There are 6 Camp Guitarist Locations in Days Gone. They are a type of Collectible. They will play a guitar song for you which gets added to the Collectible Menu.
All of them are found in the 3rd camp called Iron Mike’s. It’s the camp in Lost Lake region.
They all spawn between 7pm – 10pm (19:00 – 22:00) in the gazebo to the left after entering the camp through the main entrance (it’s behind the bounties vendor). One spawns every evening. However, it’s important to note that only a single one can spawn every evening, not more than that. When the Guitarist is ready to begin you can see a drummer in the gazebo. Then the drummer stops and lets the Guitarist play. The lights around the Gazebo will also light up to signal this. They cannot spawn at day or night, only in the evening.
Here’s the location where they all spawn:
How to Farm All Camp Guitarists: Sleep until Morning in your hut at the 3rd camp. Then fast travel between two locations, ideally one should be a gas station. The O’Leary Mountain Safehouse (Boozer’s Tower) has a small gas station and is perfect for this. Travel between this and any other location to advance time. Refuel at the gas station. When it’s late afternoon you fast travel back to Iron Mike’s camp (plan for the time advancement when traveling there). It should be around 7pm when you arrive. Then wait at the gazebo behind the bounties vendor and a guy will come to pick up the guitar (can take a few minutes). In the top right corner it will show when it’s a new song you haven’t got yet. The songs trigger in the same order as the Collectible Menu lists them. So the order will be 1-2-3-4-5-6. If you skip an evening it may skip a song though and you must cycle through them again.
An alternative method is to wait by the gazebo and let the in-game time advance on its own. This takes longer but requires no input by you at all. You can simply keep the PS4 running for an hour or so while standing in this spot.
List of Songs:
- Yesterday
- Mirrors
- Our Lies
- Perfect
- She’s My Drug
- Sun Won’t Shine
None of these are missable! After the story there’s free-roam and you can go back to the third camp. Even though there’s a “Point of No Return” at the end of Lost Lake region this is only temporary and the Guitarists still spawn after the story when the map opens up again.
That’s all for this collectible type. If you begin with this early in Region 3 you can simply check between every main story mission if the Guitarist is there. Remember they only spawn at evening, not at day or night.
For all other Days Gone Collectible Types check out the full Days Gone Collectibles Guide.
Arkonite says
These songs are great !
Chris says
A better tactic if you’re endgame (with full bike fuel/engine upgrade) and looking to get the secret ending is to sleep at lost lake, travel to bear bay ambush site, then o’Leary’s camp (the first camp), refuel and then head back to lost lake and go to the bandstand behind the bounties, then just wait a few seconds and he’ll walk up and start playing
M0rbid0ne says
This idea works great. Was trying to find the right combo and this was it to get my 100% on him. Simple and worked.
Herb says
There is no secret ending. It’s just the last mission.
Sinon says
You can always just sleep twice , and wait a couple secs
PowerPyx says
Didn’t work for me because when you sleep it won’t be the right time.
Pogie says
Sleeping Twice works…Nice songs….hehehe.
Sinon says
Ah that’s odd then , as it kept putting it to 6pm each time after sleeping twice
Adele says
Same here.
Chris says
Anyone know if these are real songs? I kinda dig them and cant find anything online about any of them
Tony says
Zander Reese – he’s on Spotify
Zoku says
Well, I slept at Mike’s camp twice. It worked for me. Good Luck Guys!
Victor says
If you sleep after 6:00 pm always waking up at 7:05 am so when you wake up just sleep again you will wake up at 6:04 pm than walk to the gazebo wait just 4 min ( 1min = ~ 20 min in game ) Have fun