Cauldrons are dungeons in Horizon Zero Dawn. They are tough indoor areas with high level enemies and more complicated structures than normal missions. They get marked on the map after going near them / when climbing Tallnecks. There are only 4 of them in total. Each one of them unlocks new overrides for your spear. This can be used to turn hostile machines into friends. They will then attack other machines and help you in combat.
The higher level Cauldrons let you override the biggest machines in the game which is very useful for story missions.
Cauldron Locations:
Cauldron Sigma
Go to the cauldron sigma icon on map and hold Triangle-Button at the door to open it.
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Cauldron RHO
Very straight forward one. Simply rapel down at the marked cauldron symbol on your map to enter the cave. It’s in plain sight.
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Cauldron XI
Loot Excavation Key from one of the guards to open the door
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Cauldron Zeta
Climb up the rock pillar in front of the huge glowing metal door, then enter via an opening by the cliff.
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Cauldron Unlocks / Rewards:
Cauldron Sigma
Unlocks overrides for the following machines:
- Sawtooth
- Scrapper
- Grazer
- Lancehorn
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Cauldron RHO
Unlocks overrides for the following machines:
- Trampler
- Shell-Walker
- Snapmaw
- Longleg, Ravager
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Cauldron XI
Unlocks overrides for the following machines:
- Glinthawk
- Freeze Bellowback
- Stalker
- Behemoth
- Fire Bellowback
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Cauldron Zeta
Unlocks overrides for the following machines:
- Stormbird
- Thunderjaw
- Rockbreaker
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Dementiiia says
Why the fuck am I having trouble with the level 20 cauldron on normal when I’m level 28?
PowerPyx says
Try to exploit the enemies weaknesses and hitting their weak spots (most are weak to certain elemental damage – see your notebook for enemy info).
If something is too hard you can always switch to easy in game options and then put it back to normal afterwards.
Tan says
Well, the game rewards skill, and enemy damage does not scale to your level. All damage taken deals the same amount of damage regardless of your level.
M says
with this game you cant rely on quest lv generally you have to add 10 lvs and that gives the actual starting point for attempting the content
Anthony says
Any idea why the kill one of every type of acquisition machines won’t pop? I’ve killed every machine in the game multiple times. Especially the acquisitions. It’s the last one i need for platinum and it just won’t pop.
oedalis says
I’ve overridden the core—why won’t cauldron Xi override unlock for me?
joel says
re download your game?
Lunzifer says
Is there a possibility that “all cores overridden” is bugged? It says done next to every couldron -.- my last trophy missing. Also I am not able to enter Zeta again after completing it.
Lethaterr says
If you’re having trouble in the cauldron on normal at lvl 20, well just lol. I’m lvl 16 playing very hard. In a lol 35 area fighting thundjaws, scorcher and and rockbreakers ?
M says
with this game you cant rely on quest lv generally you have to add 10 lvs and that gives the actual starting point for attempting the content