Days Gone has 33 Herbology Plant Collectible Locations. Finding all Plants adds to your collectible completion. They can also be sold to camps for money and some are used for crafting. This guide shows all Days Gone Plants in the same order as the in-game Herbology Menu. You can keep track of your progress in the menu.
All of these plants are found in the wilderness. Some appear only in specific regions while others are commonly spread across the world.
None of these collectibles are missable! After the story there’s free-roam and you can go back to all regions and finish up any side activities and collectibles you have left. It’s worth noting that there are two temporary points of no return. One at the end of 3rd region “Lost Lake” and one more at the end of 5th region “Crater Lake”. This will lock you out of some regions until the end of the story. After the story the whole map opens up again and you can continue collecting.
Simply pick up what you find on your own during the story. After the story you can reference what you’re missing in the Collectible Menu and look it up in the list below.
Plant Locations
The order & numbering in this guide is the same as the in-game Collectible Menu! In the location images the character arrow marks the spot.
#1: Bearberry
#2: Black Currant
#3: Bristly Manzanita
#4: Bunchberry
#5: Cloudberry
#6: Crowberry
#7: Desert Hackberry
#8: Golden Currant
#9: Salmon Berry
#10: Agoseris
#11: Arrowhead
#12: Beargrass
#13: Bistort
#14: Bitterroot
#15: Blue Camas
#16: Bulrush
#17: Coltsfoot
#18: Indian Pipe
#19: Mayweed
#20: Mountain Sorrel
#21: Silverweed
#22: Stonecrop
#23: Wild Bergamot
#24: Wood Lily
#25: Lavender
#26: Golden Chanterelle
#27: Horn of Plenty
#28: Ink Cap
#29: King Bolete
#30: Larch Bolete
#31: Mica Cap
#32: Scaly Hedgehog
#33: Water Hemlock
Those are all plants you can find in Days Gone.
For all other Days Gone Collectible Types check out the full Days Gone Collectibles Guide.
Chris says
Just to note #6 is Crowberry not Blue Camas
PowerPyx says
Well spotted, somehow the names got mixed up (the location is the right one for #6 but the plant name was wrong). This has been fixed now, thanks for reporting and helping to make the guide better
Rj says
Am i missing something?? I went to the spot on the map for water hemlock but there is none there only mayweed and agrosis. Does water hemlock only show up after a certain mission or something?? Keep in mind like most people who are completing the entire game before they do collectibles i am collecting them as i go along in the story so i am wondering if maybe they don’t spawn until after a certain mission??
Rj says
Nevermind my post. After doing some research theres a mission called “i have a plan” that gets you to gather water hemlock. So it is after this mission water hemlock will start spawning around the map for me. Thanks anyway
Duncan P Witherspoon says
Thank you! I had the same issue. I picked every plant and tree within 100 yards of the area and no hemlock was to be found, Guess I just need to do more missions and progress the story.
BumBum says
Thank you ur answer helped much
Athor says
still best map guide around as today Tyvm great work