psn id. Let me know if you are willing to link now
Pranay says
PSN id: pranay1129
Cedric says
Looking for partner for online trophies
PSN ID unpredictable97
Alberto says
I’m looking for people to reach band level 50, and I’m almost there. My ID is Bujycarrion, and the band ID is Leveel 50 GOO!!
Pranay says
PSN id: pranay1129
I’ll hit you up
Marshmallowcat95 says
Can I join too? I am completely new but as I am seeing heavy boost is needed for the multiplayer trophies.
PSN : marshmallowcat95
pitleif69 says
I’ve sent a request to join as well. pitleif69.
Thanks in advance.
Mohammad says
If anyone is up for the online trophy, invite me PSN: Bugwarlock