The Healer is a Side Quest in Assassin’s Creed Origins. This walkthrough shows how to complete the quest.
Recommended Level: 3
Region: Siwa
Reward: 600 XP + Legendary Trinket
- Find and get the jars from the sunken ship
- Bring back the jars to Rabiah
- Kill the soldiers pillaging the “House of Life”
- Return to Rabiah
In this short side mission, Bayek needs to retrieve some sunken medicine crates from the lake. Use Senu to track the exact locations of the three jars (make sure you are currently following the quest, otherwise Senu won’t find anything) and get in the water. Once you are in the water, the game will show you the basic controls of diving: to dive and
to get back to the surface. The three jars are located quite close to each other and Bayek’s lungs seem to be trained very well – you can easily get all three items in one go. After collecting all three, you’re supposed to deliver the jars to Rabiah, who is currently healing people in the temple in Siwa. After a short cutscene, you’ll need to kill a few soldiers who make the life of the villagers and especially the wounded ones harder than it needs to be. There is a total of nine soldiers around – and they are all scattered around the area, so you will have an easy time stealthing or shooting them. After clearing out the temple, talk to Rabiah again to conclude this mission.
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