Days Gone has 33 Character Collectible Locations. Finding all Character Collectibles counts towards the trophy “The Broken Roadshow” (get 75% collectibles in the game). This guide shows all Character Collectible Locations in the same order as the in-game Collectible Menu. You can keep track of your progress in the menu.
Most of these collectibles are found inside camps. Some are automatic story rewards and only a few are found out in the wilderness.
None of these collectibles are missable! After the story there’s free-roam and you can go back to all regions and finish up any side activities and collectibles you have left. It’s worth noting that there are two temporary points of no return. One at the end of 3rd region “Lost Lake” and one more at the end of 5th region “Crater Lake”. This will lock you out of some regions until the end of the story. After the story the whole map opens up again and you can continue collecting.
The best approach is to grab what you can find during the story. Then after the story you can reference what you’re missing in the Collectible Menu and look it up in the list below.
Character Collectibles
The order & numbering in this guide is the same as the in-game Collectible Menu! In the location images the character arrow marks the spot.
#1: Leon – “Crude Drawing of an Angel Statue”
Automatic unlock during prologue.
#2: Copeland – “The Right to Bear Arms”
Found in the Copeland’s camp (the camp in 1st region). It’s upstairs on the top level.
#3: Copeland – “Hunting Season”
Found in the Copeland’s camp (the camp in 1st region). It’s upstairs on the top level.
#4: Manny – “Happy Birthday, Stud”
Found in Copeland’s camp (the camp in 1st region). It’s inside the bike mechanic shop (behind the mechanic vendor).
#5: Manny – “Zen and the Art of Bike Repair”
Found in Copeland’s camp (the camp in 1st region). It’s to the right side of the bike mechanic shop.
#6: Tucker – “Trust No One”
Found in Hot Springs camp (the camp in 2nd region). In the middle of the camp, on a bench where Ada Tucker sits (the old woman that gives you Camp Jobs, she’s the camp leader).
#7: Tucker – “I Can’t Go On”
Found in 2nd region (Belknap), in the town in the north-east of the region where a gas station is. In this town go to the yellow building in the south-east corner of the town. There’s a police car parked in front of it. In the kitchen you’ll find this collectible.
#8: Alkai – “A Portrait of Salome”
Found in Hot Springs camp (the camp in 2nd region). On a table left of the merchant in that camp.
#9: Lisa – “Have a Good Day”
Found in 2nd region (Belknap), in the town in the north-east of the region where a gas station is. During main mission “It’s Not Safe Here” you can find this in the barricaded blue house in the south-west corner of the town. You can’t enter the building before this mission (during the mission you’ll use a ladder to enter through the balcony).
#10: Lisa – “I Can’t Forget”
Automatic story-related collectible, cannot be missed. You get this during story mission “Searching for Lisa” in Lost Lake.
#11: Boozer – “Our Only Guest”
Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Inside your room, next to Boozer’s bed (ZZZ-sleep icon on map).
#12: Boozer – “My Beautiful Wife”
Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Inside your room, next to your bed where you can go to rest (ZZZ-sleep icon on map).
#13: Rikki – “Wrench in Hand”
Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Inside a small house with green rooftop at the southern edge of the camp. Inside the house is a wrench on a kitchen counter.
#14: Rikki – “Your Lamp in the Sky”
(Same building as Character Collectible #13). Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Inside a small house with green rooftop at the southern edge of the camp. After entering the house turn left and look at the wall behind the door to find a picture hanging there.
#15: Skizzo – “The Shit List”
Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Found inside a building in the north-west corner of the camp. On the world map it has a black roof.
#16: Skizzo – “With Honours”
(Same building as Character Collectible #15). Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Found inside a building in the north-west corner of the camp. On the world map it has a black roof.
#17: Iron Mike – “I’ll Always Be With You”
Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Found inside the biggest house in the camp, in the mansion where Mike lives. It’s the big building furthest north in the camp on a little hill. On the top floor in the bedroom, on table next to the bed.
#18: Iron Mike – “Let There Be Peace”
(Same building as Character Collectible #17). Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Found inside the biggest house in the camp, in the mansion where Mike lives. It’s the big building furthest north in the camp on a little hill. On the ground floor of the building by the chimney fire you find this item.
#19: Addy – “Straying From the Path of God”
Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Found inside the infirmary, on the upper floor. It’s the building where sick people are being treated, across from the merchant shop (straight after entering the camp through the main gate).
#20: Addy – “The Old Generator”
(Same building as Character Collectible #19). Located in Iron Mike’s camp (the camp in 3rd region). Found inside the infirmary, on the ground floor. It’s the building where sick people are being treated, across from the merchant shop (straight after entering the camp through the main gate).
#21: Colonel – “Sleepy Tea”
Located at 5th camp “Wizard Island” (Crater Lake region). It’s in a tent at the very top of the hill in this camp.
#22: Colonel – “The Good Book”
(Same tent as Character Collectible #21). Located at 5th camp “Wizard Island” (Crater Lake region). It’s in a tent at the very top of the hill in this camp.
#23: Kouri – “To Have And to Hold”
Automatic story-related collectible, cannot be missed.
#24: Kouri – “To Protect and Serve”
Located in Diamond Lake Camp (4th camp, found in Crater Lake region). In a green tent.
#25: Doc Jiminez – “Doctor Arturo”
Located in Wizard Island camp (5th camp, found in Crater Lake region). The collectible is in a green tent next to a guard tower.
#26: Weaver – “Look to the Stars”
Automatic story-related collectible, cannot be missed. You get it from Story Mission “He’s Not Big on Tunes”.
#27: Weaver – “Chemical Reactions”
Automatic story-related collectible, cannot be missed. You get it from Story Mission “You Alone I Have Seen”.
#28: Taylor – Flying High
In your bedroom in the 5th camp “Wizard Island” of Crater Lake region.
#29: Taylor – Delivery Boy
(Same room as #28). In your bedroom in the 5th camp “Wizard Island” of Crater Lake region.
#30: Sarah – My Old Lady
Found inside Cloverdale Iron Butte Research Facility (Iron Butte Region). It’s the fenced building complex. It’s on the upper floor. Wait until you head there in the story to open up this area. You can still return later through the opening in the fence to the right of the guardhouse entrance.
#31: Jessie – “Riding With the Mongrels”
Automatic story-related collectible, cannot be missed.
#32: Jessie – “They Shall Be Of One Mind”
Automatic story-related collectible, cannot be missed.
#33: Jim – Advisory Warning
Found in Iron Butte Region, in the guardhouse to the fenced building complex where Sarah worked.
That’s all of the Days Gone Character Collectible Locations.
For all other Days Gone Collectible Types check out the full Days Gone Collectibles Guide.
Andrew Akehurst says
Thanks. That was very helpful.
Sara says
Thanx dude ???
Verno31 says
Awesome write up! I always look at your guides! Thank you
Andrew O'Brian says
100% AMAZING guide. One of the best I’ve ever used.
Thanks for taking the time to create it.
Brian says
This is 100% the best guide I’ve ever used. Thank you so much for all the work.
Łukasz says
Thank You so much for your work!
Lindsey Wright says
Fantastic guides!
Aonbt says
Thanks, excellent help?