Rocketeer is a Side Quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Rocketeer Side Quest and how to catch the assassin at midnight.
The goal of this side quest is to get Konrad Kyeser to come with you to Talmberg, to build a trebuchet for Main Quest “Siege“.
- Requirement: Have the active Main Quest “Siege“. Talk to Feyfar during this main quest.
- Starting Location: Talmberg
You will unlock the Rocketeer Side Quest during Main Quest “Siege“. It’s tied into this main quest. Just play the main story path and talk to Master Feyfar during “Siege” (he is a marked main objective in that quest).
Find Konrad Kyeser at the Sasau monastery
Head to the monastery in the north of Sasau. The easiest way to unlock the Konrad Kyeser location on the map is by talking to one of the monks in the monastery courtyard. They will tell you he’s in the house at the northern end of the monastery gardens. Below is the location marked on the map:

There’s a guard stationed outside the house called Urban. Talk to him and pick these dialogues so he lets you in:
- Does Master Kyeser live here?
- I need to speak with him
- (Persuasion) I was sent by Tobias Feyfar
He gives you the key to unlock the door. Then enter the right door on the bottom floor for a cutscene with Kyeser.
When talking to Kyeser, exhaust all dialogue options to get two new objectives.
Arrange for Konrad to leave the construction site and head to Talmberg
This is a long-term, quest-wide objective you get when talking to Kyeser. You learn that he can’t leave because he’s under contract to build the monastery. In order to make him go with you, you need to complete the next few objectives (those unlock when exhausting all dialogue options with Kyeser).
Make sure Karel is short on money for wages / Steal Master Builder Karel’s commission
Both of these objectives go hand in hand. If you want, you can go talk to Master Builder Karel. He is walking around the monastery courtyard, marked on the map. However, there is no way he will give permission to let Kyeser leave so we have to get creative and work on these two objectives.
Advance time until 2:00 AM at night. Then Karel will be sleeping in his house (he is marked on the map). Go there. He’s sleeping in a bed on the upper floor. Choke him out while he sleeps, then loot the trunk key and 50 Groschen from his body. You don’t want to kill him, just do a stealth-takedown and be quiet so his neighbor doesn’t wake up. Looting his 50 Groschen completes “Make sure Karel is short on money for wages“.
Walk over to the trunk, which is also on the upper floor where Karel sleeps. It’s marked on the map (next to another guy sleeping in a bed). You can open it with the trunk key you just looted from Karel. Take the commission that’s inside the trunk to complete “Steal Master Builder Karel’s commission“. See screenshot below for the trunk:

Note: make sure Karel doesn’t notice you. If Karel catches you, reload the last save. Otherwise, he will fight you when trying to talk to him later in the quest (or he runs away), thus you can’t progress the quest anymore.
You now have two methods to advance the quest. One costing you 450 Groschen but being quick, the other having a few extra steps but saving you 450 Groschen.
Option #1 (Fast but Expensive): Try to buy Karel off
You get this after stealing Karel’s 50 Groschen. You can advance time till the next day, then talk to Karel again. He will want 500 Groschen to let Kyeser go but you can haggle it down to 450. It’s the easiest and most straightforward option if you have a lot of money. If you need some fast money, go find a treasure.
If you take this option, skip the next few objectives and continue reading at “Tell Konrad he can leave“.
Option #2 (Longer but doesn’t cost anything): Show the stolen Commission to Konrad
Head back to Konrad Kyeser and talk to him. At night he’ll be sleeping on the ground floor, in the room where you talked to him earlier. If you take this route you can make a forgery of the commission and don’t have to pay Karel any money, thus saving you 450 Groschen (it only takes 5 minutes longer).
Get the Commission to the Scribe
Konrad tells you to go see the Scribe. He’ll be marked on the map at the fast travel point in the south of Sasau. Advance time until 11:00 AM the next day to make him spawn. Talk to him and he’ll make the forgery for you but will ask you to wait 1 hour.
Pick up the forged document from the Scribe
Use the “Wait” function to skip 1 hour. Then the document will be ready. Just talk to the Scribe again.
Put back the original commission
Go back to the upper floor of Master Builder Karel’s house and store “Karel’s commission” in the box where you stole it from. It’s listed under Other Items in your inventory. You must do this before talking to Karel or else he will figure out it’s a forgery, thus failing the objective.
Show the Forgery to Master Builder Karel
Karel should be working in the courtyard now, he’s marked on the map. Talk to him and show him the forged commission. He’ll walk with you to his trunk to compare the seal with the original, which is why you had to put it back in the trunk earlier.
Tell Konrad he can leave
Head back to Konrad Kyeser. When you tell him to leave he’ll say there are assassins after him and he doesn’t want to leave the house. So now you gotta take care of this before he will leave.
You are tasked with find out more about Peychar and watch out for the assassin at midnight. You can skip the first objective, when you catch the “assassin” (Peychar) at night it will complete both objectives at once.
(Can be Skipped) Find out more about Peychar
You can get Peychar’s location by talking to some guards in the monastery. At day he’s in northern Sasau inn near the monastery. You can talk to him there and it will solve this objective. You can skip this if you want. Doing the next objective solves this one automatically.

Watch out for the assassin at midnight
Simply head outside Kyeser’s house and hide in the barn that is attached to the house. Then advance time until 24:00 midnight. Peychar should be standing in front of the door to Kyeser’s house. If not, advance time in 1-hour increments. Sometimes this is a bit buggy so I recommend you create a manual save beforehand (drink saviour schnapps).
When the guy spawns, sneak up to him quietly from behind and talk to him. Don’t knock him out, just talk to him. If he notices you (e.g. when you run), he may attack. In that case, press +
to surrender. Then just walk around him for 1-2 minutes until the “talk” interaction becomes available again. You must catch him while he’s trying to break into the house to make it count for this objective.
Peychar reveals that all was just a misunderstanding, he didn’t attempt to murder anyone. Doesn’t matter what dialogues you pick with him.
Talk to Konrad Kyeser
Go back inside and tell Konrad what you found out. He’ll tell you to meet up with him at the Talmberg camp.
Talk to Feyfar about Konrad
When you go back to the Talmberg camp, a cutscene will play. Talk to Feyfar afterward (marked on map) to finish the quest. As a reward, the trunk in Feyfar’s tent is now unlocked. You can loot it for some high-priced gear.

This concludes the Rocketeer Side Quest. Please refer to step 3 of the Siege Main Quest Walkthrough now.
» Siege Main Quest Walkthrough
Balduihn says
You can complete the “Make sure Karel is short on money for wages” task if you beat him playing dice in tavern.
PowerPyx says
Nice, that works too then!
I think Kyeser mentioned this. And Karel went to the tavern in the evening around 19:00, right?
Pokey says
Also if you beat him in dice you can Immediately talk to him about being short on money and bribe him with a maximum bribe of 56 Groschen, since it’s so low I just offered 56 to be quick
Balduihn says
Exactly. Thanks for the guide!
Ronald says
Powerpyx did you do next to godliness? Do you stay virgin after it? It fail when night raids start , so can’t do virgin and all quest in one run then. Btw nice job on all your guides. I use them allot.
PowerPyx says
I didn’t do Next to Godliness.
Got Virgin & Merciful trophies in the end.
Carston says
So when I talk to Urban, he thinks I am a thief, then the game goes int a perpetual loading screen. No one else around Sassau or Monastery thinks I am a thief. Any workaround for this?
PowerPyx says
Just knock him out and loot his key to the door.
Carston says
Yeah he is pretty tough to get behind without being spotted since his back is against the wall, I guess I will wait until he walks away eventually so I can get behind him. Thanks for the input!
PowerPyx says
Hmm… you can try luring him away, maybe if he catches you doing something? Like aiming bow at him? You could also knock him out in a fistfight then. Not the most elegant solution and he’ll be angry when he meets you again, but it’s a workaround.
Probably best to just wait though. In the evening when he goes to bed you can follow him.
Also, there is some dude that goes in and out of that locked house. So sometimes you can slip through without a key, although I don’t know if the guard will go after you when he sees it.
Carston says
So it looks like Urban goes inside at 22:00, then comes back out at 9:00. I knocked him out as he was going inside, but then (I am guessing since I did not have the conversation) I am considered trespassing inside, and the guard comes after me. I just used my fists on him and was able to proceed to speak to Kyeser. Also, kinda funny, but now every time that guard sees me now he just runs away.
Rawr says
You forgot that Peychar will go to the camp and try to kill Konrad Keyser and in result souring your relation with him.
PowerPyx says
This never happened for me.
What camp do you mean? Peychar went to the Talmberg siege camp to murder Konrad? o_O
When exactly does that happen and how did you find out (i.e. did you talk to Konrad there again or who told you)?
In either case, sounds like this doesn’t impact anything. How your standing is with Konrad shouldn’t have any consequence (assuming he built the trebuchet already when this happened).
Vigi says
Same thing just happened to me. Peychar did show up in Talmberg Camp and tried to kill Keyser when I was speaking to Feyfar. Luckily guards ended him quickly.
After the events, Keyser will blame you for letting him go and tells you to get out of his sight. For others, just be careful when letting Peychar go.
Lucy says
In my game Peychar actually killed Keyser in the Talmberg Camp while I was talking with Feyfar. I had to load a previous save and just kill Peychar in the monastery.
Proxema says
Even though I was nice to Peychar and didn’t have a bad relationship with him, he still showed up to the Siege Camp the moment Konrad got there (after the cutscene). A few seconds after the cutscene ended, every guard in the garrison started screaming taunts and running for the hills. (being the bloodthirsty man that I am, I instantly followed) I watch Peychar attempt to outrun nearly 10 guards. After I rode him down and killed him, he gave me “Objective complete: Kill Peychar”
PowerPyx says
So weird. I never got this.
Not sure what triggers it.
I only interrogated Peychar when he tried to break into the house, didn’t harm him, then told Konrad it’s all good and he went to Talmberg. Never heard of Peychar again.
RipKonrad says
It must be RNG, I did it the first time without the Peychar assassination, was later forced to load a save prior to the quest completing, and the second completion (with the exact same dialogue options and similar timings) had Peychar turn up and knock Konrad out before dying. Might be to do with completing all the side objectives first? Only thing I did different
Cantwait says
Same here in my playtrough. Peychar tried to kill Konrad at the Talmberg siege camp. It happened shortly after Konrads arrival at Talmberg camp, if i’m not completely wrong.
I also think it doesn’t really matter, because he will not be able to kill Konrad. The soldiers killed him right away when he was sneaking into the area around the trebuchet. Thats at least what I was able to see.
Adam says
He’s not turning up at the door for me at all
Randy says
I waited an extra hour after midnight and peychar just appeared in the house and the guard killed him instead. rip.
kr00z says
Yeah Quest was bugged for me, no assassin showed at the door at Konrad. So I ended up beating Konrad into submission to force him to go to Talmberg xd
And then Peychar showed at the camp as well, and I killed him with the guards. Seems like the “catch the assassin at midnight” is bugged for some of us (I also had this bug : you talk to Urban and he screams that you’re a thief because you didnt put back the bowl of the Saint (impossible to put the bowl back where it was ofc, you cannot even drop it out of inventory). Talking to Urban would trigger inifinite loading, so I had to kill him.
Perhaps it’s a serie of events that makes the game bug for the next quests duh.
Aegon says
Option #1 (Fast but Expensive):
I was able to haggle it down to 430 Groschen
Baalzie says
Bah! Humbug!
Feyfar allegedly gave me a key to his trunk (game said so) but it’s still locked with a very Hard lock (that I still can’t pick, even though I can pick many Very Hard locks).
So many bugs in this game… *sigh*
Also had to reload 3 times and do 1 hr increments for Peychar to arrive at the door…
Inquisitor956 says
Beware, I let Peychar go and he managed to get into the camp and kill Konrad before the guards got to him. I was stuck talking to Feyfar because I did not expect anything like that to happen, so I couldn’t help him. Luckily I saved just before heading back to Talmberg so I can try and defend him next time.
Solobrus22 says
Karel only asked me for 50 Groschen, and i haggled down to 43.
When i fast traveled back to Talmberg to end the quest, the assassin showed up right after the cut-scene and killed Konrad Kyeser. (who mysteriosly came back to life next time i visited Talmberg)
Hartgroove says
For those who is on no kill walkthrough, if you forgot to put bowl back after showing it to Urban and he is attacking you. Run away from combat and return next day, he will forget about everything and you don’t have to kill him.
Oranges says
You don’t have to kill him anyway. I just beat him with fists and robbed him afterwards.
Mike says
I did the silent knockout and there’s no key or groschen on him WTF
Kamamura says
Guys, such a simple ruse, and you did not see through it. Peychar is not innocent, he really wants to kill Keyser. When you talk to him in the inn, he says he is a cloth merchant. If you catch him at the Keyser’s door, he tries to tell you he has quarrel with the other guy in the house whom he supplies with salt and spices (not cloth!).
He is lying, a merchant would not break armed into other people’s house. The proof is that he later tries to kill Keyser at Talmberg.
TFK says
I kept reloading it for like an hour or two, but Peychar never showed up at the door. So I went ahead and killed him, that solved my problem and completed the quest.
Rummanheim says
I had the same thing happen to me with Peychar trying to Kill Kyeser at the camp in Talmberg. He didn’t succeed tho. But for my next playthrough, I just said that I didn’t believe a word, and when he walked away I stealth killed him and dragged him into the barn where you hide while your waiting. Got the kill Peychar objective complete, and reputation with Kyeser.
Rummanheim says
Oh ya, also, I decided to pay Karel off and it wasn’t 500gs. The starting price to buy Kyesers services after I stole Karels coin was 2000gs :o
plel says
For those who want to do this quest properly, and are wondering “why” Peychar tries to kill Konrad, the details can be found in Peychar’s room at the inn in the locked trunks. Pick the lock to his room when he’s out, or at night while he’s sleeping. If your lockpicking skills are low, then pickpocket Peychar while he’s outside or while he’s sleeping. He has 2 keys. A Room key and a trunk key. Use the trunk key on the trunks.
Robert says
I need some help …
I got in to a fight with Karel and i stole hes money , i did all other quests tho with making a forge document and placing it back to hes house. BUt now i cant complete quest ”buy Karel off” because he always runs away from me when he sees me… HOw can i pass this ?
Payton says
The “assassin” showed up to my camp and killed ACTUALLY KILLED HIM. Might want to add this into possibilities for the ending of this. Will it affect the making of the trebuchet? Don’t know yet. Not gonna find out.
Shaun says
I ended up stealing Karels money, doing the dialogue that allows you to bribe him due to him having no money, It wanted 2k groschen, talked him down to 1500, paid it and followed him a few minutes, pickpocketed my money back. All worked flawlessly
ATN says
You can sneak up on Karel in his home and choke him out, then steal the document from a trunk on second floor.