Days Gone contains 13 RIP Sermon Locations. The R.I.P. Sermons are a type of Collectible. Finding them adds towards your Collectible Completion. They are propaganda speakers from the Rippers faction that you can cut down. This guide shows all Days Gone RIP Sermon Locations in the same order as the in-game Collectible Menu. You can keep track of your progress in the menu.
None of these collectibles are missable! After the story there’s free-roam and you can go back to all regions and finish up any side activities and collectibles you have left. It’s worth noting that there are two temporary points of no return. One at the end of 3rd region “Lost Lake” and one more at the end of 5th region “Crater Lake”. This will lock you out of some regions until the end of the story. After the story the whole map opens up again and you can continue collecting.
RIP Sermons Guide
The order & numbering in this guide is the same as the in-game Collectible Menu! In the location images the character arrow marks the spot.
#1: Fear the Rising
#2: Don’t Run
#3: Pain is a Gift
#4: Set You Free
#5: Destroy Your Ego
#6: Sacrifice for Freedom
#7: One Mind
#8: Founder’s Tale
#9: The Ultimate Goal
#10: Rest in Peace
#11: The Free
#12: The Rising is Coming
#13. Join or Die
That’s all in RIP Sermon Locations in Days Gone.
For all other Days Gone Collectible Types check out the full Days Gone Collectibles Guide.
Javi says
I can’t find sermon 3 , it’s just not there , do I need to progress more in the story ?
Levi says
There is a ripper camp around ther that you get a camp quest for clearing and it has the sermon on the cliff above
Monte says
The First R.I.P Sermon in your Video ist not there for me. Is this a bug?
PowerPyx says
I went there during a side mission, given by Copeland (Cascade Encampment). It might be linked to this. Right during this mission I got it. Try doing all encampment jobs in Cascade Region, see if that spawns it. And let me know if that worked so I can update the requirement for everyone
Sucha says
i can’t get 1# Rip sermon too
Missy says
RIP Sermon 3 is missing for me as well. Went back to look for it after completing 100% of everything else in collectibles (story, tourism, character, etc) as well as finished the main story and killed every horde and still can’t get sermon 3 to spawn for me. Frustrating!
namenamename says
Did you get it somehow?